Created Players, Logos, Uniforms and Stadiums

Does anyone know if the issue with the England team missing a lot of bats was resolved or do they still need to be updated? I know @Llewelynf is making pretty much all of them so I'm not sure if they're not ready yet, or if they were supposed to be assigned but didn't go through for some reason. Also @Munkeymomo, do your county sides have all the bats done too? Thinking ahead to PC career mode, though I know a lot more will be done before then. Although presumably the club regens that come through will just use default bats anyway? Or will they take one randomly from your Bat Manager selection, which would be a nice touch? Does anyone know?

So a lot of players have their bats, but given I haven't (not had anyone else) made a few brands (Only 1 slaz, no millichamp and hall, newberry, hunts county etc) not all bats are assigned yet. I was planning on adding more but I felt bats were low on the priority for release. I'll do some more over Xmas.

@Markkkkk this should answer you're question about bats too. The England players and big ex players like Bell and Trott etc have bats, the less famous players just have random Gunn and Moore or grey nics etc assigned for now.
McLean Park, Napier. One of NZ's less used international venues, but a home to domestic team the Central Stags. There are large gaps on the left between the stand and field due to the rectangular shape of the ground as it is mostly used for rugby, and the square field option would leave the ground too wide
dbc17_mclean park_stadium_screenshot.png
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So a lot of players have their bats, but given I haven't (not had anyone else) made a few brands (Only 1 slaz, no millichamp and hall, newberry, hunts county etc) not all bats are assigned yet. I was planning on adding more but I felt bats were low on the priority for release. I'll do some more over Xmas.

@Markkkkk this should answer you're question about bats too. The England players and big ex players like Bell and Trott etc have bats, the less famous players just have random Gunn and Moore or grey nics etc assigned for now.
@Munkeymomo I have a lot of bats shared that cover the majority of players. Please feel free to use them as you wish. Just search Friedlele7. The UK GM bats, and Gray Nicolls alone cover almost half.
@Munkeymomo I have a lot of bats shared that cover the majority of players. Please feel free to use them as you wish. Just search Friedlele7. The UK GM bats, and Gray Nicolls alone cover almost half.

Mate I've already downloaded all your bats!! :D

I made some but yours are better, plus it makes sense to use the same bats for all players. I've a few of my own in the county rosters (slazenger, boom boom, woodworm) but all the GM/GN/Kook/NB bats in the county sides are yours.
So a lot of players have their bats, but given I haven't (not had anyone else) made a few brands (Only 1 slaz, no millichamp and hall, newberry, hunts county etc) not all bats are assigned yet. I was planning on adding more but I felt bats were low on the priority for release. I'll do some more over Xmas.

@Markkkkk this should answer you're question about bats too. The England players and big ex players like Bell and Trott etc have bats, the less famous players just have random Gunn and Moore or grey nics etc assigned for now.

That's great, MM - from my point of view, I don't really mind that much if players I'm less familiar with have a random bat, as it still looks better than the default ones obviously! I hope the club players in career mode won't all end up having blank bats all the way up to the international teams - I don't know if anyone's looked at that yet though. Anyway, just one quick thing I noticed - it might be that some of the county sides I've got are outdated but I noticed that some of them are missing club logos on helmets while others have them. I don't know if it's actually like that, or if it just needs to be added, as I assumed all counties had them. My only other comment would be that the Worcestershire helmets seem a bit dark for me. I can always edit that myself when I get the game if you're happy with it, but I just thought I'd see what you think about it? I think you made the counties in DBC14 too, and that was pretty much spot on from what I can remember. Obviously it's entirely up to you though, as I really appreciate all your work so far!

One last minor request for @Llewelynf (I think you're the kits master at the moment?) - Would it be possible for you to adjust the colour of the Waitrose logo on the England Test shirts. Been watching the Tests vs India and noticed that it's definitely been toned down from the old green one. Not sure if it's completely black now or just very dark blue or green, but I tried to find some pictures for you to see.,width-800,resizemode-4/55997207.jpg

Not sure why some players have the logo on the left sleeve and some on the right, but there we go. XD
The Waitrose logo is a darker green than what's on the shirts in game for sure. ^
Anyone playing noticed that the logos on kits are a bit blurred in game? Like the Ford logo on NZ kit for example
I noticed that all of the Lord's uploaded were with a circular field, whereas it really should be a square. Perhaps they were made back when squares were causing bugs in the stadium creator? They are nice pieces of work otherwise, and I could easily fix them but I think that mightn't be fair to the original creators.[DOUBLEPOST=1481984327][/DOUBLEPOST]
Anyone playing noticed that the logos on kits are a bit blurred in game? Like the Ford logo on NZ kit for example

Yep the Aussie ones seem to be a mess during the game.
Not sure why some players have the logo on the left sleeve and some on the right, but there we go. XD

Depends on the leading arm of the player - for right handed batsman the logo is on the left arm and vice versa.
The reason behind this the sponsor is visible when the player is batting, the sponsors are paying so much for their visibility afterall.
Is there a way of telling which items you've downloaded when you go back into the Community section of Cricket Academy - obviously there are new additions all the time, so it would be handy if there was some visual which shows which items you've already downloaded... For instance, bats/stadiums download as part of the team package, but if i then go and search for some stadiums/bats to download separately it's impossible to see what I already have or don't have

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