Cricket 19 General Discussion

Will take a look at all the stadiums in stadium editor. Thanks for this new piece of info! I thought ball and pitch friction sliders were the only attributes related to friction and outfield speed.
I'm still not sure if grass type actual matters in game. But definitely worth checking.[DOUBLEPOST=1559329313][/DOUBLEPOST]
AI at legend bowling difficulty at hardest

AI destroy my fast bowling attack on a green hard pitch

I have never given this much runs ever! Damme you BA
Gonna try legend hardest for my next T20.
Not sure whether the base AI levels is independent of the sliders: i.e the sliders are on top of the levels? Someone with more knowledge will need to answer that.
Thanks. Do you guys see improvements in wicket keeper reactions in the new beta builds? And what was the mocap guy on during wicket keeping day?
As in the other games, fielders can cover far far too much ground to take catches...
This imbalance between the ball and player speed works quite weirdly in the game. On one hand you can hit the ball directly to a fielder in the circle and take easy singles, and on the other hand you hit a lofted shot towards long off which should be a boundary but somehow your mid off fielder manages to haul it in. Somehow the fielders suddenly attain different speeds and reaction times when the ball is hit in the air.
Just played another ODI game, really enjoyed the intent in the AI batting with them finishing well over 300. In Ashes it always felt like a pre 2010 ODI where 250 would be a good score - so massive thanks for this BA. The animations are superb, it's really nice to see an actual successful pull off the spinners! Although I'm really starting to get sick of that flick over the leg side for 6 (this is a good thing, I feel you have to bowl more of a 5th stump line in this game).

I get what people are saying about the number of doorsa's bowled by orthodox finger spinners, however, I would be nervous if the AI had this removed it would be a little too predictable to bat against them? There would need to offer more variety and control over the flight and speed and swing then is already on offer and also make it more likely that the batsman chip it in the air if they don't time it as well? I do feel the new arm ball is better, though I would like a little more drift/swing.

My biggest frustration (and it says more about my cricketing OCD then anything else) is the bowling speeds. It feels like every bowl has a stock speed depending on whether the release is perfect, good or ok. I.e. Archer bowling 94mph on an ideal release no matter what. I remember a similar thing happening in Ashes and there was quite a bit of noise about changing it to be a little more natural. Does anyone with a newer build know if this has been changed?
Anyone know how to get a field setting you create to show up in a match?

It only ever has 1 preset field
Guys is it possible to bring back the helmet grill in the pro cam like ashes game ? Is there a setting I'm missing in the game or this is how it is now for cricket 19 ? Thanks

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