So many of these people need to pump their brakes. Literally shown a one minute thirty trailer of a nets mini-game and nets session demo and people are losing their s**t. Personally all the people whinging about graphics etc need to grow up.
I get the sense Ross and co. are getting real sick of a particular part of the fanbase carrying on like morons. They're based in Melbourne, we've had the longest amount of lockdowns in total for the last two years. Its been hard, real hard much like everywhere else. The fact that they've managed to get a game ready is an accomplishment. The last thing they would probably want to hear is a bunch of entitled f-wits carrying on. Personally, I think BA have done a great job from what I've seen, no game is perfect, none, and from what I've seen so far looks great (and yes I've warmed up to it a bit the last few days, because I've waited to SEE what the game is doing thus far, not pre-emptive whinging).
Edit: This isn't directed at you Mohammed, I think you're cool. =)