Complete Linked / Skilled/Attributed teams **DOWNLOAD STEPS INCLUDED** - check 1st post for list

My hands got bitten off yesterday in a vicious fight with a raccoon (it wanted my cake), but should grow back in time to play this in late March. In the meantime, as I am unable to use a computer, could somebody please make me the full roster of players and teams from my local 100 team league system.

Many thanks.
i haven't actually made any players or teams, i force my houseboy to do it on pain of rubbing salt in his eyes if i'm not happy with the results.
My hands got bitten off yesterday in a vicious fight with a raccoon (it wanted my cake), but should grow back in time to play this in late March. In the meantime, as I am unable to use a computer, could somebody please make me the full roster of players and teams from my local 100 team league system.

Many thanks.

What happened to your other hand?
Grow up and use your feet like a normal person. The things people complain about... :noway
what happened to your other eye? #callback

Literally the one player I forgot about...will eventually make him
Hmm... I remember I looked on CA and there was no Simmons. I was going to make him but I must have forgot. Let's all just wait til Snowy's done it :p
My bad, Not enough time to read every post. Too much work & no holidays to take on DBC release week :mad :facepalm

But seriously, what were Simmons chances of two 100+ scores after 0,8,5,2 Slim Id say!

Say @blockerdave, Can you quote your All Time Aust Team? :thumbs

no worries, i was only kidding.

my Aus all time team is exactly the same as the on-disc roster, i didn't change it at all. All my rosters that have on-disc equivalents match the on-disc roster, except England where I have taken out Swann and Trott, and brought in Carberry, and someone else who I now forget. Can't believe I know have to take out KP!!

If anyone from India can let me know who I should swap for SRT that'd be aces.
no worries, i was only kidding.

my Aus all time team is exactly the same as the on-disc roster, i didn't change it at all. All my rosters that have on-disc equivalents match the on-disc roster, except England where I have taken out Swann and Trott, and brought in Carberry, and someone else who I now forget. Can't believe I know have to take out KP!!

If anyone from India can let me know who I should swap for SRT that'd be aces.

Keep SRT. No real indian in their right mind will download a team without SRT:p

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