Complaining about lack of modding on consoles

Well, the biggest sports game of them all (FIFA) has the 'next-gen' version coming to PC this time around, and the PC has the best tennis and pool/snooker games as exclusives... PC isn't too shabby for sports titles, although there are a few console exclusives like Fight Night and MLB.
Well, the biggest sports game of them all (FIFA) has the 'next-gen' version coming to PC this time around, and the PC has the best tennis and pool/snooker games as exclusives... PC isn't too shabby for sports titles, although there are a few console exclusives like Fight Night and MLB.

I'm not saying they don't get made - generally the code/assets are the same across all versions, so it's not a lot of effort to do a PC version. It's just extra QA/compliance/compatibility, installer, Steam integration etc etc.

You'll *probably* make back the extra cost to make it, but it's not going to make you any real money. That all comes from the console versions. And it's usually an afterthought: get the priority versions finished and released and then make the changes required to put a PC version out there too.
Your continuing inability to understand the economics of a console release vs PC release to a developer is staggering.

That's exactly why developers working on game markets that are as niche have done very well out of it.

This is not BA doing some campaign against piracy, they are just trying to get as many copies sold as possible to make it worth the investment and time they have put into getting a PC release out , that many of the big fishes themselves seem reluctant to do.

If Bigant cut out the future PC version due to poor PC sales(aided by piracy ofcourse) its not them showing a Middle finger but just a logical step to keep their business afloat, when you cant get the return on your investment why would you go on to do it.

Building support through the community for small developers has been shown time and time again to be far more important long term than a quick buck.

Forget piracy. It's not about piracy. It's about sports games generally just selling poorly on PC. As has been the case forever.

Apart from Football Manager, which failed in it's attempts to move to the consoles from what I recall. Different kind of market though.

I also might remove myself from this discussion because we get really into the piracy debate again.
And I fully expect that I'll claim the superiority of the PC for gaming right up until I'm walking out of the store with my new PS4 and copy of DBC16, all while saying I'd not get the game because it wasn't on PC
you are the lucky one, nah! Ross will throw you some free copies
Forget piracy. It's not about piracy. It's about sports games generally just selling poorly on PC. As has been the case forever.
That's because most sports games that comes out now with licensed contents doesn't need modding but games like this with a low budget can significantly improve the game and adds extra longevity through mods which is necessary for a company like Big Ant to set a benchmark and make a everlasting impression in gaming industry. In general, we shouldn't compare cricket games with other big franchise sports games as it can be fairly misinterpreted. Each multi-platform cricket games that has ever released was played for a way longer time on PC than on consoles. *cough* Cricket 07 *cough*
Apart from Football Manager, which failed in it's attempts to move to the consoles from what I recall. Different kind of market though.

I also might remove myself from this discussion because we get really into the piracy debate again.

Yeah: Football manager a totally different story: That's a PC game. You NEED a mouse and keyboard for it. On the console it was horrible because the controls just didn't work: it was way too slow.[DOUBLEPOST=1407495247][/DOUBLEPOST]
That's because most sports games that comes out now with licensed contents doesn't need modding but games like this with a low budget can significantly improve the game and adds extra longevity through mods which is necessary for a company like Big Ant to set a benchmark and make a everlasting impression in game industry. In general, we shouldn't compare cricket games with other big franchise sports games as it can be fairly misinterpreted. Each multi-platform cricket games that has ever released was played for a way longer time on PC than on consoles. *cough* Cricket 07 *cough*

Yep. And didn't generate any revenue at all from all that longevity. It's a nice benevolent gift to the couple of thousand people that bought it, but not a sustainable business.

I'll bet Big Ant have sold at least 10 console copies for every 1 PC copy.
I'll bet Big Ant have sold at least 10 console copies for every 1 PC copy.
I hope they haven't sold that badly on consoles.

Not wasting time with inevitably bad keyboard/mouse controls is a very good idea for sports games on PC.
I love playing games on my console - inferior quality doesn't make a difference :p
Most modern laptops are capable of running games including DBC14, Steam also offer their in-home streaming, which I haven't tried but again you can stream it to any WIFI connected PC and play it on your TV with the same amount of cables it takes to plug an XBOX in. The whole idea of you can only play games on PC's in dark rooms is kinda, not the modern world. Since consoles are moving towards being entertainment devices and the gaming thing is an add-on, I imagine in a few years (maybe a decade) someone like Apple will come along and blow the whole thing up and incorporate their AppleTV/Home Computer that plugs into your TV as an entertainment device and plays games you download through iTunes and can stream to your other devices and so on...

It's really only a matter of time before the idea of "Discs" are gone for gaming, once that happens I think a giant console box becomes irrelevant as internet speeds and prices become more competitive and the line between internet, computers and televisions disappears. Some kinda revolution is due, I think it'll happen sooner than later as long as access to cloud-based storage and internet speeds increase.

...that all being said, I love the ol' PS3 because it's easy. It's just plug and play. PC's take a bit of know-how and fiddling around, I guess the most likely always will. Although, Steam does make it easier, certainly.
That's because most sports games that comes out now with licensed contents doesn't need modding but games like this with a low budget can significantly improve the game and adds extra longevity through mods which is necessary for a company like Big Ant to set a benchmark and make a everlasting impression in gaming industry. In general, we shouldn't compare cricket games with other big franchise sports games as it can be fairly misinterpreted. Each multi-platform cricket games that has ever released was played for a way longer time on PC than on consoles. *cough* Cricket 07 *cough*

Played by how many people, though?

Longevity of a game doesn't make developers or publishers money. It does make gamers happy (until last year, I still played the OG version of UFO: Enemy Unknown occasionally - that's over 20 years of fun)

An everlasting impression in the gaming industry didn't do Microprose any good, although Julian Gollop is still making games. Similarly the only development house you could ever claim I was a fanboy of (Looking Glass Technologies) has been long dead, and there's almost certainly many gamers who have literally no idea who Looking Glass were, or what they did that was so special.

I don't get why people think cosmetic mods are so important, because they're not at all important to me. What's important to me is that I finally (after all these years) believe there's a company who have the will and the desire to make a game that actually feels like cricket.

I love playing games on my console - inferior quality doesn't make a difference :p

Inferior graphical quality isn't the same thing as inferior quality. Games are games, pretty pictures are pretty pictures. I've never seen the much-vaunted MOAR POW3R of the PC Master Race used for anything except chucking more pixels around a screen.

Best graphics in any game ever (IMO) are the hand drawn/painted art on Magic: The Gathering cards. Happens to come attached to a well-designed game, too.
inferior quality doesn't make a difference :p
As long as you don't think like that when it comes to stuff like heart surgery! :p

Inferior graphical quality isn't the same thing as inferior quality. Games are games, pretty pictures are pretty pictures. I've never seen the much-vaunted MOAR POW3R of the PC Master Race used for anything except chucking more pixels around a screen.
Framerate too, that's very important in gameplay terms as well, especially in games that require timing/reactions like shooters, important in sports games too.

The mods for DBC may be 'cosmetic', but so is the colour of your car. A pink and lime green striped car with a penis painted on it would get you to work in the morning but it would irritate me and make me a bit uncomfortable driving it. Same sort of thing with playing vanilla unmodded games...

There are also plenty of mods for games that are much, much more than just cosmetic changes.
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I don't think 'Heart Surgery 2014' will ever make it to console either.

When I play on my console I'm 3 metres back from the screen. When I play on the PC I'm less than 1 metre from the screen. I agree that PC definition is better, but when you are 3 metres back from the screen it doesn't matter so much.
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