Cricket 19 General Discussion

One thing I'd like added, and tweaked, is the crowd noise. Its a little muted at times. Like I bowled David Warner out on 49 and it sounded like a funeral. At edgbaston! I know the day 1 patch may have new audio mix and sounds etc, I'm just mentioning it in case it's slipped through the net. I'd like the crowd to be a bit louder, particularly at grounds like Edgbaston.
Game looks really good, looking forward to playing it on my PC soon hopefully. Couple of things that are putting me off slightly though. One is that all the players seem to be of very same build (arms and torso). I saw one video where Warner and Finch were walking out and both players' physique seemed identical and the head (and helmet) was bigger relative to the body, almost like as if they were mini bobble heads. Does anyone else notice this?

The other being shot animations. I haven't played anything much since DBC 14 and coming from that game, there is significant change in animations and some animations just feel odd. The front and back foot leg glance animations just look odd. Don't know if it's because I am doing something wrong. However, I love what they've done with the presentation of the game, especially the new cut scenes and sounds. Adds much more authenticity to the game, which is awesome.
OK one thing I have noticed quite few times now to get it noticed is that ai some times never appeal even if you see a clear edge , hopefully its already fixed in the upcoming patch.[DOUBLEPOST=1558894419][/DOUBLEPOST]I have ramped up the edges to max and 1/4 games its happening sometimes twice in a match.
I wish we can choose broadcast 3 for running camera as well. It's feels like other big ant cricket games.
Well I try to choose it for my career mode but I can't choose it as a running camera, you can only choose broadcast 1 and 2 and not 3 for running camera.
The other being shot animations. I haven't played anything much since DBC 14 and coming from that game, there is significant change in animations and some animations just feel odd. The front and back foot leg glance animations just look odd. Don't know if it's because I am doing something wrong.

The leg glance, particularly the back foot leg glance, is one of my fave shots. I've never seen a cricket game in the past 12 years or so (EA Cricket 07) that had a decent leg glance animation. I was hoping Cricket 19 would rectify this. I will find out when I get the game.
Later on down the line I would love this game to maybe have a stadium dlc,the English stadiums look amazing.Think it would be great to have some other official stadiums like Cape town and Mumbai,surely if we can't have all officially licensed teams.Maybe we can have some stadia?
Hopefully the next progression would be to get English domestic set-up licenced (Big piece of work) and possibly Big Ant’s neighbours New Zealand. Somewhere like Ireland shouldn’t be difficult either. Then hit the bigger nations by telling them that everyone else is in.
Sorry, this is me being lazy and inpatient but...and I haven’t got the game yet (Royal Mail/Bank hol!).

Watching clips online, I can’t stand what appears to be the new default camera angle once you’ve hit the ball. You don’t know if you’re upside down or what. It’s gonna be run out city!

I haven’t played Ashes for awhile but what was the default camera for once you’ve hit the ball or for running? Can you set it to that on Cricket 19?
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