Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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^^Delete or rename the "cricket.db" file from the root folder of your install and re-run the game.
I can't seem to run the game on the installer version. I get the following error when I try to run the game:

RUN @ 07/08/2013 17:06:39

VERSION: 2.643

MESSAGE: The type initializer for 'GameEngine.Database.DatabaseManager' threw an exception.

STACK TRACE:    at GameEngine.Database.DatabaseManager.get_Instance()
   at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 3328

Can anyone help please? :)
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^^Delete or rename the "cricket.db" file from the root folder of your install and re-run the game.

By doing that I have to register again.

@Kurt is this game available in stores or just here?
@Xuzuno: Can you try to install the game somewhere other than the Program Files folders? I think that might be the issue on some systems.

@ibad17: Sorry about that, it should be available now.

@singhb: Nope, it's only available online. I'd consider doing a physical version with printed manual and jewel case, but there'd need to be enough interest in it.
@Xuzuno: Can you try to install the game somewhere other than the Program Files folders? I think that might be the issue on some systems.

Yep, I installed it somewhere else and it works fine now. Thanks Kurt! :)
Played a couple of matches on the latest version yesterday, so some feedback:

1. Outfield speed: I think someone here requested to slow down the outfield, however in my opinion it looks very unrealistic. Even well-timed shots are stopping short of boundary. I have made the changes using pitch editor, but just thought would let you know.
2. Shots: Again, as per feedback you have made straight drives difficult to play but now it's nearly impossible to play straight since most (90%) of the times I end up getting out LBW. Same with on-drives, I find it very difficult to connect on-drives, especially early on. It must be easier to connect. Also, same with late cut. I know I mentioned that it's too easy to hit late cuts but now it's too difficult to connect. All the above observations are from easy/beginner modes so I can only imagine them being even more tough on higher difficulty levels.
3. Fields: Close-in fielders still don't stand facing the batsman. Looks weird when you put a silly-point and forward short-leg and they are looking towards each other rather than at the batsman :p
4. AI Bug?: I found a bug to get the batsman out easily (at least in Beginner/Easy mode). You just need to bowl full with a spinner and keep a silly-point couple of feet behind where they usually are. The players 90% of times attempt a cover drive against the full delivery and the fielder takes a super-human catch every single time. Got the AI at 8/6 using this flaw :p
Mine doesnt work when it starts :( Getting this error:

RUN @ 10/08/2013 08:24:10

VERSION: 2.643

MESSAGE: The type initializer for 'GameEngine.Database.DatabaseManager' threw an exception.

STACK TRACE: at GameEngine.Database.DatabaseManager.get_Instance()
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 3328
Is there any way that you could make the simulation a little bit faster? Especially for 4 day or 5 day tournaments when I'm waiting for quite a while for the CPU vs CPU matches to play out.
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