DBC14 Mod Screenshots

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Why try to hack things or pull them from the blob set - just ask and we'll help you with source and info on how to use stuff.

Can I please get access to the advertising hoardings, ground level advertising an maybe in the future 3D stadium mapping to create real world stadiums? Further down the track perhaps physics editing to create different physics from different brands and types of cricket bats and balls. Also "light up" stumps and bails like the Big Bash League would be awesome!
So, here's just a general question for anyone interested. As a community is there any kind of plan in place for how modding will be standardized here, or is it just a "as we go" thing until someone comes out with their 400,000 man hour master piece?

Surely we should be looking to work as a group in a standadised way to produce an all in one mod pack for replacement badges, kits, bats and such, or at least setting up the process by which we can begin such a process, not matter how ad hoc it is. It's nice to see a trickle of things being made and appearing on here, but as time goes on they'll begin to interfere with eachother without a set direction.

The one key thing is the way that modding is set up, it is entirely possible to make a all in one file to replace all badges and such, and through cooperation with people who have done the rosters through the academy, we can also make the kit packs work in a simple and easy to use manner along with get best (as long as best actually remains the best).

Speaking of the cricket academy is that I kind of wish we could have a feature that we could use instead of cricket academy, even if it's a Planet Cricket made thing, which could be a Planet Cricket recommended roster set to work in the same manner as get best, but based on recommendations here, rather than simply votes through the system (which can have weaknesses).
So, here's just a general question for anyone interested. As a community is there any kind of plan in place for how modding will be standardized here, or is it just a "as we go" thing until someone comes out with their 400,000 man hour master piece?

Surely we should be looking to work as a group in a standadised way to produce an all in one mod pack for replacement badges, kits, bats and such, or at least setting up the process by which we can begin such a process, not matter how ad hoc it is. It's nice to see a trickle of things being made and appearing on here, but as time goes on they'll begin to interfere with eachother without a set direction.

The one key thing is the way that modding is set up, it is entirely possible to make a all in one file to replace all badges and such, and through cooperation with people who have done the rosters through the academy, we can also make the kit packs work in a simple and easy to use manner along with get best (as long as best actually remains the best).

Speaking of the cricket academy is that I kind of wish we could have a feature that we could use instead of cricket academy, even if it's a Planet Cricket made thing, which could be a Planet Cricket recommended roster set to work in the same manner as get best, but based on recommendations here, rather than simply votes through the system (which can have weaknesses).

I am happy to investigate a Planet Cricket "get best" if that's of interest to the powers that be here.
We've tended to do that through our download centre in the past so there are clear and simple downloads for new users. The issue with that is that items like kits, bats, stumps, pitchads, stadium ads go out of date so the definitive versions become old fairly quickly.
I think we could certainly do that for team logos but there is also a personal choice element in that sense that different people may prefer alternative interpretations of the same kit.
I am happy to investigate a Planet Cricket "get best" if that's of interest to the powers that be here.

Thinking about it a bit more, my suggestion if it were possible would be to allow the academy to have what amounts to select able roster sets. That would allow anyone to offer up their own version of it all (keeping with the open community oriented style of the academy). This way Planet Cricket could have one (or a couple of choices) for a full roster set, but others could do their own. This could also be used to have for example, the World in June 2013 roster set for download, but also the more up to date ones if people want to choose.

The advantage would be that issues of "get best" wouldn't exist for those who used such a feature (although get best works for those who aren't searching out each team one by one) and people wouldn't need to get teams one by one, searching each out. People on here (or elsewhere) could make a full roster of all the teams, with all the lineups they want, and they'd be listed and searchable.


We've tended to do that through our download centre in the past so there are clear and simple downloads for new users. The issue with that is that items like kits, bats, stumps, pitchads, stadium ads go out of date so the definitive versions become old fairly quickly.
I think we could certainly do that for team logos but there is also a personal choice element in that sense that different people may prefer alternative interpretations of the same kit.

For logos it would be quite nice to have a "Planet Cricket recommendation" set. I guess this is just something that as a community we need to begin the process of, particularly as now is the time that a lot of new users will be coming through here looking for such things after the PC release of DBC 14.
We would only do it as an additive alternative to the current "get best" and would limit it to either the general "get best" as it exists and a "Get Planet Cricket Best".

It would be separate to any mods.
So, here's just a general question for anyone interested. As a community is there any kind of plan in place for how modding will be standardized here, or is it just a "as we go" thing until someone comes out with their 400,000 man hour master piece?

Surely we should be looking to work as a group in a standadised way to produce an all in one mod pack for replacement badges, kits, bats and such, or at least setting up the process by which we can begin such a process, not matter how ad hoc it is. It's nice to see a trickle of things being made and appearing on here, but as time goes on they'll begin to interfere with eachother without a set direction.

The one key thing is the way that modding is set up, it is entirely possible to make a all in one file to replace all badges and such, and through cooperation with people who have done the rosters through the academy, we can also make the kit packs work in a simple and easy to use manner along with get best (as long as best actually remains the best).

Speaking of the cricket academy is that I kind of wish we could have a feature that we could use instead of cricket academy, even if it's a Planet Cricket made thing, which could be a Planet Cricket recommended roster set to work in the same manner as get best, but based on recommendations here, rather than simply votes through the system (which can have weaknesses).

I think the only way to truly standardise it would be for BA to change the file system within the textures folder to allow a config file to recognise a unique ID (created by BA) for each separate nation, team and sponsor. Similar to what is used by modders in the Football Manager series That way individual images (community created or by yourself) can be simply linked to a team, nation or sponsor with a simple edit of the config file.
I am happy to investigate a Planet Cricket "get best" if that's of interest to the powers that be here.
I mentioned ages ago something I'd really like to see - the ability to do links to a team/player inside the academy.

If the game on PC implemented an application url scheme, so perhaps a dbc14:// address - and the game could spit out unique identifiers for teams, players and ideally groups of teams - then people who are making teams and players could just put a direct link in their posts to let someone go download that team into the game - rather than currently needing to just tell people to do a certain search.

If you could just post a link and say "Click here to get World Series Cup 2017 teams" and the game would open up, download them and have them ready for you to play as, it would achieve pretty much everything a 'PlanetCricket Get Best' could do, without the need for someone here to make decisions on what is the best.
I think that might add to there being too much noise and the non-PC community not getting the message. I'd also like to keep the consoles on board.
Well ideally that's where you use magic and make it cross platform...

A share option in the career team lists editor would be about as good - a creator could put all the teams they want you to have, their 'best' into a team list, press a share button, give it a name and then have those groups of teams available for download.
I'll talk with the guys in the morning but the fastest way to get something up and going right now would be a Planet Cricket Get Best option in the PC versions menu.

We would need to not be involved in the selection process at all.
I think that might add to there being too much noise and the non-PC community not getting the message. I'd also like to keep the consoles on board.

The consoles is the reason I'd think that having a new cricket academy section for the whole roster would be ideal.

Currently if someone wants to download say Indian Domestic Teams, extra international teams and such, they need to search them out individually, on top of searching out the actual best versions of each linked team. I think that having a feature to save the full roster of teams you currently have as a defined roster, and share it, much like how teams are shared now, would be ideal. Planet Cricket of course could sponsor their own recommended one, and it be searchable, but the ultimately goal of it would be to make it a one stop download, rather than tedious individual searches.

A Planet Cricket recommended best would also achieve this of course, I just think it would be interesting to have it for rosters in general. It could also be used between friends who want to share their entire customized roster between eachother.

As for Football Manager style modding though, if this game could support such a system, I'd be all over the modding side of it. My own Football Manager logos, competitions names and such I set up most of it myself (as well as renaming various leagues and things). It's a great, very easy to mod system they've used, and by allowing the creation of new unique IDs for things, you can add content to the game as it goes, and the database can retain players from season to season such that graphics remains compatible over versions.

The system currently in place works well enough, if a bit limited in some aspects (there are a finite number of textures that can be replaced). I've made myself an updated badges pack which I'm current still fiddling with, I've updated some of MattW's international badges (although a bit of polish for a few, particularly the mirrored ones might be a good idea at some point too), adding the cropped badges and the Sheffield Shield sides. I might do the BBL next once I'm happy with the look of the rest.
I managed to extract .wav files from it, pretty pointless unless you are planning on putting together your own commentary package.

I would be interested in modding commentary.

Id replace them with real commentators from real cricket broadcasting like how I did with ICC2006... Adds a lot more realism to the game for me, dont know if other peple seem to care though..
The 'Get Best' feature is great, and I'm really happy with how good the likenesses are just from answering one prompt on startup, but I can foresee the main issue being keeping your teams up-to-date.

The ones that are voted on by the community and get to the top now will be (or already are slightly) outdated at some point, but they will most likely still stay top of the 'highest rated' list in the Academy for a considerable amount of time while real life selections/lineups change significantly in the meantime.

It is easy enough to download replacement/updated teams though of course, but (correct me if I'm wrong) these go into the system as new entries even if they're just slight tweaks, so they start off at a low rating with little visibility.

I'm not sure what the best solution to this would be though to be honest, although I'm sure the community will figure something out and once we get a downloads/mods section on here that should help make the quality content more visible here if not through the game..

I have a suggestion although it could be difficult - linking player stats like averages, strike rates etc. and perhaps even team lineups to Cricinfo or similar so they update automatically.

I would be interested in modding commentary.

Id replace them with real commentators from real cricket broadcasting like how I did with ICC2006... Adds a lot more realism to the game for me, dont know if other peple seem to care though..
I'd be interested in modding the commentary if only to remove the line "The batsman was beaten all ends up as it sails past the batSSS"...
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