Complaining about lack of modding on consoles

Modding isnt counter productive to game makers as long as they are willing to make proper new iterations instead of looking to rehash, especially with sports/ cricket games.

This will not only give you more enjoyment of the present game allowing you to customize it to the individual's taste both game-play as well as graphically.But also ensure the developers cant slack of with a half baked follow up to cash in which is good in long term for both the community involved as well as the developers.

With the right kind of developers which im willing to bet BA are, modding will be a boon to both community as well as them.

They can take a lot in to their next iteration from the mods that are going to be made especially gameplay ones.They can get an hint of what the community wants/ likes in a good way.
the graphical one pertaining to academy which is a modding of sort has already helped them avert licensing and also use it as a catch phrase.
This is pointless, you are just arguing for argument's sake or are being incredibly closed minded/biased.

Arguing is always done for argument's sake. The only way I ever improve my thinking is by exercising it.

I regret that you don't feel the same way. Thanks for engaging, though :)
Longevity for a game means, directly, that I'm not buying another game (because I'm playing this one, with mods).
If longevity can be achieved through modifications to the point where the next edition of a game isn't enticing - then that's on the developer for not making a large enough improvement to the core game and you rightly shouldn't be buying the next edition.

I'll buy every cricket game that comes out, but part of that is simply that each cricket game so far hasn't reached a point where no further improvements could be made to it, that the differences haven't become as incremental as to be avoidable. I certainly skip editions for a bunch of other sports games. On my Xbox I have Tiger Woods 08 - not because it had huge amounts of mods - but because the core gameplay was strong enough (at least for me) that I never saw a need to buy the new editions.

Longevity is an issue independent of modifications - if you make bad games with no longevity, I'm certainly not coming back for another try; if you make good games that keep pushing things forward you give me a reason to keep buying.
Arguing is always done for argument's sake. The only way I ever improve my thinking is by exercising it.

I regret that you don't feel the same way. Thanks for engaging, though :)
That's fair enough - I've had more than my fair share of discussions on forums with people who have ridiculous biased viewpoints and warped application of logic who are impervious to reason and it is just a waste of time.

'People watch the game instead of playing' - The stuff I mention with TE I wouldn't just put down to that... Having accurate player attributes/characteristics set makes the gameplay aspects of the players more lifelike, and the difference in animations makes each player feel distinctive to control. Whether they have a shirt the same colour as the one they used a week ago in reality is besides the point for me. If I can have mods though to improve the visual fidelity of the game, I'll go for them... It's the year 2014 and the age of HD entertainment - 1080p 60fps should be standard IMO and the only way to achieve that reliably is a good PC. The TE developer has given guidance on the forums of how to edit gameplay elements but most people use the original options in the game as they are the most realistic/balanced.

'Longevity = less sales' - I really don't think this is a good point even for playing devil's advocate, it is just too far-fetched. Cricket 07 has plenty of gameplay mods, many more than DBC14 currently has (none), yet DBC is the far superior product. Whatever you can do with gameplay mods, there are always things that the developers can do which will give a good enough reason to buy new iterations.
I can't really argue with @Madman or @ellgieff as I think they are both correct to a certain extent. I'm not really that bothered by being able to mod games but can understand why people are attracted to doing it, and I think that their creations are fantastic.
I can't really argue with @Madman or @ellgieff as I think they are both correct to a certain extent. I'm not really that bothered by being able to mod games but can understand why people are attracted to doing it, and I think that their creations are fantastic.

And honestly, I think that's where I'm at with it too. I can see where Madman is coming from - and if we take it as given that modding can be enabled without taking anything away from the game, I'm all for it. But if it's a choice between the game being available on console, and mods being available, I'd rather the game was available on console.

Largely because I'm tweaked if I'm going to install Windows ;)
I honestly don't think mods have any effect on sales either way for a PC Cricket game.

The point of the argument originally was Captain Whacky thinking that for some reason the PC sales were more important to Big Ant than consoles, when in fact they are nothing really more than bonus sales.
And honestly, I think that's where I'm at with it too. I can see where Madman is coming from - and if we take it as given that modding can be enabled without taking anything away from the game, I'm all for it. But if it's a choice between the game being available on console, and mods being available, I'd rather the game was available on console.

Largely because I'm tweaked if I'm going to install Windows ;)
Agree with the last bit... No way I'd be using Windows if Linux had the same gaming compatibility.

'Mods being available' kind of just goes hand in hand with the game being on PC - Big Ant have been helpful and made it quite easy to replace the bats/stumps/balls etc but in time, people probably would have figured out a way to get the same results as we have now by breaking into the files. I'm hoping that soon we get more extensive modding for stuff like adboards/pitch ads/boundary ropes etc.
It's certainly on our list of things we'd like to get done, but not as high as the required fixes.

I know, the chances are bleak, but I would still keep the hopes alive,
just creating a thread to bring it to notice :)
I forgot all about this thread; I'm sure if you read it the OP compares the lack of console mods to racism which is pretty funny...

Console mods are something that has never been done right anywhere to my knowledge; and although I'd like to see it I bought the same assuming a lack of mods. If I wanted to mod the game, I'd have bought the PC version!
Well I wrote about console modding just to see if we can still keep our hopes alive.
Yes I know if I want to play mods I should get a PC.

But I am happy with my PS3 copy at the moment and my career :P
All I would love is my career player to have a nice MRF bat :P
Still Boggles my Mind that there is supposedly not one bat/equipment maker out there that didnt want his equipment advertised in the Game at a minimal/free rate.....
Still Boggles my Mind that there is supposedly not one bat/equipment maker out there that didnt want his equipment advertised in the Game at a minimal/free rate.....

Of course, even if you do get them to agree to be in the game for free, you then have all the meetings, contracts, building the actual content, approvals, legal signoffs...

It's never "free", even when it "is". :)
Ashes Cricket 2013 did seem to have most of the name brands though - so if those were exclusive deals, that'd explain part of it.

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