Cricket Leagues - Support and Advice

If I start such a league, will the members be interested? If the members are interested, I'll start it as soon as Associate Teams Battle finished it's season 2.
For those of you who frequently change the thread title,the easier way of doing it is by double-clicking the title and clicking 'stop' option in the browser before the index page loads. :)
I just double click edit and do it when I add match links. That's the only time I do it.
You can do that without clicking on the stop button. You can just double click anywhere on that row, doesn't have to be the link. For example, just underneath it.
I've done it accidentally so much since becoming a staff member. Except I've been double middle clicking to try and open in a new tab.
I was just wondering how often a different round should be played in a league (from your experience, what is a suitable time frame)?

Thanks in advance
I was just wondering how often a different round should be played in a league (from your experience, what is a suitable time frame)?

Thanks in advance

I used to do one round every 24 - 48 hours with eight/nine teams. From my experience most leagues are around the 48 - 72 hour mark. A good guide I used to go by was about two matches a day, give or take depending on what other plans you had in real life.

Of course if you have more teams it's going to take you longer to get through the round, but just find a time that suits your pace of simming the matches. Don't try to rush it, but at the same time don't be too slow.

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