Cricket Academy Now Available

New update downloading now. Going to try my hand at some female players.

Glad with a huge smile.
Very happy indeed sorry if it isn’t coming across I’ve worked 52 hours in 6 days flat out exhausted. Wanting to jump around the living room like a lunatic. Did fill up have to admit but with tears of joy. Thank you so much Big Ant can’t express how much this means in words. Suggested things in the past like stadium creator but none of it was important or my heart was never really in it that much. Today’s news is all I ever wanted, not that want is entitlement. Big Ant have ticked every box becoming the kings of sports games this is some truly wonderful news. Rumours of a tennis game too. Want! Instant pre order. Just a great time a very exciting future for gaming I would buy all you guys a drink if I could. Creeping off, my cosy bed awaits will definitely be downloading later, covering myself in tattoos, I do have one which I am wanting to build on want to be head to toe.
Also thanks for been on the forum, staying true to your fans, caring, putting your hearts into DBC. You guys are the best!
Hugely excited by this news and update. As the father of three girls who love gaming but don't 'get' cricket, I'm hoping that this could form the gateway to getting them actually interested in the sport. Women's cricket has transformed in recent years and it's really great to see this recognised, at last, in a game. I'm hoping that this really boosts DBC17's brand and is reflected in sales. Thanks, again, to everyone at Big Ant.
Oooh. Nope - There's Cricket Australia cooperation confirmed! This is great news.
"Big Ant used motion capture technology, assisted by members of the Australian women's cricket team."

Fair dinkum!!! Im pumped this is fantastic, not sure if a game has ever had pro cricketers even motion captured before?... now only if they could get watto or s.marsh or my fav to watch atm uzzy khawaja in the recording room.... *dreaming
not sure if a game has ever had pro cricketers even motion captured before?...

Not as far as I know - All the ones I've worked on have used club/state players because of the time commitments. This attention to detail, as esecially if they are forging links with associations as this might suggest, is really encouraging and shows how serious Big Ant are.
I guess the next question is, since they did the motion capture, whether the Southern Stars are actually included in the game...
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