Cricket Coach - Bugs thread

so many BUGS they have a FAQ bit on there site but still theres too many bugs..when mine finally runs its so slow and it doesnt react when i click the mouse on a tab..also when i type in player search it takes a long time for the text to come up..also moving the mouse is so slowww.....!
Cricket Coach is still refusing to run for me...
Although it takes a few seconds longer to crash on compatibility modes 98 and do I run it in windowed mode?
And I get the infamous "Unable to aquire keyboard bug"...great...
EDIT: upon pressing OK, I get "Unable to initialise system"...
Has anyone had a problem of signing players? I agreed contracts, some with non contract players, yet they haven't appeared in my squad. Have i just been stupid and missed something or is this a problem?

This game has more bugs than cricket 2005 lol
Right, this takes the p*ss. I was England against Sri lanka and i accidently declared leaving them 287 in 5? hours. I had to bowl really defensively to draw and I did, they ended needing about 66 to win :)! Then, it says Sri Lanka win by first innings total!!!!!?!?! WTF? How crap is that. :mad:

PS: Also from the screenie you can see why Shaun Udal is leader :)!


  • UDALLL.jpg
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I'm sure it will be fixed in a patch or something.

To anyone getting the keyboard bug, the website says this:

"Error: "Error: Unable to acquire keyboard object"

Details: This happens when the game is run and then another window is clicked on before the game has had a chance to initialise. An error message appears and the game exits.

Solution: For 95% of people clicking on the game shortcut then ensuring the mouse isn't clicked again should allow the game to initialise and start correctly. It may help if you click inside the game window (windowed mode). "
anakwalajinn said:
The game is still the best "CRICKET MANAGER" game that exists! :)

You're joking right? ICC is much better than this - there are too many bugs for this to be 'Payable'
The squad selections are ridiclious as well, I mean look at Drew's above, why when you are chasing a game does the AI stick Vaas in at 4 down and have him play defensively!?
Noticed something else from that screenie.

Why has it suddenly finished during the morning session of the final day?
hondeyho said:
You're joking right? ICC is much better than this - there are too many bugs for this to be 'Payable'

I've said this too many times. If you're just going to criticise the game without actually being constructive then it is not worth saying. Oli and Glenn are fully aware that there are issues and so you just reiterating that is not helping and is a waste of your time typing and their time reading.

Please, give constructive criticism. Detail what is wrong, provide screenshots if possible and say when and in what screen the bug occured. Don't just say "Got XYZ is rubbish". Perhaps the best example of constructive criticism that I have seen recently came from the Sports Interactive forums where the following was said:

"Muddled dates:

The red circled area is the bit that before the Test Series said my next fixture was the first game in the Triangular Tournament yet had 5 tests and a warmup game against Victoria beforehand.

The Blue Circled Area is where there seems to be a muddle. In the English Summer the tours were listed in chronological order (Sri Lankan Test Series, Sri Lankan ODIs, Pakistan Tests, Pakistan ODIs), now it appears in a muddle, with the Ashes tour below the World Cup and Triangular Tournament

This one shows an error in the tactics screen. It is the day of the match and there is no pitch details, so having to select my team blind. And spot that it says the match is -106 days away."

See how helpful that could be to the developers? It gives them the best possible chance of ironing out any of the bugs that annoy you and it doesn't make them feel like ****! So I'll say this again.


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