Cricket Coach - Bugs thread

C'mon guys let CC developers know that they lack in the basic department i-e training and feild placing and also the match engine kinda give weird result specially in one days, so that they improve the game in the next few days and also if u praised the game too much they will think they done a good job and they only removes bug etc.
I saw what you wrote the first time - but after the tenth time, I'm slightly bored by it! I'm sure they will take ALL feedback (apart from the stupid insults) into account.
sami007 said:
nah mates its a good game..just that stupid leggie bug which totally sucks ass
If the 'leggie' bug you are referring to is the crash bug linked to bowl plans, then you'll be pleased to hear that has been fixed :)

Muhammad Saad - I wish it were as easy as sitting here for a couple of days and adding in training. It isn't. We have never promised this feature and imho it hasn't yet added anything to a management game other than frustration and confusion. That isn't to say we won't add it in the future however.
Since we cant coach young players.
How do they improve?
Is it over time,whether they get played in games or not.
Do they improve at all.

Good to see the bugs getting fixed.
Hope once the bugs are fixed you continue the hard work on making this game better by working on the game engine (human vs ai).

I see plenty of potential in this so i think once the bugs are fixed im gonna have to get this despite some flaws i see in the match engine as i get to coach W.A. and Australia. :happy
If im lucky maybe you guys will continue to expand on it and make it a more indepth management sim.
Wont hold my breath though because i guess that would require a whole new game engine being developed.
Ok no problem dont add this feature but at sack pls change the rate at which player improves or decline in their rating ,I m sitting around for 4 years looking at the player (youth player allrounder) have mediocre batting skills and mediocre bowling as well even after 4 years there was no change in skill. one more thing the player retires after reaching 37 or 38 years (almost every player) oh I know that some players have good fitness so resulting in prolong thier carrear but not every player has high fitness ,so pls add this feature that player retires in age begining 30s. I remember looking at the screen shot that a bowler bowling to a custom plan i-e fast off stump ,so if u forget this pls add now in next fixed version ,and also are u gonna add feature of change field by ourselves?

Dont take offence of my any post ,becuz I had so many aspectation from the game and I thought it just like FM2006 but any way the game still look good apart from the match engine (I played auto simulating from 2007 to 2011 with out any single crash).so I think that crashes occurs due to some fault in match engine ,take your time but pls make the engine playable and also add the feature to go on holiday without resigning from ur job.

Sman-21 said:
Since we cant coach young players.
How do they improve?
Is it over time,whether they get played in games or not.
Do they improve at all.

I believe that players improve with matches - but I'm not 100% sure.

Muhammad Saad said:
Ok no problem dont add this feature but at sack pls change the rate at which player improves or decline in their rating ,I m sitting around for 4 years looking at the player (youth player allrounder) have mediocre batting skills and mediocre bowling as well even after 4 years there was no change in skill. one more thing the player retires after reaching 37 or 38 years (almost every player) oh I know that some players have good fitness so resulting in prolong thier carrear but not every player has high fitness ,so pls add this feature that player retires in age begining 30s. I remember looking at the screen shot that a bowler bowling to a custom plan i-e fast off stump ,so if u forget this pls add now in next fixed version ,and also are u gonna add feature of change field by ourselves?

Dont take offence of my any post ,becuz I had so many aspectation from the game and I thought it just like FM2006 but any way the game still look good apart from the match engine (I played auto simulating from 2007 to 2011 with out any single crash).so I think that crashes occurs due to some fault in match engine ,take your time but pls make the engine playable and also add the feature to go on holiday without resigning from ur job.


You ask a lot.

Developing features for games takes a long time and, unless you want slap-dash features which people would complain about, I suggest that you calm down and wait patiently. Adding new features will come - but after they have fixed some bugs. Rome was not built in a day, my friend.
Cricket Coach said:
If the 'leggie' bug you are referring to is the crash bug linked to bowl plans, then you'll be pleased to hear that has been fixed :)

fixed meaning re-released? thanks guys! AWESOME work.
sami007 said:
fixed meaning re-released? thanks guys! AWESOME work.

According to other posts.

They added some code late on, and they believe this could be the problem of the in-game bugs.
hassan1823 said:
so what baout people like me who cant even run the game it just crashes

Give them some details! They aren't mind-readers! When, where does it crash? What error report do you get? etc etc! Screenshots may also help!
Timewell said:
Give them some details! They aren't mind-readers! When, where does it crash? What error report do you get? etc etc! Screenshots may also help!

It crashes on full screen mode, the screen just flashes abit and needs to send an error report and on windowed you get the keyboard issue.
Problem I've found - when you start 20:20 matches it says that your opening bowler has passed its 1 over limit and you can't get out of it, so you have to ctrl+alt+del and stuff. This isn't the bug from earlier where I hadn't picked my opening bowlers btw.
Buddy u have to select Bowler 1 and Bowler 2 each time when match started ,I had this problem before but some one told me to select bowlers each time and from that time this bugs vanished
big problem with squads and transfer market.

1) I can't buy any players as it says Transfer cancelled, limit reached on overseas players, despite the fact he's English.

2) Worringly, I gained Alex Wharf and Michael Powell from Glamorgan before I played them. Then before my Notts game I've acquired Harrison and Hughes.

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