Cricket Academy Now Available

Fair dinkum!!! Im pumped this is fantastic, not sure if a game has ever had pro cricketers even motion captured before?... now only if they could get watto or s.marsh or my fav to watch atm uzzy khawaja in the recording room.... *dreaming
Ross once mentioned that they may go for regional promotion! So they may get 3-4 international male cricketers to promote this game in different region. If they get the license to use those players then they may even get to use them in mo-capping.
This is grand news; although I can vaguely remember this being talked about as an idea before.

Its especially cool that they haven't half-arsed the thing and are doing it properly: in these things tokenism is almost as bad as no representation at all. I'm pretty sure that its the second team sports game to have women players after FIFA: and they are doing it in a much better way.
I guess the next question is, since they did the motion capture, whether the Southern Stars are actually included in the game...

Well if, i mean if? I reckon that could be the attention this game well and truly deserves :)
This is grand news; although I can vaguely remember this being talked about as an idea before.

Its especially cool that they haven't half-arsed the thing and are doing it properly: in these things tokenism is almost as bad as no representation at all. I'm pretty sure that its the second team sports game to have women players after FIFA: and they are doing it in a much better way.

It's come up every so often for about 5 years, but has usually descended into some sexist old nonsense pretty fast railroading the serious discussion.

I think this is a great move. Will create an almost entirely separate game mode because of the differences in the women's game. 2x the career, 2x the tournaments... It will add loads of more depth in the right way IMO.
I think a huge grats has to go to Ross & the Big Ant team on this mornings news regarding women players being included in DBC17.
This proves that they care what the playing community requests / wish list and where they can act upon it.

We are getting an amazing womens T20 super league in UK this July/ August which will help the game get even bigger!

This im sure will mean DBC will gain more players.

Only question i have around it is. Will there be the same experiences as men ie career mode etc..?
Just now tried the Academy and apart from the amazing Female players addition, the other improvements are awesome as well :D The eyes are looking so much more lively and guess they have made it a little more spherical too! Thanks a lot Big Ant :D
It's fantastic news that female cricket is being represented. It's a fantastic way to get youngsters into the game irl as the ball is easier to pick up from the stands. And this will hopefully transfer into the game being slightly easier than male cricket. The only question is, if female cricketers are being used for mo-cap are there plans to do the same for men? It would look silly if the women's game produces mo-cap from world class females but the male game features mo-cap from club cricketers. Unless the game is leaning more to female cricket.
As happy as I am with the involvement of Women's Cricket. I think it was also strategically well planned move. Being only the second sports game to involve Women after Fifa, this will definitely helps in bringing the Media Attention to a cricket game. I usually come to get news about this game by visiting this website but surprisingly today fb news feed from IGN brought me here.
Only question i have around it is. Will there be the same experiences as men ie career mode etc..?
They won't be the exact same experiences, as there are different career fixtures and competitions.

But yes in the sense that all the modes have women's cricket equivalents, including career.
They won't be the exact same experiences, as there are different career fixtures and competitions.

But yes in the sense that all the modes have women's cricket equivalents, including career.
Dam Matt that's awesome thanks.

Thats better than FIFA already
They won't be the exact same experiences, as there are different career fixtures and competitions.

But yes in the sense that all the modes have women's cricket equivalents, including career.

Man yous really are doing this properly; this really is great to hear!

Are you planning to add women umpires as well? That's the only thing that really seems to be missing from this perspective; and it would be odd if that's missing considering the effort already put into the womens game. We're still talking about a very early version of the Academy and you can't expect everything to be added at once...
Will we have female-specific terms for the ladies player creator like we had big eye, big wheel etc. in the previous game? I can think of a few 'big' terms to use... if you know what I mean. :P

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