Commonwealth Bank Series

When Australia toured England was a long time ago. Need I remind you of all the tour games England lost in Australia?

Maybe you should hear what Scott Styris said about County Cricket.
irottev said:
When Australia toured England was a long time ago. Need I remind you of all the tour games lost in Australia?
That's your problem. You use theory to explain that South Australia would beat every County side and probably England, yet I mention an actual match, yet you discard that. You can't have it both ways I'm afraid.
What has South Australia got to do with Australia losing a tour match?

I'm going to find the scorecard.
As expected, the day that England finally give Australia their much requested challenge is when the Aussies start bloody moaning about it.

Irottev, stop being bitter because our team has done something that your team hasn't done yet this series.

Great victory today and I can't wait for the highlights after school.
irottev said:
What has South Australia got to do with Australia losing a tour match?

I'm going to find the scorecard.
Oh FFS. You said South Australia were oh so brilliant. I appear to have made a mistake in assuming that Australia are better than one of the worst state sides (!). I provide proof of the better team, (Australia) losing to one of the worst county sides, yet you don't seem to want to accept that and instead stand by a belief which hasn't been proved.
irottev said:
Gillespie and Tait would be first and second selections in the England XI. Bad luck they're not English.

C'mon, we haven't sunk that low. When 6 more bowlers get injured we'll take them :p
John Adams said:
lol well done to England. They played well. It was like it was engineered to be this way, so the Aus NZ match in Melb would be exciting, as well as making the series much more exciting. And since we don't know who's gonna face Aus in the finals now it was a great result to keep us all interested. Yea even I admit that another English collapse tonight would have seen another boring match, so in a way it was great Eng won. Especially since Aus have so many points :) Well let's see if NZ can win as well lol. Though I kinda hope not, so when Eng NZ face each other again they would be on even points, and make that game a thriller!

Yeah this win by England will make the next two games very interesting, especially the final game. To me this has been a pretty strange series, the points table suggest Australia are well in front but it's been much tighter than the table suggests, at the GABBA if the Hussey decision went England's way than England would of had a big chance of winning, if NZ held on to Clarke and didn't make a blunder out of the easy Hussey run out NZ would most likely have won. So by my theory pretty much all the three teams may have been on about 13 points (excluding BP).
MUFC1987 said:
I'm surprised South Australia can do anything substantial in One Day Cricket with Gillespie and Tait in the side. Oh, wait, they're bottom aren't they. Coincidence? I think not.
lol and I suppose Victoria are top of the tables in spite of Hodge and White, rather than because of them.

This is why England don't deserve to win and it's nothing to do with how badly England have played, because one single victory is enough to get fans acting like their team beat up Jesus. Suddenly your stupid opinions on everything must be worth saying because your team finally did what it's expected to do.
evertonfan said:
As expected, the day that England finally give Australia their much requested challenge is when the Aussies start bloody moaning about it.

Irottev, stop being bitter because our team has done something that your team hasn't done yet this series.

Great victory today and I can't wait for the highlights after school.

Dont worry , hve ur little party , we will humiliate ur Team in big stage . they hve done a big mistake today , they will pay a huge ............. :mad
MUFC1987 said:
Oh FFS. You said South Australia were oh so brilliant. I appear to have made a mistake in assuming that Australia are better than one of the worst state sides (!). I provide proof of the better team, (Australia) losing to one of the worst county sides, yet you don't seem to want to accept that and instead stand by a belief which hasn't been proved.

Somerset beat Australia; Scotland beat Somerset
Therefore Scotland > Somerset > Australia
Scotland > Australia
QED ;)

Dont worry , hve ur little party , we will humiliate ur Team in big stage . they hve done a big mistake today , they will pay a huge ............. :mad

I think that's a bit OTT. England won a game. Finally.
We've sunk lower than we thought possible on this tour so just for the moment I reckon we can all do without a reality check from Aussie and NZ fans.
Yes we know we're terrible but today we won so just give it break for a few days. Be gracious in defeat as well as in victory.
angryangy said:
lol and I suppose Victoria are top of the tables in spite of Hodge and White, rather than because of them.

This is why England don't deserve to win and it's nothing to do with how badly England have played, because one single victory is enough to get fans acting like their team beat up Jesus. Suddenly your stupid opinions on everything must be worth saying because your team finally did what it's expected to do.
Well done on entirely missing the point.

Gillespie and Tait didn't bowl. Look at the players who did bowl. Kasprowicz and part timers.

evertonfan said:
As expected, the day that England finally give Australia their much requested challenge is when the Aussies start bloody moaning about it.

Irottev, stop being bitter because our team has done something that your team hasn't done yet this series.

Great victory today and I can't wait for the highlights after school.

I am not bitter about that. We chased almost chased 340 against them, and scored 300+ chjasing them twice last year. We have achieved more then you have, I could care less. The only thing I am bitter about is the fact that Joyce got MOTM over Plunkett. England deserved to win and it's been a long time comming. Of course I am dissapointed Australia lost to them, but where did you get bitterness from?

I am starting to get bitter about this whole SA thing. You English take everything so seriously. Go to bed, enjoy the win and wake up and get over it. Jeez.
angryangy said:
This is why England don't deserve to win and it's nothing to do with how badly England have played, because one single victory is enough to get fans acting like their team beat up Jesus. Suddenly your stupid opinions on everything must be worth saying because your team finally did what it's expected to do.

Frankly your post doesn't really deserve a response (although I know you were replying to MUFC) but I'll give it one anyway :p
If you had just lost as many games as us you too would be clutching at straws and seeing them as lifebelts (is that overextending the metaphor?! :rolleyes: )
irottev said:
I am not bitter about that. We chased almost chased 340 against them, and scored 300+ chjasing them twice last year. We have achieved more then you have, I could care less. The only thing I am bitter about is the fact that Joyce got MOTM over Plunkett. England deserved to win. Of course I am dissapointed Australia lost to them, but where did you get bitterness from?
I would say you're pretty bitter about England. What was it you said a few days ago? 'England don't deserve to be in the final, no matter what they do in their last two games.'

Nice and humble that.

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