C2k5 Player Editor

Here is, what will hopefully be, the final beta (I've removed all the others). I've had no bugs reported on the last few, save what I've found myself, so if someone fancies downloading this and really putting it through its paces I'd appreciate it.


  • PlayerEditor1993beta.zip
    79.7 KB · Views: 149
Version 2, the full editor, released here



Includes the ability to edit hidden attributes like Injury Free and One Day Expert.
I believe it reduces the chance of a player getting injured during a tournament. There's also some unknown abilities which could control this too but I haven't included them this time round.
one question:
how do u know the player's ID or face ID?
where and how u can find it?
i am sorry if this question is being asked still please either direct me to that page or tel me.
Couple of more questions:
1) What is 'Talisman'?
2) Is there anything that controls players from being 'Test Experts', like Shane Warne.
aryan_6668 said:
one question:
how do u know the player's ID or face ID?

Player ID and face ID are the two boxes on the face/bats tab. It can found by taking the Int16 of the first two bytes for player ID and bytes 364, 365 for face. If your hex editor can't read Int16 then convert the hex bytes to LSB decimal. More info is in the editing player profiles thread.

adarsh said:
Couple of more questions:
1) What is 'Talisman'?
2) Is there anything that controls players from being 'Test Experts', like Shane Warne.

1. A player whose mere presence can raise the performance of those around them. Not sure how it's meant to work in C2k5
2. Nope. There wasn't in C2k4 either; just OD expert.
Hey this is awesome :D what i've always needed.
I was wondering if you could make a mass function like decrease everyones speed by 50 or to 50 or something to make fielding more relisitic.
Well anyways awesome job :D
Hey Barmyarmy,

Good job on the editor but have noticed a bug in the editor of yours that needs fixing.

I went through an took the "Injury Free" off of every player in the game that had it on and when i went into the game all those players where i turned off "injury free" the stats for One dayers, One day internationals & First class reset to zero but the Test stats stayed ok.

It was the only thing i changed for those players. So once you clear up that bug it will be the best ever utility.

One other thing is anyone able to make the lineup utility now we have this editor of yours how close are we now to having a lineup editor?
Last edited:
ive got MS framework 2.0 and it wont work still... says I still need MS framework v 2
kymsheba said:
Hey Barmyarmy,

Good job on the editor but have noticed a bug in the editor of yours that needs fixing.

I went through an took the "Injury Free" off of every player in the game that had it on and when i went into the game all those players where i turned off "injury free" the stats for One dayers, One day internationals & First class reset to zero but the Test stats stayed ok.

It was the only thing i changed for those players. So once you clear up that bug it will be the best ever utitlity.

One other thing is anyone able to make the lineup utility now we have this editor of yours how close are we now to having a lineup editor?

Cheers, I'll look into that.
Stay tuned for news on lineup editing from Prakash.
barmyarmy said:
Cheers, I'll look into that.
Stay tuned for news on lineup editing from Prakash.
ok Barmyarmy can you let us know when you have it fixed. And great news about Prakash with the lineup editor as well.

You guys rock!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hpraise :hpraise

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