Cricket Coach - Bugs thread

Sman-21 said:
wardog to fix the spinners game crash.
For some stupid reason they almost always default to setting 9/8 ofcourse there is no 9th setting so it crashes, just change it down a level.

Amazing this never happened when they tested the game :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Thanks Sman! :clap :cheers :hpraise
Oli Norwell said:
however, we simply didn't have enough time to test it properly,

Why did'nt you take some time to test it, it was delayed about 2 or 3 times ?
The test match engine isn't bad,its just that teams seem to make higher second innings totals than 1st.
The Odi's are a problem though.Teams score too slowly and too low totals.The teams also only end up like 2 down after the innings and the teams who bat 2nd always win.

One more thing,can the save and exit button be separated because sometimes you wanna save without having to exit.

I hope all the issues are sorted for the retail release,because the game has promise.
The game appears to be too buggy to buy, they are now coming with a more stble version.Waiting for that.
sami007 said:
the one error i keep getting is upon making bowling changes....
for karachi urban, i put Danish into bowl and it just crashes. For pakistan, put Razzaq in first change...crashes again! this game is pretty decent, but hopefully they sort this out and release it w/o bugs
This is now fixed. A last minute change had broken some code related to spinners. The change made the game better, but unfortunately we didn't test this enough to find the crash.
will the new update be released sometime soon?

when i played in a regional northern division as Yorkshire against warwickshire, on the days results screen it said that i was playing against england, Then checked again and said Lancashire
anakwalajinn said:
The game is still the best "CRICKET MANAGER" game that exists! :)

id have to agree... i think once the bugs are sorted out... this game will be better than ICC... people may think i am overexaggerating... but ICC for me became too repetative after the 1st edition... nothing exceptional...

great work from Oli and the others... if you need a hand.. i wouldnt mind testing the game for you guys... it would be good to get involved in the process of continuously improving this game... let me know if you do need a hand... my email address is [email protected]


usy said:
because this is Cricket Coach thats why.

Just stop playing or writing here if you are going to constantly complain about the game... the team are trying hard and the least you could do is be a little more encouraging...

it doesnt help to see comments like yours throughout this site... support them so they can improve the game...
Hey Oli kindly put coaching feature (just like FM2006 where u can train in one specific feild )and also the field changes because they are the basics u should know.
I am stoped Playing it, it was one day anyway, and Right to free speech.
I have found a new bug, I selected the Gestetner Eagles ( South African domestic side)
and one of the bowlers Roger Telemachus was swapped with Charl Willoughby after I loaded a save game from earlier.
usy said:
Is anybody gonne even buy it, NO OFFence ?

Oh definitely, I enjoyed my 3 tests veen though they were draws. I didn't have any of the bugs which meant the game wouldn't work.
they are expected to release a fixed version in 2-3 days!
Sureshot said:
Oh definitely, I enjoyed my 3 tests veen though they were draws. I didn't have any of the bugs which meant the game wouldn't work.

Really? You didn't at all feel that behind the flashy pop up graphics there was essentially a very shallow cricket game with minimal input from the manager?
nah mates its a good game..just that stupid leggie bug which totally sucks ass

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