Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

Eventually they'll just put 'hey PlanetCricket member'...

I think the automatic reply will be next:

"Dear ( your name here )

Please just leave us alone. We don't know, we don't care. Would you like to order Lords of Football instead?"
Heres a copy and paste of my reply from shopto this morning when I asked them about the release date.

Tristram Stalham posted:

Hi Kevin,

I can confirm that we have looked into this and the 4/04/2014 is for India and Australia and the UK release date is the 11/04/2014


Looks like its the 11th for us!

Tris stop making same shit up everyday.. Where they looked up ??
What are you on about. The guy is doing his job. I am actually impressed about how quickly they get in touch.

Dutch this is kind of auto generated response for everyone nothing really new or special. I chatted with someone from game and they said they checked on system and are positive that date is 4th.

I will hardly trust anyone unless trublu or BA comes up with something.
Dutch this is kind of auto generated response for everyone nothing really new or special. I chatted with someone from game and they said they checked on system and are positive that date is 4th.

I will hardly trust anyone unless trublu or BA comes up with something.

If you want to go through life calling people a liar. Fine. Doesn't mean you are right.
If you want to go through life calling people a liar. Fine. Doesn't mean you are right.

If you stop making things up would be fine. I didn't called anyone liar just that no one is informed accurately what is going on apart from BA or Trublu and I will believe when I hear from them.

I dont want to decide who is liar game or other guys.
Just contacting GAME via live chat i will let you know what they say i have asked about date and steelbook :cheers


"We have been informed by the publisher it will be the 4th, however we have no information of a steelbook being released"
these two quotes are directly one after the other i.e. @Ross is replying directly to @MattW

So if it's not the 4th, at Game at least, what excuse will he have then?

And this is the first response on twitter.

PlanetCricket ?@PlanetCricket Mar 21
@GAMEHeadrow Can we assume that this is UK-wide?

GAME Headrow ?@GAMEHeadrow Mar 21
@PlanetCricket it will be in all our stores yes
If you want to go through life calling people a liar. Fine. Doesn't mean you are right.

I think you're way out of order.

Calling someone a liar without any base in fact is the done thing.... but you then afterwards have to say you're "over it" and "moving on" but then snipe at every opportunity.
I emailed another GAME employee to see what they said this looks confirmation that the game will release on the 4th April, his response was " We are unaware as to whether this is a steel book edition, however i can confirm that we are releasing the game on the 4/04/2014 and not the 11/04/2014" positive sign was i did not even mention the 11th April, i just said we were confused at the different dates given his name was Brett :cheers

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