Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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okay, major bug. I just tried an exhibition between New Zealand and England and as soon as I selected the third player for NZL's XI, it came up with "You cannot select more than 2 international players in the team". You need to get that fixed. Just going to do a series instead :p


England v New Zealand (being NZL)

1st Test @ Lords


1. Alastair Cook*
2. Nick Compton
3. Jonathan Trott
4. Ian Bell
5. Joe Root
6. Jonny Bairstow
7. Matt Prior (wk)
8. Graeme Swann
9. Stuart Broad
10. James Anderson
11. Steven Finn

New Zealand:

1. Peter Fulton
2. Hamish Rutherford
3. Kane Williamson
4. Ross Taylor
5. Dean Brownlie
6. Martin Guptill
7. Brendon McCullum*+
8. Daniel Vettori
9. Tim Southee
10. Neil Wagner
11. Trent Boult

Toss: England won the toss and elected to field


Well we're 7 points behind in batting at 11.25 behind in bowling.... This could be a nightmare :p


okay, my game's being a nightmare. The camera angle is tweaking up big time. It just fades off towards fine leg (for a right hander) so I have no idea where the ball is most of the time. And it does the same thing for all the camera angles.


okay, restarting the game fixed it.


yeah, I think that happens whenever you save a game.


Just noticed that there's times when the fielder tries to pick the ball up casually while it's still moving and he misses it, then goes after it again and does the same thing again... until the ball stops or is going slow enough to actually pick it up like that.


and a crash regarding a stumping, I think.

RUN @ 2013-05-24 11:49:16 AM

VERSION: 2.594

MESSAGE: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

STACK TRACE: at Cricket.Main.GameStateDeliver.UpdateFielders(Single ms) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateDeliver.cs:line 7256
at Cricket.Main.GameStateDeliver.ProcessInput(Single ms) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateDeliver.cs:line 18127
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 17697
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 3965


yeah, just tested that crash again, and definitely happens when a stumping occurs.


also, I think non-strikers need to back up more. the batsman on strike ALWAYS makes it to the other end before the non-striker does.


Lunch - Day 1

New Zealand 77/3 (29 overs)

P Fulton b. J Anderson 13 (31)
H Rutherford c. + Prior b. J Anderson 4 (10)
K Williamson b. S Finn 24 (62)
R Taylor not out 24 (53)
D Brownlie not out 8 (18)


J Anderson 10-3-16-2
S Finn 9-1-32-1
S Broad 5-1-15-0
G Swann 5-0-10-0

It was James Anderson who made two early breakthroughs to put New Zealand on the backfoot early, with Rutherford edging a beautiful ball from Anderson through to Prior who made no mistake. Fulton then lost the top of offstump to put New Zealand 2 down early. Williamson and Taylor fought back with a hard-working partnership but it was Finn who came into the attack again, and got through the defenses of Williamson. Taylor has looked good though, despite not scoring any boundaries so far, but has scored runs at a solid rate. Brownlie played the best shot of the day, smashing an Anderson full ball through the covers for four, the cover with no time to react.

Comments: I like the settled meter a lot more now. At first, I thought it was just too hard to get a batsman settled but as you get through the first 20 balls of the innings, you can slowly start to get the meter up, and it's not had too many fluctuations, unlike the old versions, where you'd have 50% settled and then miss a ball down the legside and you'd go back down to 20% and it was just like -_-

As in all the versions though, I find too many dismissals are bowled and not many LBW. What I would maybe look to do is increase the actual footwork of the batsman meaning if it misses the bat, it's more likely to hit the pad rather than the stumps. Cause I think they just move their feet forward rather than towards the ball. So I'd get that fixed up.

Also, bowlers are being used in 5 over spells. I just find it too boring with that. It's just like you know Anderson is going to bowl 5 overs so may as well just face him out. Like Anderson bowled 5 overs for 2/6 while Finn I think had 0/19 off his first 5 overs, and both got taken off at the same time, and then Broad and Swann just bowled 5 overs and back to the openers they went. Don't know whether that changes later in the game but I just don't like it.

Also, a lot of runs have just come from glances down the leg side but they refuse to put a fine leg in even after all these shots. Maybe have some type of complex field setting where it analyses the % of runs that are scored in a certain area and then they put fielders in these areas. So if it notices that over 20% of runs have come in a certain area, then they'd put a fielder there if there's not one already. Ofc you need to set minimum limits before the opposing team takes this into consideration. Otherwise, batsman hits a boundary down to third man first ball with an edge, so 100% of his runs have been scored there, and they would put in a third man, which isn't what you want. Unless they put in an extra slip, then maybe. It'll be hard to come up with some kind of formula for this. But if you do end up doing this, maybe have a captaincy rating for players and if they are the captain, then if they have a high rating, they will be more likely to set the correct fields. And maybe taking the average of the top 5 players on the team, if it's higher, then the team is more likely to set the right fields so these two would have an impact on the fields being set correctly.

Sorry that it's such a complex idea :p But if you could come up with some kind of simple formula for this, then it might make it feel better.

Anyway, I think that's it for now. I'll start the second session later :)
Hi guys,

thanks so much for all the feedback! I'm going to work my way through the posts and see what needs to be fixed and get back to you guys tonight hopefully. I'll be taking Saturday off, but I'll get back into it on Sunday.



@DM: Yeah, scenarios like that slip catch will play out sometimes. It's not scripted so I really can't tell when or how it'll happen.

Agreed on the wides - it should be calculated like that at the moment, but I'll double check it. What kind of wide was it? Down leg? Way outside off? Or too high?

@hedger: Awesome awesome feedback. I'll make the changes you suggested :)
Just on the wide issue, I think it's fine how its calculated. Cause Jimmy bowled a huge inswinging yorker which just missed the batsman's leg but went miles wide of the keeper and went for four, and was called byes so it made the right decision. You just might need to review where wides are actually called (as in how wide).
Agreed on the wides - it should be calculated like that at the moment, but I'll double check it. What kind of wide was it? Down leg? Way outside off? Or too high?

A huge outswinger from Steyn passed the popping halfway between the stumps and the return crease (started outside leg) and kept going away and the keeper dived in front of second slip to take it.


Also, can you stop the camera snapping to the keeper when someone is bowled? Would much prefer to see the mess I made of the stumps
@hedger & DM: Yup, I think I need to adjust the wide boundaries. I'm assuming this was in a test match? Or was it a T20?

I'll also fix up that camera issue when a wicket falls. Hoping to get another patch ready later today.
@kurktz: still error in CH saying cricket.exe has stop working (after using your patch pls help)


Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Cricket.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 519e49d4
Fault Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7600.16385
Fault Module Timestamp: 4a5bdaae
Exception Code: e0434f4d
Exception Offset: 00009617
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

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The easiest way would be to just download the full version again. Otherwise, download the patch and extract it over the folder where you installed the game.
i have extract it in the ch folder but still not working i will be hoping for a solution from u, by the way this error happened in my fifa 12 game and i solved it by downloading a crack


pls help i am fan of this game
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