Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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Hi guys,

decided to upload v2.640 in the meantime. You need v2.639 for this patch though (my internet is slow again).



1. fixed slow down due to cloud system
2. reduced spinner runup
3. tweaked field editor to reduce snapping of close-in fielders
4. tweaked straight drives
5. tweaked ball-grass friction
6. bowler speed displays below score HUD
7. tweaked stamina decrease
8. focus meter restored on resuming saved game
9. pitch conditions correctly restored on resuming saved game
10. added run rate to score HUD
11. tweaked batting (slightly easier now)
12. clouds are saved/loaded correctly now

I'll revisit the rest of the requests as soon as I'm back (Sunday).

2. yup, I increase the spinner's run up length - can't remember why I did it though o.O Will reduce it again in the next patch.

You did it cause someone said that there wasn't enough time to place the marker right with spinners, especially compared to fast bowlers

1. hmm, I think that's due to the update cloud system. I'll slow down its updates and see if that fixes the issue.
I am sorry but what's that? What are you updating in cloud? Never heard about it earlier :)

5. Yeah, I changed this. Lots of people were complaining that it was too fast for them even on lower settings. If you like I can add a value in the config file that you can play around with until you find something that works?
That sounds perfect.

Thanks again for your detailed feedback, you have no idea how much that helps (and motivates) me :)
No worries. I am here only for the love of the game :)

Off-topic: Kurt, are you following BigAnt's game? They released a few screenies and a small gameplay video yesterday. Looks pretty good. What are your thoughts on the game so far? If you want to catch up on what it has to offer, just read this article:

IndianVideoGamer ? Big Ant Studios set to unveil new cricket game; here?s everything we know so far | IVG is your source for video game news, reviews and previews with an unique Indian perspective
@DM: Doh! You're right :) Will need to find a balance then.

@Pat: I meant the dynamic cloud rendering system ;) Its quite CPU heavy as it doesn't use shaders. Too many testers didn't have modern GPUs so I had to find a way to make it work on older systems.

Regarding Big Ant? I'm pissed off...the game looks bloody FANTASTIC :) that's the game I wanted to make from day one but just never had the funds to back myself. Its one of the main reasons I'm calling time on CH (that and funding). no use spending time working on a game that will never be what I want it to be, when I could be working contracts for extra money.

Wish you luck mate. Have a wonderful married life (congrats! :)) and absolutely agree with you on making extra money. You have done a wonderful wonderful job as far as CH is concerned.
The latest patch seems to have fixed the slow-downs. Will test other issues as soon as I can get my copy registered.:)
Hi guys,

I've uploaded patch 2.641.



- when bowling, spinners runup is longer so you can place the marker
- fixed "Installs exceeded" error
- tweaked batting


PS - I won't be implementing any new features, I'll just be doing bug fixes.
Have you included the speed adjustment parameter in the config file in this patch?
@kurtkz: Opened Cricket.exe and got this crash log (v2.641):

MESSAGE: Could not open database [C:\Users\Ian\AppData\Roaming\CricketHeroes\cricket.db]
@itay: Hmm...that's a weird one. Can you rename that db file and restart the game?

Renamed it and that did the trick (really weird why it's looking for cricket .db and not cricket.db).

EDIT: My key code isn't working now either. (trying the full installer now) Fixed the problem.
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