Its not that Cricket in America is not known. Back in late 18th century and early 19th century the Philadelphians played a lot of cricket.[/queue]
Yes, cricket is a known sport .. to the Americans who have been in the grave for the past 80 years.

Those born after 1940 are about as familiar with cricket as they are with hurling or kabadi.
America is a whole different market, things could get popular here but ICC needs heavy investment.
Agreed. Cricket has just about everything Americans love in a sport and offer some exciting dimensions other sports don't offer. It just needs to be on non-pay TV to get people learning about it and become familiar with it. That may require sacrificing some of the fat pay-per-view money ICC gets from this market but they need to have a long term vision. If soccer can generate close to $2 billion in US rights fees for all televised games over an 8-year period, there's no reason cricket can't get at least 1/5th the amount with a little effort. I know us fans are not interested in the $$ part of the equation but the greedy ICC does. They are just too dumb or short-sighted to realize how much money they are leaving on the table.