Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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I purchased the game yesterday after enjoying the beta.
Thought I'd start a career but not having much luck.
The first match of the career always completes ok but the game crashes (hangs) between 50% and 100% of the second match.
Have to ctrl+alt+del to end task.
Consequently I've not had chance to play in career mode yet.
I'm using the latest installer version at the moment although I have tried the latest zip version and I get the same result.
Also tried running in protected mode (is that what it's called?) but the same happens.

Any ideas what might be up?

Thanks for any help

What causes toe end hits? Bad timing or playing the ball of the wrong foot?
I purchased the game yesterday after enjoying the beta.
Thought I'd start a career but not having much luck.
The first match of the career always completes ok but the game crashes (hangs) between 50% and 100% of the second match.
Have to ctrl+alt+del to end task.
Consequently I've not had chance to play in career mode yet.
I'm using the latest installer version at the moment although I have tried the latest zip version and I get the same result.
Also tried running in protected mode (is that what it's called?) but the same happens.

Any ideas what might be up?

Thanks for any help


Plz. email the error report to kurt or qoute it here so that he can have a look :cheers

And if it doesn't show up then i would prefer mailing the whole report to kurt......
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Just bought this game, $8 is very reasonable! I like the batting from the quick go I just had, but I haven't really played enough to give any solid feedback yet. Hopefully I get some time to give it a go soon and I'll report back :).
My pleasure, thanks for your hard work on creating and updating this game :thumbs.

I'm enjoying it, only been able to play for a total of about an hour so far of just exhibitions, utterly failing at batting by mistiming and edging 90% of balls (which I know is my own fault, need practice :p).

This may be entirely the fault of my PC, but on the first ball of the first innings, just as the bowler is about to release the ball, the game freezes for a few seconds. As I said though that could just be my computer.
Getting this error Kurt. I reset the video to full screen and cant start up now!

RUN @ 10/09/2013 20:04:52

VERSION: 2.647

MESSAGE: The type initializer for 'GameEngine.Database.DatabaseManager' threw an exception.

STACK TRACE: at GameEngine.Database.DatabaseManager.get_Instance()
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 3381

ps sent you a pm about my serial number. Hope all is well with you and the good lady of course!;)
@Dutch: Try moving the folder outside of Program Files. That should resolve it :)

Yeah, the missus and I are good, thanks :) Taking strain from wedding planning, but I'm sure you know how that goes ;)
Yeah that worked! If you have a chance to read my PM I would be most grateful!
Kurt could you please release the latest patch for the Mac version :)
Loving the game, I've figured out how to bat (mostly).

Couple of things, straight driving is really difficult. Haven't really figured out what line works for a straight drive.

Also my game crashes anytime I run out one of my batting partners.

Other than best $8 I've spent.
@Pat: I'm struggling to upload it at the moment. I think the DSL exchange in my neighbourhood is overloaded, so it cuts out after uploading around 50MB :( I'm going to try to upload from the office tomorrow morning...when no-one's around ;)

@Mondy: Glad to hear that you've got to grips with the game - it's not as easy as it should be. I think Pat did a little patch to fix straight drives and leg side shots. Maybe check on the Cricket Heroes Mods page?

Also, if you encounter that crash again, could you email the error log please? I'll try to fix it up ASAP.
It used to crash for me after two odd matches of career. I didn't get enough time to play after that. Is that corrected now? Also, can we bat from a normal broadcast view while playing career mode or is it only the first person view?
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