CGPv7 + IRCSU(v2) Released!!!, Download Now And Enjoy...

O.k, i've installed the patch and i've just started a 50 overs match. I'm bowling first and i've noticed the blue circle is huge and it's very difficult to choose where i want to put the ball. Is anyone else having this problem?
I have played a bit with your new CGPV3 and it already giving me impression of a great patch.I am India and bowling against Dukes XI in a green pitch.Here are two wikets that excited me most because these two are LBW's.Theres so much being talked about not getting cpu lbw with fast men but i got 2.
First R.Lowe was lbw to Pathan when tried to leave an leg cutter on middle and leg stump.(Sorry guys not to taking the pictures as I was very excited)
Second, F.Richards was lbw when he tried to flick a ball from Khan, which was pitched on middle and off and was seaming in.
Will provide the full story once the match is over.
A bit more feedpack regarding your patch boss - I love the gameplay, but in an earlier post I put a screenshot showing Victoria all bowled, almost all on yorkers. I thought it was great that the yorker is now a wicket-taking ball. But the thing is, if you pitch the yorker at the right length you will get a wicket every time. The batsman comes forward and the ball squeezes under the toe of the bat.

I have tried to duplicate this with other patches and with the original configs, but it doesn't happen. I suspect it is a problem with the configs in the 2bb7ad25c9aa96dc7b6f670d84a4df83.big file as I have also tried duplicating this behaviour using your CPU strokes file with other patches and it does not happen.

The real problem is that I got Australia all out for 20 runs in a Test and I only allowed myself to bowl 1 yorker an over :eek: I am not sure if this bug is present in ODI's as I haven't tried that yet. I don't like not being able to bowl the yorker, but it's the only way the CPU has a chance. It also means that I can let the CPU get close to my score and then bowl them out at will. No fun :(

Just thought I should let you know as I'm sure it's something you would want to tweak in your next release.

This leads me to a question ...

Is there any difference between the CPU & Human strokes files (ie, 430834dfd47be8b1eaa97fa22706133a.big)? I just wonder because if there's no difference I could just keep the two AI bigs in folders on my desktop and only change that file when necessary. Just noticed that the continual recopying of the files causes more fragmentation than I would normally get.

Anyways, keep up the great work :cool:

P.S> I am playing on Hard level
Morti666 said:
O.k, i've installed the patch and i've just started a 50 overs match. I'm bowling first and i've noticed the blue circle is huge and it's very difficult to choose where i want to put the ball. Is anyone else having this problem?

Hey Morti666,
the large bowling cursor if for variation in bowling, otherwise u'll keep bowling
6 yorkers in an over that can't be played easily u know that as well.
got my point?????
First of all, Sorry for not ans u'r feedbacks for few days as i went O.O.S. Here come the replies...

raider said:
i played wid ur patch its jus the best u can get...everyone.

jus couple of things i d like to see in future patches:

1) the backfoot drive is perfect direction vise but could u get some more power init and also some ball physics in to consideration. i mean when u hit the back foot cover drive the ball is suppose to be kinda a bouncing. i hope u get what am i trying to say.

2) the back foot square cut and back foot advance square cut, can u make them like more playable. bcos i noticed on ur patch that when i try to wack the ball for square cut the ball always misses the bat by few inches up or down. i tried even in the nets but dosent connect. i would say out of ten tries only 2 i connected. Is it possible for u to change the bats reachabilityor expands te bats connection area to connect. according to the ball bounce. i hope u understand what i mean. Bcos when i used Sid's patch he had kinda adjusted something that made the ball connect the bat more often. he had did it for all the shots but i want u to do it only for the square cut, advance square cut, hook, pull, and advance six shots of hook and pull.

3) and also make the bowlers bowl short.

thats it ..........

one more time....ur the Boss.......

thank u raider for u'r feedbacks and app.

* Ya!, will make the tweak for BF cover drive shot's bounce after hitting the turf.

* Back foot square cut - this gimme a lot of headache!. i recently find once the batsman settled well, then this shot is easily playable. For a moment a note: try to play the shot slightly later than normal to connect. Anyhow if u play it pretty late, then there is every chance for the slip cordon. Anyhow will make it playable as normal shots in feature.

* hope u'r playing with the correct configs accordingly. i.e. WhenWeBat/Bowl. The bowlers have good variation. From ripping bouncers to fiercing yorkers. so no prob with that.

gonzo said:
Hey Boss,

Glad you liked my review

I've experimented a little bit more with unlimited overs games and I think I have identified the only real drawback there. Playing international level Tests is great, but playing against a domestic team is no fun. The reason is the bowling.

If I understand correctly (and it's entirely possible that I don't), the only way to get the variation in line and length from the CPU at the moment is to increase the bowling cursor size. This is fine for the top line bowlers, but the B grade bowlers end up bowling a lot of wides (like 3-5 an over) or balls that are out of reach on the off side (but not wide 'cos it's not a ODI) or unplayable down leg. And because the batting is now so much more challenging (which is excellent ) you can't go after the balls which are very wide of off stump without either:

a) missing and losing confidence - if you managed to build some up under these impossible circumstances. I certainly couldn't get past 2 bars without dropping back to zero, or;

b) getting out caught behind or at point.

It's very frustrating after an over of balls that can't be played (but were not quite wide enough to be called by the umpire) to hear Richie say, "That was a good over for [team name]" when the over was complete $#17.

The worst thing about this is that it's much easier to score runs against a team like India or Australia than a domestic team like Western Australia And this is simply because the international bowlers bowl playable balls because they are accurate while the domestic bowlers are too inaccurate for the large cursor.

My workaround for now will simply be to Autoplay any domestic unlimited overs games on International tours. But I pity anyone who wants to play County or Pura Cup, etc.

Anyway, this is not a complaint, just feedback. I love the patch for everything except this. I also know that if we want the challenging and varied CPU bowling at International level there is not a lot you can do about this because the cursor size has to be large.

Thanks again for another great patch

P.S. Thought I should add that v3 has taken over as my favourite patch ... from v2rr

again the worthy fb/app from u mate!. thanks.

* u hit the nail on the head mate abt the domestic team bowlers. (still there is lot of quality bowlers in btw them). but the factor is- if u still increase the bowl cursor size for the CPU, it tend to lose the composure and bowl erattically. so i went for optimisation. With this the Class bowler's can perform well whereas the avg/part timers tend to suffer more. I wish the Player Editor will be released soon, and there will come my IRCU(International Roster Characteristics Update- remember?), that will make every bowler- bowling their talent.

basically i made all the configs tests on Intl matches. so this may be the case. will try to cure it in upcoming patch.

gonzo said:
An update on the domestic team situation:

Just finished the 1st inningses in the game against WA that I was not having much fun with. I was playing as England, batting first and I was 4/84 at almost tea break of the 1st day. So I autoplayed my innings. All out for 183 on the morning of the 2nd day.

Changed configs and started to bowl. OMFG!!! The screenshot says it all.

Seems as though the CPU has a harder time batting too! 3 Australian batsmen in this team. Every one of them bowled. I did not stop and reload at any time, just bowled right through

5 of Hoggard's 7 wickets were taken with a slow ball yorker just short enough for the batsman to come forward. Ball under toe of bat and it's all over. The other two were a misplayed hook: ball hit batsman and fell onto stumps, and the other was a fast yorker.

Flintoff's wickets: 1 fast yorker and two outswingers pitched on leg (which cut back towards both left handers) which went through the gate on attempted drives.

Seems as though the yorker is finally an effective delivery. Nice Boss! Very nice

This certainly made up for the hard time I had batting against the domestic team. I will be interested to see how my bowlers go against Australia.

hmmm!. domestic cricket is seriously need to be look by me. looks pretty poor batting display. Yorker becomes pretty killer. isn't it?. May i know which pitch u playing on?(i.e. Hard/Green/Normal top?). If this is occuring in all pitches, then In cgpv4 i need to add one more config set for domestic team.

ATM i give u one sugg gonzo. U have to play with "WhenWeBat" -Test Match configs when CPU bat and "WhenWeBowl"-Test Match Configs when CPU bowls. i.e. reverse process. Try this in Domestic Test Matches only let me know the results.

daniel said:
Hi Boss, really nice patch but in my pursuit of a realistic not just fun game here is a few comments/suggestions for future patches. I always play international test matches on hard because I like the challenge, and I always auto-bowl because even with your tweaking I still find the bowling utterly boring, so these comments is only relevant to hard test match batting and not on anything else.

I agree with gonzo99 about what he says about bowling. For me I like the variation because you can play lots of nice shots, but I basically win all of my matches very easily on hard because there is no line and length bowling and I always score at 6+ an over. Each ball feels as if it is bowled randomly with no plan and with the good bowlers it just makes that they are in reach of your batsman (and not wides) and that you can hit nice shots all over the place witch is fun, it is just not hard test match cricket where you have to sweat for each run. My suggestion is that for the hard test match setting that you make the bowling circle smaller (not as small as the original) so that the better bowlers can have more control over where they bowl while still giving occasional variation outside off-stump and only occasionally bowl a bad ball etc.

At the moment I score a lot of shots on the leg side as the bowlers all bowl a lot of leg side balls. I guess it is also because of the above mentioned bowling circle problem.

I also score a lot of runs hitting back foot (and front foot) 6-shots over point and cover, that makes that my batsman confidence builds up quickly and then all the rest of the shots gets easier as well, so again no chance for any pressure to build up and I score at a huge rate. Can you please make those shots much harder to play, or make the fielding team adjust their field to counter this. I know it is proper and fun shots, but with the fast bowlers bowling short and wide so often it makes the game just way to easy. I also really like what you have done with the ground strokes where you really have to build up your confidence before they batsman starts piercing the field, so you have to slowly build and innings, but with hitting over the top so often it counters that. Hope I make sense here.

My last comments are just on small issues, I don?t know if you can do anything about it. Why if you play Australia for example, they very often bowl guys like Simon Katich and Michael Clarke before they bowl with Shane Warne witch is obviously their first choice slow bowler. I just find it a bit strange. I also find it strange that they will for instance bowl a fast bowler, like Brett Lee continuously for like 15 overs, go for lunch and just continue with him, and not bowl with their other bowlers.

My last comment is just on the close fielders around the batsman (silly mid, back-pad) as a batsman I have never been dismissed being caught out close (apart from slip and keeper). I just think it is a waste of fielders, I know it looks authentic and all but in the context of the game, it doesn?t play any role.

Thanks again for all your hard work and willingness to take our comments into account in pursuit of a more authentic and fun game

good to see such a huge rev often in here!. surely this will help to estimate the patch accurately. thanks daniel for u'r app and fbs.

* yap!, this is pretty true abt the bowlers line/length prob. What to do?, we have limited source to try. Then we need to expose the player's attributes like bowler's accuracy and other. For that we need "Player Editor". as i repeatedly said after the emergence of PE only, we progress a step further in this reg, like i did IRCU for C2004.

* abt the 6 hit shots - ! as in real cricket, i've to set the fields. so starting from aggressive/attacking/def from there on. so there is no chance to put the fielder at 3rd man so early. And the important fact is, in c2004 we got dynamic field placements by CPU. (i.e. adjusting field placements according the shots played by us!). but with c2005, we didn't get this. we get static field placements only. I got nothing to do with this reg. Poor EA ppl again did the worst trick.

! Anyhow Will try to sort the power range with the bf cover drive/cover drive in future.

* We need line-up editor to tweak the "part time bowlers -bowling more" problem. Prakash is trying his best to bring LUE as soon as possible. will have to wait for some time. Although i know how to do this in "HEX-cracking", but is diffcult to understand as well as time consuming.

! Abt the CPU pace bowlers bowling continuously for long period of time- this is in game engine prob. Hail the EA again!. We need to reduce bowler's stamina for good in player attri. so again have to wait for "Player Editor". donno how many times i need to say this!, ppl have to understand what am trying to suggest.

* Yap!, will try to improve closing fielder's importance in upcoming version.

saurabh said:
Yeah i also got more bowled then caught 9:1 ratio.But not on that low score.
The CPU chaseing 272 in 50 overs could only manage 250 of just 35 overs on Hard pitch.
Most wickets by Left arm spinner (N.Boje)

hi saurabh!, thanx for u'r comm!. this is really killing ratio abt bowled:catch. but am assuming this is not happening always!. so keep on playing, u will come up with some more random dismissals.

morti said:
O.k, i've installed the patch and i've just started a 50 overs match. I'm bowling first and i've noticed the blue circle is huge and it's very difficult to choose where i want to put the ball. Is anyone else having this problem?

thanks for trying my patch morti!. Simple solun!. u have to swith btw "WhenWeBowl" configs instead of "WhenWeBat" configs while u bowl. Its good habit to read the document along with the patch to avoid such a simple complications.

shan said:
have played a bit with your new CGPV3 and it already giving me impression of a great patch.I am India and bowling against Dukes XI in a green pitch.Here are two wikets that excited me most because these two are LBW's.Theres so much being talked about not getting cpu lbw with fast men but i got 2.
First R.Lowe was lbw to Pathan when tried to leave an leg cutter on middle and leg stump.(Sorry guys not to taking the pictures as I was very excited)
Second, F.Richards was lbw when he tried to flick a ball from Khan, which was pitched on middle and off and was seaming in.

nice to see few LBW creeping up!, and also thnks for u'r screen shots. I think its diffi to get the LBW against the INTL batsmen, may be is possible against the lesser quality one.

gonzo said:
A bit more feedpack regarding your patch boss - I love the gameplay, but in an earlier post I put a screenshot showing Victoria all bowled, almost all on yorkers. I thought it was great that the yorker is now a wicket-taking ball. But the thing is, if you pitch the yorker at the right length you will get a wicket every time. The batsman comes forward and the ball squeezes under the toe of the bat.

I have tried to duplicate this with other patches and with the original configs, but it doesn't happen. I suspect it is a problem with the configs in the 2bb7ad25c9aa96dc7b6f670d84a4df83.big file as I have also tried duplicating this behaviour using your CPU strokes file with other patches and it does not happen.

The real problem is that I got Australia all out for 20 runs in a Test and I only allowed myself to bowl 1 yorker an over I am not sure if this bug is present in ODI's as I haven't tried that yet. I don't like not being able to bowl the yorker, but it's the only way the CPU has a chance. It also means that I can let the CPU get close to my score and then bowl them out at will. No fun

Just thought I should let you know as I'm sure it's something you would want to tweak in your next release.

This leads me to a question ...

Is there any difference between the CPU & Human strokes files (ie, 430834dfd47be8b1eaa97fa22706133a.big)? I just wonder because if there's no difference I could just keep the two AI bigs in folders on my desktop and only change that file when necessary. Just noticed that the continual recopying of the files causes more fragmentation than I would normally get.

Anyways, keep up the great work

P.S> I am playing on Hard level

as i sugg earlier in this post, u may try the reverse process. Yes!, there is some diff in power range in CPU & Human stroke files. Anyhow u may try this!, but not guaranteed to give the req results.

I've so liitle time left behind me to post replies everyday. Am always trying!. Thus Such a lengthy post!, am tired!. took me around 1 hr to post this. But, no prob!. I expect more fbs/comm/rev from all of u abt CGPv3. That'll surely make sense in the making of CGPv4. I note only less number of posts after the launch of CGPv3. So keep on posting!.

boss said:
hmmm!. domestic cricket is seriously need to be look by me. looks pretty poor batting display. Yorker becomes pretty killer. isn't it?. May i know which pitch u playing on?(i.e. Hard/Green/Normal top?). If this is occuring in all pitches, then In cgpv4 i need to add one more config set for domestic team.

ATM i give u one sugg gonzo. U have to play with "WhenWeBat" -Test Match configs when CPU bat and "WhenWeBowl"-Test Match Configs when CPU bowls. i.e. reverse process. Try this in Domestic Test Matches only let me know the results.

Well, the yorker is devastating on any wicket - it doesn't matter which type. It's because of the way the batsman plays it. Thing is, this really looks like someone getting yorked, so I hope you can keep this, but just change so it doesn't happen every time. It happens to top class International batsmen too.

boss said:
as i sugg earlier in this post, u may try the reverse process. Yes!, there is some diff in power range in CPU & Human stroke files. Anyhow u may try this!, but not guaranteed to give the req results.

I will try this and let you know how it goes.

boss said:
I've so liitle time left behind me to post replies everyday. Am always trying!. Thus Such a lengthy post!, am tired!. took me around 1 hr to post this. But, no prob!. I expect more fbs/comm/rev from all of u abt CGPv3. That'll surely make sense in the making of CGPv4. I note only less number of posts after the launch of CGPv3. So keep on posting!

Thanks for taking the time to reply Boss. You always make a big effort to answer ppl's comments/questions and we appreciate it heaps. Thanks mate.

Now get some sleep :D
After playing more matches my ratio of bowled:caught had decrease. Now i am loving CGPv3. Absolutely great stuff from you. Therefore reps for you. Are you planning CGPv4, if so what new feature you would add.

u guys mean this fella is doing awesome stuff with his patches?? gimme a break!! i juz move my ass around every thread there is and i find there is always comments like "wow! gr8 work... wow!! awesome patch!!"... now this gets me to wonder if most of u even tried to play with it or even gave it a thought... all the patches released so far (AI Patches) have made the gameplay from bad to worse!! Lets Face it!! EA guys are professionals... when they find it difficult to come up with a patch that deserves accolades.... what made u feel these guys can give it a go and topple all that?? well now... dont catch me wrong wit this... am not offensive with nobody at all. its juz that there are a couple of guys who are good at doing wat they feel is the crisp part of gameplay but it doesnt go fine with all the peeps around.. all in all.. this guy too is truly good at doing wat he feels is the core of intuitive gameplay but that isnt all... being a professional cricketer myself i hafta say... "cricket isnt a game where runs are scored in one direction and there is no reason why one has to get biased or partisaned with one stroke or one direction" and who said leg side shots wont fetch edges down the throat of gullies and backward points?? but at the same time this shuldnt happen all the time and its not like u always edge it to slips even if u mistime it very slightly... the doctors order is a real hard long stint with ur thinking cap before u ever dare to deliver a patch and deserve accolades from the sizzler or for that matter from anyone who wants to be fair with his feedbacks,talking both the positives and the negatives and not juz praise profusely and take the easy way out so as to not lose any reps(the way u call it here...holler! i dint lose reps for praising people surely...i juz wanna be fair and dont give a rats ass to what reps i got... but if u take a look i prased guy out there too who really deserved it.. the AI stuff fellas sure dont..not as yet!!)... fella chennai-ite(i was a chennai-ite too if it wasnt for my career) karthick is good all right..but mate!! if u wanna be gr8 u gotta dare to stand out making that final stride which most of the others fondle with!! take care dude!! hope u take this in ya stride as a true credential that might eventually help u deliver bigger and better stuffs!! cheez!! :cheers

**i wont write this to guys who i feel wont ever make good patches ..i wrote it here cuz i felt u were one of the couple of good ones around who culd truly become gr8 someday if not as yet!!**
*** plzz!!!! dont use two patches for the cursor size... juz try and do it the way it is done in AI extreme version..juz one fairly big thing...also try to fix the game crashing stuff... i dont use ur patch for this simple reason....THE BLOODY GAME CRASHES!! and i browsed the files being a IT pro myself and i culdnt try and fix it..afterall its not fair to expect me to work on the mechanics of ur LIMO!!***
hey boss!

Gday mate

I'm just about to give your latest patch a really good workout in some one dayers and tests. It sounds great and i will post some feedback once i've put it through its paces.


Is it me, or is Sachin_sizzling a nut bar? No offence (note the spelling), but I can barely understand what he says, and coupled with the drivel he spews out his posts make soporific reading. I'm actually surprised he has time to post such lengthy posts though, being a Professional Cricketer, Student and IT professional all rolled into one. I must admit, were I a professional cricketer I'd concntrate on that to increase my chances of national selection. Anyway....The AI patches that have been posted by the various people (in no particular order) Boss, Sid, Tutsi, Satish, Eddie - sorry if anyones been ommitted but these are the ones whose AI patches I've had a lot of time playing with - have made the game a lot more playable and enjoyable. It seems to me very ironic that while Sachin_sizzling doesn't mean to 'dis' the patch makers, he clearly does. I, and I doubt very much if I am alone in this thought, think these patches are great, and save the game from being filed in the bin. As far as EA guys being professionals, well were that the case - with respect to the team who produce the Cricket series - then they are over paid professionals. If they had the same dedication to Cricket as they do to NFL, NHL Fifa etc etc then they would be worthy of the term 'Professional'.
i agree with skidman these threads aren't for whinging (sachin_sizzling) about the problem with patches and how bad they are. if the ea people were profesionals as sachin claims then there will be half as many patches cos the profesionals would make the game perfect. the patches are made to make the game better and these threads are for comments about the particular patch and how to make the patch/game better
sachin_sizzling said:
u guys mean this fella is doing awesome stuff with his patches?? gimme a break!! i juz move my ass around every thread there is and i find there is always comments like "wow! gr8 work... wow!! awesome patch!!"... now this gets me to wonder if most of u even tried to play with it or even gave it a thought... all the patches released so far (AI Patches) have made the gameplay from bad to worse!! Lets Face it!! EA guys are professionals... when they find it difficult to come up with a patch that deserves accolades.... what made u feel these guys can give it a go and topple all that?? well now... dont catch me wrong wit this... am not offensive with nobody at all. its juz that there are a couple of guys who are good at doing wat they feel is the crisp part of gameplay but it doesnt go fine with all the peeps around.. all in all.. this guy too is truly good at doing wat he feels is the core of intuitive gameplay but that isnt all... being a professional cricketer myself i hafta say... "cricket isnt a game where runs are scored in one direction and there is no reason why one has to get biased or partisaned with one stroke or one direction" and who said leg side shots wont fetch edges down the throat of gullies and backward points?? but at the same time this shuldnt happen all the time and its not like u always edge it to slips even if u mistime it very slightly... the doctors order is a real hard long stint with ur thinking cap before u ever dare to deliver a patch and deserve accolades from the sizzler or for that matter from anyone who wants to be fair with his feedbacks,talking both the positives and the negatives and not juz praise profusely and take the easy way out so as to not lose any reps(the way u call it here...holler! i dint lose reps for praising people surely...i juz wanna be fair and dont give a rats ass to what reps i got... but if u take a look i prased guy out there too who really deserved it.. the AI stuff fellas sure dont..not as yet!!)... fella chennai-ite(i was a chennai-ite too if it wasnt for my career) karthick is good all right..but mate!! if u wanna be gr8 u gotta dare to stand out making that final stride which most of the others fondle with!! take care dude!! hope u take this in ya stride as a true credential that might eventually help u deliver bigger and better stuffs!! cheez!! :cheers

**i wont write this to guys who i feel wont ever make good patches ..i wrote it here cuz i felt u were one of the couple of good ones around who culd truly become gr8 someday if not as yet!!**
*** plzz!!!! dont use two patches for the cursor size... juz try and do it the way it is done in AI extreme version..juz one fairly big thing...also try to fix the game crashing stuff... i dont use ur patch for this simple reason....THE BLOODY GAME CRASHES!! and i browsed the files being a IT pro myself and i culdnt try and fix it..afterall its not fair to expect me to work on the mechanics of ur LIMO!!***

well, everyone's got an opinion and they do have the right to put tht up ova here. but the WAY u put it up is important. if u've got and suggestions for patch maker, u can tell him tht, but wthout know how things work in the patching community, u just cant say boss is not doin a gr8 job. i being a patch maker myself know what the limitations are in a.i. editing. trust me, whatever we r doin is best possible.

my advice is to limit ur comments so tht nobody is directly or indirectly offended.

Like Dirty Harry said:

"Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one."

I agree, opinons are fine, its just how they are expressed is the issue here I think.

All is required is a modicum of respect I think.
Replies on 25.10.2005

gonzo said:
*Well, the yorker is devastating on any wicket - it doesn't matter which type. It's because of the way the batsman plays it. Thing is, this really looks like someone getting yorked, so I hope you can keep this, but just change so it doesn't happen every time. It happens to top class International batsmen too.

*I will try this and let you know how it goes.

*Thanks for taking the time to reply Boss. You always make a big effort to answer ppl's comments/questions and we appreciate it heaps. Thanks mate.

*thank u mate for the app as well as flowing reply.

*On playing yorkers prob, i need a clarification: may i know which kinda shot that makes tough to face the yorkers?.

potholes said:
Gday mate

I'm just about to give your latest patch a really good workout in some one dayers and tests. It sounds great and i will post some feedback once i've put it through its paces.

thank u mate for u'r decision to try out cgpv3 as well as app.

saurabh said:
After playing more matches my ratio of bowled:caught had decrease. Now i am loving CGPv3. Absolutely great stuff from you. Therefore reps for you. Are you planning CGPv4, if so what new feature you would add.

thank u saurabh for u'r comm and app. Yes!, as u may play more and more games, u can see diff kind of dismissals. CGPv4 news update will come soon.

sachin sizzling said:
u guys mean this fella is doing awesome stuff with his patches?? gimme a break!! i juz move my ass around every thread there is and i find there is always comments like "wow! gr8 work... wow!! awesome patch!!"... now this gets me to wonder if most of u even tried to play with it or even gave it a thought... all the patches released so far (AI Patches) have made the gameplay from bad to worse!! Lets Face it!! EA guys are professionals... when they find it difficult to come up with a patch that deserves accolades.... what made u feel these guys can give it a go and topple all that?? well now... dont catch me wrong wit this... am not offensive with nobody at all. its juz that there are a couple of guys who are good at doing wat they feel is the crisp part of gameplay but it doesnt go fine with all the peeps around.. all in all.. this guy too is truly good at doing wat he feels is the core of intuitive gameplay but that isnt all... being a professional cricketer myself i hafta say... "cricket isnt a game where runs are scored in one direction and there is no reason why one has to get biased or partisaned with one stroke or one direction" and who said leg side shots wont fetch edges down the throat of gullies and backward points?? but at the same time this shuldnt happen all the time and its not like u always edge it to slips even if u mistime it very slightly... the doctors order is a real hard long stint with ur thinking cap before u ever dare to deliver a patch and deserve accolades from the sizzler or for that matter from anyone who wants to be fair with his feedbacks,talking both the positives and the negatives and not juz praise profusely and take the easy way out so as to not lose any reps(the way u call it here...holler! i dint lose reps for praising people surely...i juz wanna be fair and dont give a rats ass to what reps i got... but if u take a look i prased guy out there too who really deserved it.. the AI stuff fellas sure dont..not as yet!!)... fella chennai-ite(i was a chennai-ite too if it wasnt for my career) karthick is good all right..but mate!! if u wanna be gr8 u gotta dare to stand out making that final stride which most of the others fondle with!! take care dude!! hope u take this in ya stride as a true credential that might eventually help u deliver bigger and better stuffs!! cheez!!

**i wont write this to guys who i feel wont ever make good patches ..i wrote it here cuz i felt u were one of the couple of good ones around who culd truly become gr8 someday if not as yet!!**
*** plzz!!!! dont use two patches for the cursor size... juz try and do it the way it is done in AI extreme version..juz one fairly big thing...also try to fix the game crashing stuff... i dont use ur patch for this simple reason....THE BLOODY GAME CRASHES!! and i browsed the files being a IT pro myself and i culdnt try and fix it..afterall its not fair to expect me to work on the mechanics of ur LIMO!!***

Skidman said:
Is it me, or is Sachin_sizzling a nut bar? No offence (note the spelling), but I can barely understand what he says, and coupled with the drivel he spews out his posts make soporific reading. I'm actually surprised he has time to post such lengthy posts though, being a Professional Cricketer, Student and IT professional all rolled into one. I must admit, were I a professional cricketer I'd concntrate on that to increase my chances of national selection. Anyway....The AI patches that have been posted by the various people (in no particular order) Boss, Sid, Tutsi, Satish, Eddie - sorry if anyones been ommitted but these are the ones whose AI patches I've had a lot of time playing with - have made the game a lot more playable and enjoyable. It seems to me very ironic that while Sachin_sizzling doesn't mean to 'dis' the patch makers, he clearly does. I, and I doubt very much if I am alone in this thought, think these patches are great, and save the game from being filed in the bin. As far as EA guys being professionals, well were that the case - with respect to the team who produce the Cricket series - then they are over paid professionals. If they had the same dedication to Cricket as they do to NFL, NHL Fifa etc etc then they would be worthy of the term 'Professional'.

*Like Dirty Harry said:

"Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one."

I agree, opinons are fine, its just how they are expressed is the issue here I think.

All is required is a modicum of respect I think.

panj said:
i agree with skidman these threads aren't for whinging (sachin_sizzling) about the problem with patches and how bad they are. if the ea people were profesionals as sachin claims then there will be half as many patches cos the profesionals would make the game perfect. the patches are made to make the game better and these threads are for comments about the particular patch and how to make the patch/game better

tutsipoppy2 said:
well, everyone's got an opinion and they do have the right to put tht up ova here. but the WAY u put it up is important. if u've got and suggestions for patch maker, u can tell him tht, but wthout know how things work in the patching community, u just cant say boss is not doin a gr8 job. i being a patch maker myself know what the limitations are in a.i. editing. trust me, whatever we r doin is best possible.

my advice is to limit ur comments so tht nobody is directly or indirectly offended.


First of all i like to thank u the guys who replied to this particular post from "sachin sizzling", thus reduced my work load.

* Well!, there is always comm/fb/opinions abt my patch tends to make my confidence a world of good. In here, if this guy think so, sorry!, he didn't!.

* Ofcourse!, Everyone has the right to voice their opinions!. But not in this way!. This thread is abt "CGP from BOSS" and all the discussions abt that. If he wants to convey his comm in general, then he have to post it in the "Cricket 2005" main forum and let him make to know what ppl think.

* He also has the limited knowledge abt my patch. (kindly read the last point). crash fix already done and donno what he did there!, and i also released the patch with single config with one big cursor size earlier. After ppl thought that difficult, i did correct it.

* This post is the rude insult abt all the PC-AI Game Play Patch Maker who done their best with the limited resources, and he said EA guys are pros!.

* He didn't has the right to order the ppl to make any patches. As the rules says, he can't even request it.

* I think is the total waste of the time to read it, and i also request fellow members to not reply to this spam from here onwards.

* Finally!, i already post the report abt this to the admins, and waiting for the action...


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sachin_sizzling said:
u guys mean this fella is doing awesome stuff with his patches?? gimme a break!! i juz move my ass around every thread there is and i find there is always comments like "wow! gr8 work... wow!! awesome patch!!"... now this gets me to wonder if most of u even tried to play with it or even gave it a thought... all the patches released so far (AI Patches) have made the gameplay from bad to worse!! Lets Face it!! EA guys are professionals... when they find it difficult to come up with a patch that deserves accolades.... what made u feel these guys can give it a go and topple all that?? well now... dont catch me wrong wit this... am not offensive with nobody at all. its juz that there are a couple of guys who are good at doing wat they feel is the crisp part of gameplay but it doesnt go fine with all the peeps around.. all in all.. this guy too is truly good at doing wat he feels is the core of intuitive gameplay but that isnt all... being a professional cricketer myself i hafta say... "cricket isnt a game where runs are scored in one direction and there is no reason why one has to get biased or partisaned with one stroke or one direction" and who said leg side shots wont fetch edges down the throat of gullies and backward points?? but at the same time this shuldnt happen all the time and its not like u always edge it to slips even if u mistime it very slightly... the doctors order is a real hard long stint with ur thinking cap before u ever dare to deliver a patch and deserve accolades from the sizzler or for that matter from anyone who wants to be fair with his feedbacks,talking both the positives and the negatives and not juz praise profusely and take the easy way out so as to not lose any reps(the way u call it here...holler! i dint lose reps for praising people surely...i juz wanna be fair and dont give a rats ass to what reps i got... but if u take a look i prased guy out there too who really deserved it.. the AI stuff fellas sure dont..not as yet!!)... fella chennai-ite(i was a chennai-ite too if it wasnt for my career) karthick is good all right..but mate!! if u wanna be gr8 u gotta dare to stand out making that final stride which most of the others fondle with!! take care dude!! hope u take this in ya stride as a true credential that might eventually help u deliver bigger and better stuffs!! cheez!! :cheers

**i wont write this to guys who i feel wont ever make good patches ..i wrote it here cuz i felt u were one of the couple of good ones around who culd truly become gr8 someday if not as yet!!**
*** plzz!!!! dont use two patches for the cursor size... juz try and do it the way it is done in AI extreme version..juz one fairly big thing...also try to fix the game crashing stuff... i dont use ur patch for this simple reason....THE BLOODY GAME CRASHES!! and i browsed the files being a IT pro myself and i culdnt try and fix it..afterall its not fair to expect me to work on the mechanics of ur LIMO!!***

Could you please use proper english. Sentences, paragraphing in partuicular.
As for you post you are entitled to your own opinion but not everyone will agree with it.
And remember that all patch makers are spending their own time on making the game better. If you think you could make such a good patch why not do it then.
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