Commonwealth Bank Series (Australia, India, Sri Lanka)

It's Bushranger. He's not someone you can believe. Not gonna believe it until there's a source.
a big break for the younger hussey and he deserves it.
We need something to kick start our batting it's been terribly out of shape. Always relying on our bowlers to win matches.

D. Hussey
M. Hussey
Thats a nice batting line up, hopefully our bowlers keep up the strong effort with Lee on break and M.Clarke out. Cant wait to see Dave have a hit. My moneys on johnson and hogg for lead wicket takers and Gilly for century.
im gettin sick of seeing M hussey come in so late
much rather him come in at 4 especially when our batters are struggling so much coz theres more chance of M hussey gettin a century coming in at 4 than symo getting 1.
For India, Tiwary may come in if Sehwag doesn't recover in time.

that kid(Tiwary) was looking very nervous in his first ODI. Hopefully, Sehwag plays. One big opening century partnership is what I am looking for. Sachin-Sourav were capable of doing that.. but the current combo has to get it!

If I am right,Sachin has never scored a 100 in Australia in his entire career.(In ODIs) :eek:
that kid(Tiwary) was looking very nervous in his first ODI.
Yeah, but it was understandable seeing he landed less than 24 hours ago, was debuting against the Aussies and came up against a lethal Brett Lee. I think Tiwary will come good if given a few games.
Well dave getting early call.but AUSSIS gönna miss clark,he was looking so good.i don't think by good performance dave will be in team for several months.side is pack and performing!
For india best thing that tawary getting chance but sehwag also need to play.india need to get good start.
Sachin and Ghambir are likely to open if Sehwag is gone. Drop Yuvraj, please. He's had a bad enough season.

Irfan could come in at three. Followed by Dhoni, Uthappa, Tiwary, and the rest.


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