Cricket 22 General Discussion thread (Use bug report thread for issues/bugs/crashes | Patch notes in first post)

They are of Tennis World Tour fame: the first game wasn't even completed. The second game was made by BA and was better but still has mixed reviews. Most of their sporting games as a far as I can tell have mixed reviews. And they just seem to LUVVVVV a DLC.

I have full faith in BA but not in Nacon. Their track record isnt confidence making as far as I am concerned.
In all fairness who came before? Tru Blu or something wasn’t it? They were useless as well
This is the first time we’ve simply just had a game announced with immediate collateral and release date, no? Or am I wrong on that?

if I’m not wrong, that is a positive tbh
This is the first time we’ve simply just had a game announced with immediate collateral and release date, no? Or am I wrong on that?

if I’m not wrong, that is a positive tbh
Yes, that's correct. Would have been nice to see a full gameplay trailer before they made pre-orders available though.
Yes, that's correct. Would have been nice to see a full gameplay trailer before they made pre-orders available though.
I never understand pre-orders. Just wait for gameplay then pre-order a day or two from release date. Personally I like to wait a week or so and see what the ground truth is behind a game and then make a judgement based off that and my own thoughts of course.
I never understand pre-orders. Just wait for gameplay then pre-order a day or two from release date. Personally I like to wait a week or so and see what the ground truth is behind a game and then make a judgement based off that and my own thoughts of course.
Pre orders are for the hardcore gamers and fans who will always get a game no matter what.. Also It’s about building hype and getting people committed to the game.
The pre order (net challenges) part of Cricket 22, is for the hardcore fan who they know will pre order the game and will give them something todo whilst waiting for release. Also it’s for the purpose of getting more people who may not have normally to pre purchased the game to buy the game early, thus getting making more money, at least early on.
Big ant: “If you pre purchase you get access to this, this and this.”
Average consumer: ooo that’s cool I’ll go out on a whim and pre purchase the game.
Boom Big Ant have hooked you in early and got your money early. You may not know everything about the game but the pre order has done its job convincing you to get the game. It’s quite clever TBH. Wouldn’t be surprised if big ant sell more copies because of it. How many who knows. Good on em though.
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So many of these people need to pump their brakes. Literally shown a one minute thirty trailer of a nets mini-game and nets session demo and people are losing their s**t. Personally all the people whinging about graphics etc need to grow up.

I get the sense Ross and co. are getting real sick of a particular part of the fanbase carrying on like morons. They're based in Melbourne, we've had the longest amount of lockdowns in total for the last two years. Its been hard, real hard much like everywhere else. The fact that they've managed to get a game ready is an accomplishment. The last thing they would probably want to hear is a bunch of entitled f-wits carrying on. Personally, I think BA have done a great job from what I've seen, no game is perfect, none, and from what I've seen so far looks great (and yes I've warmed up to it a bit the last few days, because I've waited to SEE what the game is doing thus far, not pre-emptive whinging).

Edit: This isn't directed at you Mohammed, I think you're cool. =)
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So many of these people need to pump their brakes. Literally shown a one minute thirty trailer of a nets mini-game and nets session demo and people are losing their s**t. Personally all the people whinging about graphics etc need to grow up.

I get the sense Ross and co. are getting real sick of a particular part of the fanbase carrying on like morons. They're based in Melbourne, we've had the longest amount of lockdowns in total for the last two years. Its been hard, real hard much like everywhere else. The fact that they've managed to get a game ready is an accomplishment. The last thing they would probably want to hear is a bunch of entitled f-wits carrying on. Personally, I think BA have done a great job from what I've seen, no game is perfect, none, and from what I've seen so far looks great (and yes I've warmed up to it a bit the last few days, because I've waited to SEE what the game is doing thus far, not pre-emptive whinging).

Edit: This isn't directed at you Mohammed, I think you're cool. =)
Couldn’t agree more, none of these people live in Melbourne, you can’t do anything here. You basically have to work from home and you can’t go anywhere todo photogrammetry work for player likenesses or even motion capture. The gaming industry I don’t think has been classed as an essential service, well I wouldn’t think so. I can only imagine that it would have been rather difficult at times to get this game even half ready. Yes we had periods of no lockdowns earlier this year but not for long. People don’t realise Melbourne is the most lockdown city in the world, the fact they’re even getting a game out is pretty good. People may need to put things into perspective, maybe lower expectations (even if big ant are raising them through hype) and be happy to get something new. Having said all that, I myself ain’t expecting anything dramatic (although things are looking positive). People shouldn’t be expecting too much either. If it’s better than expected, I’ll be happy.

Ps: another annoying thing is people asking for ross to “bring the game to Android”. Do these people not realise how dumbed down the game might have to be just to get a port to android? Also Big Ant ain’t 2k sports or EA they probably don’t have the time or resources to even bother trying to bring something half decent to a mobile platform like iOS or Android. They need to stop asking. Enough of my rant lol
Couldn’t agree more, none of these people live in Melbourne, you can’t do anything here. You basically have to work from home and you can’t go anywhere todo photogrammetry work for player likenesses or even motion capture. The gaming industry I don’t think has been classed as an essential service, well I wouldn’t think so. I can only imagine that it would have been rather difficult at times to get this game even half ready. Yes we had periods of no lockdowns earlier this year but not for long. People don’t realise Melbourne is the most lockdown city in the world, the fact they’re even getting a game out is pretty good. People may need to put things into perspective, maybe lower expectations (even if big ant are raising them through hype) and be happy to get something new. Having said all that, I myself ain’t expecting anything dramatic (although things are looking positive). People shouldn’t be expecting too much either. If it’s better than expected, I’ll be happy.

Ps: another annoying thing is people asking for ross to “bring the game to Android”. Do these people not realise how dumbed down the game might have to be just to get a port to android? Also Big Ant ain’t 2k sports or EA they probably don’t have the time or resources to even bother trying to bring something half decent to a mobile platform like iOS or Android. They need to stop asking. Enough of my rant lol
True words friend. I even once said the graphics looks a bit down but...but I haven't seen the gameplay so I might be wrong, but not worried much about it. Those new videos show that things are different and nice and fluid. At least people if they don't want to be positive about this is fine but not to rant like a bully. We are getting a new cricket game and it's in a month reach and that's what matters.

These "Android sir please" group are to be ignored 24x7.... I mean it's embarrassing at times....
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Just watched Gjweaver the nets challenge bowling controls, they are good. I really like the retro helmets for a long time.
Has anyone figured out yet what are the after touch controls for?

From what I have understand its like a bluff marker with respect to line , when you initially set the length say off side off stump on good length , the after touch controls gives you the ability to tilt the bowling marker towards off , straight or legside. That will be fun for online and couch multiplayer.

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