Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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BTW If i position the seam towards slip and pitch it up ,the it will outswing (based on skill and condition) but then how to bowl leg cutter? still same 1st slip seam position or something else?
@Allrounder18: Hmm, so that didn't work :( Can you download the app at this link for me please:

It's called 3dAnalyze. Extract it, run the installer and then run 3danalyze. Select Cricket.exe from the Cricket Heroes folder and then click Run. You shouldn't need to set anything up. It worked on my test machine, so hopefully it'll work for you :)[DOUBLEPOST=1424418375][/DOUBLEPOST]@Allrounder18: For a cutter, you'd angle the seam either in or out and then turn the seam down so you run your fingers across the ball. I'll see if I can put a GIF later to show how this is done.
What do you mean by angle the seam in or out? By pressing A for (out) and D for (in) right? Just like we do for swing bowling? but then pressing X to get the 3d bowl lower from normal position?[DOUBLEPOST=1424418696][/DOUBLEPOST]BTW what 3danalyze gonna do? will it speed up the framerates for me? Dont need to install titaniumGL first right?
OK, decided to release the patch without the Hub:

- online profiles working again (with forgot password functionality)
- extras ball count option for commentary
- tweaked AI batting aggression (should play more varied shots)
- tweaked batting ever so slightly
- fixed crash bug on career mode when playing FC (I think - @dancingmongoose could I get your saved game again please?)
- fixed end of match commentary for pitch condition summary
- added support for multiple data folders (can be selected from Launcher)
- added link to online leaderboards in Profile view
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@dancingmongoose: Hmm, can't remember how I handled flippers and sliders...I'm not sure if it's possible to do with the current bowling system. For the flipper try holding the ball cross-seam and putting some top spin on it?

Surely a flipper wouldn't be triggered with top spin? A top spinner is a straight leg break that bounces more, a flipper is a straight leg break that skids through

Problem is it's so dependent on so many things. Like a flipper is held exactly the same as a leg break except you don't bend your thumb so the ball is actually pushed out of the hand a bit. The slider is just the angle of your wrist and arm when you release.[DOUBLEPOST=1424425776][/DOUBLEPOST]Whenever I've changed format I've saved in a new slot so you shouldn't have to fix up my save
Ok so I've loaded up the FC save and it appears to be working fine, I still have one saved either after or part way through the OD final so I do have a fallback which doesn't require you fixing my save[DOUBLEPOST=1424427068][/DOUBLEPOST]Hmm yeah the save is broken, the game simmed but didn't add to the results. Going back to the OD save
Loaded up the OD save, got this crash when the first ball was bowled. Loaded it up again and it's running fine. Dunno if anything's broken or now
RUN @ 20/02/2015 20:11:30

DEMO: False
VERSION: 2.783
PROFILE: dancingmongoose

MESSAGE: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

STACK TRACE:    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   at Cricket.Main.GameStateDeliver.ProcessInput(Single ms) in c:\Users\Soham\Desktop\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateDeliver.cs:line 14508
   at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in c:\Users\Soham\Desktop\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 21815
   at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in c:\Users\Soham\Desktop\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 5688
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