Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

I think you're way out of order.

Calling someone a liar without any base in fact is the done thing.... but you then afterwards have to say you're "over it" and "moving on" but then snipe at every opportunity.

So whom shall we call a liar Game Employees or employees because both of them got there dates from publisher ??

May be none of them are liars and publisher is giving them different dates.

I wish this release date Chaos would have never happened for Europe or at-least BA was also the publisher and not Trublu.
Tris stop making same shit up everyday.. Where they looked up ??

If you stop making things up would be fine. I didn't called anyone liar just that no one is informed accurately what is going on apart from BA or Trublu and I will believe when I hear from them.

I dont want to decide who is liar game or other guys.

I am not making things up: which seems to be your standard answer to everything that doesn't fit your personal opinion. I am basing my conclusion on the fact that you accused the employee named Trish at shopto of making shit up; i.e lying. You called him, and now me a liar. Nice one...


So whom shall we call a liar Game Employees or employees because both of them got there dates from publisher ??

May be none of them are liars and publisher is giving them different dates.

I wish this release date Chaos would have never happened for Europe or at-least BA was also the publisher and not Trublu.

FFS maybe they are just blokes doing their job and are trying their best to help people.
I am not making things up: which seems to be your standard answer to everything that doesn't fit your personal opinion. I am basing my conclusion on the fact that you accused the employee named Trish at shopto of making shit up; i.e lying. You called him, and now me a liar. Nice one...

You're missing the point.

If you pass on information that you are told , even you most clearly state that this is what you are doing, and if that information should have any hint of not being 100% accurate then you are indeed a liar and shall be labelled such at every opportunity for as many pages as it takes to bore the shit out of every other soul on here.


FFS maybe they are just blokes doing their job and are trying their best to help people.

In SniperDave's my experience they are the worst liars of all. No good deed shall go unpunished.
You're missing the point.

If you pass on information that you are told , even you most clearly state that this is what you are doing, and if that information should have any hint of not being 100% accurate then you are indeed a liar and shall be labelled such at every opportunity for as many pages as it takes to bore the shit out of every other soul on here.


In my SniperDave's experience they are the worst liars of all.

Stop hijacking my 'liar-accusing discreditation rampage'...........
Rattled much? What's the line today? Should we accept retailers' dates or not accept them? And if we do accept them, do we accept game's or everyone else's?
Tru Blu end this madness soon please :facepalm
Going on what I am TOLD it is the 4th for the UK but it is tight which is why some retailers MAY be saying the 11th (perhaps they have extra wharehousing or processing requirements(?), I'm totally guessing on that front so please no hanging, drawing and quartering).

The way I see it is that you're either getting the game between the 4th and the 11th April.
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I dont suppose anyone has emailed Game and asked them the same sort of Questions Blocker has sent to other retailers. Something along the lines of 'Everyone else is listing the game as 11th April or later, any clarity on how come Game has a listing of a week earlier' not sure whether they would answer that question. Could be one for the guy on here who works for Game to investigate

Still says the 4th on the system here. I'm ringing around to see what I can find out. Will report back if/when I find anything guys ;)
I am loathe to share anything with SniperDave going on and on, however going on what I am TOLD it is the 4th for the UK but it is tight which is why some retailers MAY be saying the 11th (perhaps they have extra wharehousing or processing requirements(?), I'm totally guessing on that front so please no hanging, drawing and quartering).

The way I see it is that you're either getting the game between the 4th and the 11th April.

Thank you. :thumbs At Least with this we know a little and that eases some thoughts. With everyone coming up with theories everyday just turn into a whirlwind of unfounded crazyness.
So that should mean that if things are tight and the game isn't ready for the 4th, that some places will deliver it on the 7th/8th. The release date is the 4th, but sites like Amazon and the others are warning us the customer that it might not be with us until the 11th.

As says: This is a pre-order - the item will be despatched to you on or before the release date of 11/04/2014 - subject to change by the publisher.

"before" being the operative word.

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