Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

Any news on the CA update and can we get it in the UK?
Gee reading some of the posts in here is mind blowing. Many are carrying on as if the only day they'll ever get to play it is release day and if it doesn't arrive that day the sky will fall in.

Ross has given over and above what we'd ever get from any other developer. Early screenshots, game info, planet Cricket exclusives etc.. This list is huge when you think about it! Whenever he's given us any information, it's been open and upfront. When that information has changed, he's been on hand to explain why how it's altered as soon as he has been able to. If he's currently saying he's under NDA and can't disclose then why should we believe any differently? As always, he'll fill us in when and if he's able to.
Having a go at him while he can't reply because of NDA is almost akin to tying someone's hands behind their back and punching them in the face!
Personally, I'm grateful he's here and shared the game's journey with us. I know if I was in his position I'd have nicked off ages ago with some of the rants that go on around here (although I admit I do like the spice he adds to a few of them!)

Fact is, we are getting the game sooner rather than later - and we'll all play the crap out of it regardless of when it gets to us.
I dont know @Ross.
but i prefer to think he is a good lad.

Still, big shame no definitive UK release date.

It cannot be the greatest secret of all time now is it ?:spy


Good news !

Gamexchange says they have confirmation of UK release date as 11 April

Don Bradman Cricket 14 - April 11th Confirmed UK Release Date on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360! Trade-in your unwanted games towards it now. / GameXchange - Trade in Games or Sell Games for Cash / Trade in games and DVDs or sell for CASH online. Top val

Looks definitive now.
Dont need to wait till 2015 to hear from TruBlu
Most people are saying "The release is a farce" which, lets be frank, it is. No one is saying "The release is a farce and its all Ross's fault and I hope that he dies" because that would be dumb, and misattributes what is obviously as issue with TruBlu and this Alternative Software crowd. I'd question the logic of announcing release dates for a cricket game without having a contract signed with a UK distributor which seems to have happened; and the lack of news since the start of the month has just greatly concerned people. Again, if the 11th was said before all of this started, it would have been easier on everyone, I think.

Your argument is predicated on something that is just not true and none here are in a position to argue otherwise because it is baseless in fact.

The good news is that the game can't be far away because no one's going to want to sit on stock that they have paid for, some of which I have seen with my own two eyes so know is real.
Its not the delay that's the problem, its the message that's being conveyed by the delay. The average person will see it as "Well, they can't even release a game so its probably going to be shit!" and they'll not buy it, while an organised delay for the UK would not be noticed by many buyers. We all want the game to do well (if its as good as it seems, I have an issue with people going like 'THIS IS THE PERFECT CRICKET GAME!' when they haven't even played it, its never going to be as good as you think it will be acting like that), just the UK release is coming across as being a mess and the average consumer won't care about "Well, TruBlu and Alternative Software..."; they'll just see is as "Don Bradman Cricket 14"...
Apparently the average consumer doesn't know it's coming so they won't be worried :)
Your argument is predicated on something that is just not true and none here are in a position to argue otherwise because it is baseless in fact.

The good news is that the game can't be far away because no one's going to want to sit on stock that they have paid for, some of which I have seen with my own two eyes so know is real.

How is it "baseless in fact"? You can't argue saying that someone doesn't have facts without presenting some of your own; that's a basic logical fallacy. Additionally; this isn't a fact-based thing, its all based on perceptions which by definition are not entirely factual; they are how people react and see events with the information that they can acquire at the time. You have inside knowledge and know mostly where things are, that changes your perception on things. Those of us on the outside are looking at this lack of information from the publisher and UK distributer and the, at the last count, 5 different dates and see it as being quite farcical. On the inside, it probably does seem rather organised and sensible, but not from this end.

Apparently the average consumer doesn't know it's coming so they won't be worried

"Average consumer" was the wrong words; but you see people who are vaguely following the game who are now assuming its like AC13 because of the release date ping-pong...
How is it "baseless in fact"? You can't argue saying that someone doesn't have facts without presenting some of your own; that's a basic logical fallacy. Additionally; this isn't a fact-based thing, its all based on perceptions which by definition are not entirely factual; they are how people react and see events with the information that they can acquire at the time. You have inside knowledge and know mostly where things are, that changes your perception on things. Those of us on the outside are looking at this lack of information from the publisher and UK distributer and the, at the last count, 5 different dates and see it as being quite farcical. On the inside, it probably does seem rather organised and sensible, but not from this end.

"Average consumer" was the wrong words; but you see people who are vaguely following the game who are now assuming its like AC13 because of the release date ping-pong...

Not really sure what you're going on about, however if a tree falls in the forest but you didn't hear or see it, it did still fall - whether you think it's basic logical fallacy or not :)

ie If a contract was signed in an office but you didn't see it, it was still signed. The contract doesn't care about you fallacial interests.
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I don't really mind all that much (this weekend would have been great for me but after this week it will be another 2 or 3 until I have the time to really sit down and play it), but I do feel inclined to stick up for some of the people with frustrations as they are understandable.

I don't know if this is a strategy or there are some hiccups or what, no one here knows what's really going on. what I do know is what I can see with my own eyes and that is, whatever is going on it is clearly not sitting well with the people that have followed the game for months (years?) who have provided bug feedback on every CA, who have been responsible for a lot of online media chatter, and perhas most importantly have donated their time and skill to the "More than 4000 Community created Players and teams ready to download and use in game." which is definitely something the game is trading on in lieu of having an official license.

so I think casting people as braying fan boys is unfair, they have (not me, I barely posted here before january) contributed something and the complete absence of this fanbase would harm the game. imo, you posting here has been mutually beneficial for everyone, people here have got info and to give feedback and see the game in CA and you've managed to build a core fanbase on the first iteration of a new game and build a pre-existing community in a game where community is going to be heavily used in player/team creation. so, if this is a startegy it is clearly at the expense of the most dedicated and important fans and that's kinda off in my opinion. no one owes them anything, they're here because they are excited about the game and just want to play it, but they do deserve to be treated with as much respect as you'd treat the average consumer. If tru blu really are aiming to create frustration and confusion among the small fanbase they've got to encourage publicity, well, they're kinda crappy people. If this is merely a off shoot of a larger strategy, they're crappy people because by now they've had time to see they are upsetting their fanbase and nothing as been changed.

or it could be that there are hiccups and well if there are hiccups one week before the game comes out then people are also entitled to say they're doing a pretty bad job.

I get that you're not allowed to say things about this process and you shouldn't be obliged to apologise for it, but it does kinda confuse me that you can't understand why the process is frustrating people.
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