Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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That's just ridiculous. Thankfully, CT doesn't get that hot anymore. My home town (Paarl) averages those temps though. I have no idea how you manage it :)
lol, well it was record temperatures so it doesn't normally get that hot. I was inside and I still felt like dying. It has been a very hot summer though. Come back from temperatures around 0 straight into 40 degree weather. Very lovely.
@kurtkz: Got this error log after successfully chasing down a target in a test match.

MESSAGE: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

STACK TRACE: at Cricket.Main.GameStateEndOfMatch.ProcessVisual(Single ms, Single ms2) in c:\Users\touchlab\work\Personal\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateEndOfMatch.cs:line 1759
at Cricket.Main.GameStateEndOfMatch.ProcessInput(Single ms) in c:\Users\touchlab\work\Personal\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateEndOfMatch.cs:line 647
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in c:\Users\touchlab\work\Personal\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 12007
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in c:\Users\touchlab\work\Personal\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 3301

Also, just a couple of observations:
- There were a few occasions where the AI uses the same bowler two overs in a row.
- Over rate in test matches are still slow (I don't know how many overs short, but it was definitely 10 to 15 overs short per day)
Btw i am thinking of running a t20 leagues, will i successfully be able to sim a full tournament with no errors?
Hi guys,

the release is taking a little longer than expected. I just want to implement preliminary support for equipment in career and I'll upload. Should be done tomorrow.

Why does the Thanks button not work? Is it only for me?
Why does the Thanks button not work? Is it only for me?

Sometimes, it doesn't work for me if I press thanks when the page is still loading. Maybe that's what you are doing too..
Wouldn't have a clue why the thanks wouldn't work, unless you've lost your power to add/remove reputation.

That's what I thought too or maybe I have thanked people way too much :p
Andre Adams is another one who is counted as local in England. I've set him as NZL nationality so you'll need to manually do that.

So far: Martin van Jaarsveld, Neil McKenzie, Andre Adams
Notts finished now. Just the six teams to go. So hopefully can get through those plus Scotland, Ireland and Netherlands by Friday. I'll have to start a couple of days late on Sri Lanka (I think that's what I was planning on doing next) though as I'm going to be away at the start of next week.


And add Alfonso Thomas to that list.

Also, Kevin O'Brien is registered for Gloucestershire but plays for Somerset in the T20 league. So you'll need to remove him from the T20 side for Gloustershire.
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