Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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Hi everyone, I'll be wrapping up development next week so if you have any urgent bug reports or (tiny) feature requests please let me know by this Sunday. It's been a long road, but sadly, it's run its course :)
@kurtkz: Regarding short and wide deliveries bowled around the wicket by the AI, I've seen two go through for 5 wides and quite a few have gone through for byes too (probably the length needs to be a bit fuller for short deliveries to avoid beating the keeper so often)
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@kurtkz: To Win target is still incorrect, gives the target to tie the Test match not win it (could it be because I'm using an older save file?)
@kurtkz: Alright thanks. Just started batting chasing a huge target when the batsman (while taking evasive action) got struck on helmet by the bowler. The ball went to the rope but it was counted as byes (when it should have been leg byes)

edit: Some more things that still need to be fixed:
- Bowlers speed is still hidden behind the front foot/back foot indicator and timing bar
- Stamina meter hasn't decreased even after taking so many runs
- Focus meter should not reset when resuming a saved game
- Pitch conditions should not change when resuming a saved game (e.g. a pretty good pitch for batting became a green top when I resumed)
- Perhaps you could add the current run rate (to 2 decimal places) to the in-game scoreboard?
- Tournament/Series editor to choose venues for each match? (might be too big a suggestion)
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@itay: Thanks for the detailed feedback :) I've made the changes and will upload tonight. I haven't had a chance to look at the series venue selection, but I'll see if I can do that next week...
Hello Kurtkz.

Firstly a big thanks for singlehandedly making this amazing game.. You did what EA, Codemasters and etc etc., couldnt do all these years. I just downloaded the beta yesterday and played for good one hour and I didnt want to stop.

Coming to the more constructive feedback,
> I felt the straight drives are little exploitable as I can hit most of the full length balls straight and they reach the boundary.
> When the ball reaches outfield, the game tempo appears to be slowed down. Couldnt the ball roll little faster.
> I started a carrier and went through the pain of simulating games till my match starts and just when I am ready to start my innings, the game exited. I didn't get a chance to send you the log then. Couldn't the simulation process be little faster?
> Couldn't the player faces be made little smaller as they look little odd(yes, I know you need budget to overhaul, but just reducing their face sizes will make the game look better)

These are my thoughts from just one hour of play and definitely I need to play more to advice or comment on the game. (being an IT guy myself, I know a small modification will effect many other functions in the code. Better stay away from my feedback 1 and 2. :))

I have to mention this again. You have done a fabulous job. I somehow feel that your game's features and the logic used behind were mimiced by Big Ant in their current cricket game(Just my lame feeling probably)

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Getting this crash when starting a New Exhibition Game, Test Match mode

RUN @ 27/07/2013 00:42:05

VERSION: 2.639

MESSAGE: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

STACK TRACE: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
at Cricket.Main.GameStateLineupSelection.CreateMenu() in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateLineupSelection.cs:line 231
at Cricket.Main.GameStateLineupSelection.Process(Single ms, Int32 overrideIdx) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateLineupSelection.cs:line 1166
at Cricket.Main.GameStateLineupSelection.ProcessInput(Single ms) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateLineupSelection.cs:line 1668
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 18123
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 4239
@kishore513: Thanks for the feedback :) I agree, starting with points 1 and 2 will have the least impact. I'll test it out tonight, but I'll only be able to release a patch on Monday as I'll be away for the weekend.

@Pat: Thanks for the bug report - do you remember which teams you selected?
Hi Kurt, some thoughts after playing a test for a few mins:

1. I found that the latest update slows the game down every few deliveries. So much that it turned me off from continuing playing. Generally happens once or twice every over.
2. Spinners take a very long time to reach the crease? I don't know if you increased spinner run-up length or they have just become slow but they take way too long to reach the crease.
3. Close-in fields: Can't set close-in fields accurately using the field editor. The editor kind of snaps the close-in fielders to slips region. Also, if you do manage to finally put a fielder close-in, they don't look towards the batsman, they look in some random direction. Makes this so much less fun when bowling on day 5 with spinners.
4. Shot sounds: I know you replaced the bat-hitting-ball sound a few updates ago but I liked the previous one better. Can I replace that?
5. Game Speed: Seems like speeds are not as fast as they used to be. On my PC, I used to play on Fast earlier which was adequately quick but now even Very Fast feels like older Normal. Did you change anything in this?
@kishore513: Thanks for the feedback :) I agree, starting with points 1 and 2 will have the least impact. I'll test it out tonight, but I'll only be able to release a patch on Monday as I'll be away for the weekend.

@Pat: Thanks for the bug report - do you remember which teams you selected?

It happened with all teams. I tried India, England, Pakistan and the combinations thereof. Crashed every single time. Then I discarded the latest patch and just made a clean install from the latest full version without applying 2.639 patch. It worked after that.

Strangely, the game still thought the version was 2.639 (I ensured there was nothing in AppData/Roaming folder related to CH.

1. hmm, I think that's due to the update cloud system. I'll slow down its updates and see if that fixes the issue.

2. yup, I increase the spinner's run up length - can't remember why I did it though o.O Will reduce it again in the next patch.

3. I'll fix this in the next patch too. Will need to do some investigation into this problem.

4. Hmm, I don't think I still have the old ones (they were from ICC apparently, I only found out later), but it's quite easy to change them.

5. Yeah, I changed this. Lots of people were complaining that it was too fast for them even on lower settings. If you like I can add a value in the config file that you can play around with until you find something that works?

Thanks again for your detailed feedback, you have no idea how much that helps (and motivates) me :)
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