Complete Linked / Skilled/Attributed teams **DOWNLOAD STEPS INCLUDED** - check 1st post for list

Sorry for coming to the conversation late, but im wondering if anyone knows about how it will work in my career mode

so I am gathering that there will be an option to write over all squads in the game, and hence when i am playing state cricket for Victoria, I will play the tasmanian listed regulars because i have over written using the CA options on my PS3 when i update at the start?

sorry does that even make sense?
Just noticed this thread now!

Fantastic work from all the great creators, thanks to everyone for documenting them here to!

All the hard work from the community is going to define how well DBC14 is recieved, very excited to see pretty much every team we could imagine created and ready to go for April!
still needs pakistan domestic teams.
and also Afghanistan


I've had to post this image before...are people spelling Afghanistan incorrectly or something when they search?


Sorry for coming to the conversation late, but im wondering if anyone knows about how it will work in my career mode

so I am gathering that there will be an option to write over all squads in the game, and hence when i am playing state cricket for Victoria, I will play the tasmanian listed regulars because i have over written using the CA options on my PS3 when i update at the start?

sorry does that even make sense?

If you replace the on-disc players with players from the Academy, they will be replaced everywhere, including Career Mode.
Well, I didn't even know that I've uploaded an Indian team, but apparently I have along with England, NZ and Australia. Thanks for reminding me blocker :p
Hi Guys

Regarding the linking of players and so on. Lets say I download mrdconnors Australian team, but I download Casper's Australian Domestic teams, then I will have different players in the Test side to what those players will be playing for their domestic side?

And In South African we have diffirent players that play in our test side than what we have in our ODI side and T20 side, so how do we counter that Vernon Philander that only playes test mathes be in the T20 team?
The version that you download most recently will be the only that exists. For example, if you download mrdconnors Australia, his Ryan Harris will be linked. If you then download my (I'm Casper) Queensland, then mrdconnors Ryan Harris will be replaced with mine.

In CA, you can set default lineups for each format of the game. So Vernon Philander can be in your South African squad of 30. You can include him in the default test line-up, and exclude him from the default T20 lineup.

The best way to find this all out (and not rely on horrible explanations from me), is to test out the CA yourself if possible.

Hope that helps.
The version that you download most recently will be the only that exists. For example, if you download mrdconnors Australia, his Ryan Harris will be linked. If you then download my (I'm Casper) Queensland, then mrdconnors Ryan Harris will be replaced with mine.

In CA, you can set default lineups for each format of the game. So Vernon Philander can be in your South African squad of 30. You can include him in the default test line-up, and exclude him from the default T20 lineup.

The best way to find this all out (and not rely on horrible explanations from me), is to test out the CA yourself if possible.

Hope that helps.

Thanx alot. I do have it, version 99.94d, but I dont think its the most up to date one. Will play around on it abit.

So I am getting the game on xbox, I will then be able to log into my CA account from my xbox right and then download my teams, that I have taken from you guys, onto it?
Since I'll be getting the game probably a week later than the Aussies, I hope that by then there is a set list of teams to download :)
Here's what I've been working on in the academy for the past few months. Nearing completion :)

@NoLeName (razorblunt on CA) has been doing the NZ teams, and I've been adding them as each one is complete. If any of these are fully complete and you want them added to the OP drop me a PM.

still needs pakistan domestic teams.
and also Afghanistan

as mentioned above, the purpose of the thread/OP is to list complete teams, that are linked as much as possible, and also to highlight the work done by members of the forum. i'm happy to add any teams, but generally i prefer the creator to pm me and confirm that they're complete in terms of attributes and skills and any players that can be linked are linked.

it's not the purpose to list every country and their domestic teams, just to list what we can verify is a "complete" roster on CA to give the forum members here confidence in what they might download, and to encourage members to check them out and rate them highly.

if it's not the creator that pm's me, i'm happy to add it anyway as long as either a)the creator is someone we know will have done the skills, attributes and linking, or b)the person pm-ing me has checked and verified this.

as snowy's image above, and the post by @dhump above indicates, both Afghanistan and the Pakistan domestic teams should be on CA. Feel free to go in and do that checking, and if they are fully skilled/attributed and linked where possible drop me a pm with all the details and i will certainly add them to the OP. if they're not, you can do that yourself, upload them under your name and again pm me the details and they'll be added.

ultimately, the OP is a "free market", and will reflect the teams people have been interested to spend the time doing. if you have an interest in certain teams being there, please do spend the time to create them, or check/edit the ones others have created and pm me the details. the reason obscure teams are in the OP is because someone (usually me) has been sad enough to create them - i actually will play as Arosa Sri Lanka, if I can get round to recreating the SA 80s that played the rebel series.

Also, @ChinamanSpin has pm'd me confirming @Ruck has created a number of the associate sides, including Afghanistan, so I will get them added to the OP.


Yup, they should be completed in all respect else folks like me would run around as headless chicken trying to get the teams right.

Hopefully the following teams would be added to the OP in the future...

1. Bradman's Invincibles
2. WI of 80s
3. SA of 70s
4. Waugh's early 2000s Aussies

By the way how do you add Bradman to a team? Since he's licensed wouldn't adding him to custom created teams be prohibited?

1) The Invincibles are done and should be in the OP - Aus 1940s. A lot of the players are "generic" appearance, but the roster names are correct.
2)Not sure if anyone has made the actual squad, but certainly a lot of the individual players are on CA and I think you could create the squad without having to do many players
3)Again, quite a few players are in based on either the on-disc SA All Time team, or people having made the players individually or as part of other teams (someone did a few World Series Squads if I recall)... I'll also be doing some as I am making the SA Team that played the rebel series in the 80s, and several were players from the 70s team
4)Don't know if anyone has pulled it through into a single squad yet, but again I would be very surprised if you couldn't make this squad based on individual players already on CA.


Ruck's Associates added to the OP and have separated the Associates from the other internationals.

just one thing to be aware of:

ChinamanSpin said:
The skills are a bit high in comparison to others, with all the teams having more stars than your Zimbabwe, but all are linked, skilled and attributed.

Obviously that's right for Ireland though, huh @SpitfiresKent ;)
@NoLeName (razorblunt on CA) has been doing the NZ teams, and I've been adding them as each one is complete. If any of these are fully complete and you want them added to the OP drop me a PM.

None of them are 100% complete yet, I will PM you when they're done.

Obviously that's right for Ireland though, huh @SpitfiresKent ;)

No, I'd still rate Zimbabwe as a better team than Ireland despite losing to them the other day.
Does anybody know of a user that has created the South African domestic Teams?

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