Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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Yeah i will give you a Short View.
Things I liked
1)Career Mode.
2)Easily Modable
3)Awesome Gameplay
5)Career Mode
6)Great Simulator

Things I disliked
1)Models(Considering it as a low budget game you have do well though)

Ratings out of 10
Overall:8.5 well done Kurtkz:clap

Things i am expecting From
You:A Sequel to Cricket heroes game.
Better Graphics(If you do a sequel to this game)
Planet Cricket:A new Downloads forum for this game will be amazing.

Ratings out of 5:
Thanks, @Paree :cheers

I'm actually trying to find some funding locally to improve the graphics and sound. I should hear back at the end of the month or early next month...
Can you tell me these things @kurtkz
1)Where are the kit files located
2)there are many original logos in import folder what are they for and how to use them
3)Where are the logo files located.
If these things are clear i can start Cricket Heroes Modding.
Getting a crash whenever a boundary is hit. Check the image.

Thanks, @Pat - that's a sound bug. I'll fix it in the next release :) For now, try turning off the audio and it should go away...
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One request I have that isn't related to a bug or anything. Ideally, if I set things to run, say, a test match between England and Australia (just for example), and decide I want to watch it (but not play, both teams on computer-automated), every time certain events happen (a change in bowler, wicket taken, and probably some other stuff I'm not aware of), it requires a click to go through. Is there any way to make it so the on-screen graphic goes away after a certain period of time, and the game continues? (obviously, this shouldn't apply to games that are being played or managed, but just simply watched)
Good grief this net play code is doing my head in. I can almost synch a game now though. No idea how this will translate to playing with someone from across the world though :spy

I have newfound respect for developers who handle network play code :rolleyes
Yay, I managed to sync the game to the point that you can actually bowl a ball and play it. Now I need to make sure that everything that happens from that point on actually gets synced properly. Once that's working, I think I'll release a private beta for testing. There are going to be PLENTY of bugs. I can guarantee that much...but, it's progress :D

EDIT: On that point, please PM me if you'd like to help out with beta testing. I'm aiming for the testing to start next week.
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