Cricket Academy Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs Thread

...and we'll find out how they look on release date, July the eleventeenth two thousand whenever...
My glasses have started disappearing on the player card in this version - they show fine right up to the point of the screen capture, but then disappear.
I think each uniform should correspond to a different (optional) roster. Some teams will only need one roster but international teams will need 3. A lot of players will be shared between the different rosters but it will be good to have the ability for dedicated squads.

Uniform 1 = ODI = 18 players
Uniform 2 = Test = 18 players
Uniform 3 = T20 = 18 players


Or have a pool of players from that country (in your Player Manager) listed below the core 18 so we can chop and change easily.
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Hey Ross,
Can you please do something about the 'A.Player' created whenever we create a new team. Currently we need to manually delete them all from the player manager, which gets a little tedious if we have to do it everytime.

Also, is it possible to allow some actions (like Delete, Share, Add to team etc) on multiple players? Maybe you can add an option for batch management where we can select multiple players by ticking the checkboxes and then executing the required action.

Finally, can you add a help section for each slider/option. Maybe just a simple text below the slider/option of what it actually does. That will help a lot of new users to know what exactly each option is for rather than going for trial and error.


I think each uniform should correspond to a different (optional) roster. Some teams will only need one roster but international teams will need 3. A lot of players will be shared between the different rosters but it will be good to have the ability for dedicated squads.

Uniform 1 = ODI = 18 players
Uniform 2 = Test = 18 players
Uniform 3 = T20 = 18 players


Or have a pool of players from that country (in your Player Manager) listed below the core 18 so we can chop and change easily.

Good suggestion. I also kind of agree that the ideal thing would be to have the options for separate teams for separate uniforms. But I just wonder if it will create problems in downloading the teams as then a team 'can' contain 18x4=72 players lol.
Yeah, he's said a couple of times we'll get supplied tools for editing, which is really neat... We've been pretty (amazingly) lucky to get given what we have got already, for free...
Yeah, he's said a couple of times we'll get supplied tools for editing, which is really neat... We've been pretty (amazingly) lucky to get given what we have got already, for free...

Then I surely missed that part. Thanks for the info though.

IRON ANT is really gonna reach for the SKY...
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Make player stats entry like career stats, batting, fielding attributes attainable on the server (if they exist for that player). So if someone has entered a players stats (on any upload for given player) you can choose to 'download stats from server' for that player, a database if you will. So if you make a new player, upload him, someone else enters his stats, you can then pull those stats for that player in player or team manager. Maybe these could come with a 'date entered' memo so we can see which are the most up to date. Would also help for quickly updating stats in the future.

We have 'team and player manager' options, why not a 'stats manager option'? Where a teams players will be listed, or you can add players to the list, and edit stats in there, instead of actually having to have that player exist in your player manager.
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Make player stats entry like career stats, batting, fielding attributes attainable on the server (if they exist for that player). So if someone has entered a players stats (on any upload for given player) you can choose to 'download stats from server' for that player, a database if you will. So if you make a new player, upload him, someone else enters his stats, you can then pull those stats for that player in player or team manager. Maybe these could come with a 'date entered' memo so we can see which are the most up to date. Would also help for quickly updating stats in the future.

We have 'team and player manager' options, why not a 'stats manager option'? Where a teams players will be listed, or you can add players to the list, and edit stats in there, instead of actually having to have that player exist in your player manager.
I'd like to add here, Team stats would also show the matches played , won, lost etc. by the team in FC, OD, etc. in both offline/online mode.
It'd be nice to see this esp in online mode, we'll know how good the other gamer is with this game!!
Will there be player stats options for odis and tests and t20i ??
I am unable to upload anything and getting this error..please help..i have installed 0.93 setup.. Is there any specific procedure needed to be followed regarding one's email & username?

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