Requests Accepted Dipak's Kits:-Only accepting requests for kits from now on

can you make the pakistan T20 kit please
i'm not sure about the "nz blackcaps logo" but other than that its pretty much spot on. :thumbs

dipak add the tag to your thread like i have done pitch ads and music patch .it is there at bottom add your tag as kits :)
New Zealand Improved Test Kit Preview --


  • Comments Needed
    [*]It will be released after 5 positive comments
    [*]If you like it press thanks button

* Whats with these new mod makers asking for comments every now and then. Some of them are even pleasding in the thread title for comments.:facepalm
Asking for comment is really cheap and asking for a specific amount of favorable comment to release a mod is ridiculous. If your work is nice then people would appreciate it even after you release it. You don't have to ask for comments then.
Take Kabooka for example, his work was quality work. He never asked for comments or thanks like you do. Yet his thread is biggest thread of download section.

*We know what the thanks button is for and where it is located. So you don't have to tell us how to use it. If we think you deserve it then you'll receive it.

P.S: Moderators, isn't this 5 favorable comment condition is similar to his previous 7 thanks condition for releasing a kit??;)
* Whats with these new mod makers asking for comments every now and then. Some of them are even pleasding in the thread title for comments.:facepalm
Asking for comment is really cheap and asking for a specific amount of favorable comment to release a mod is ridiculous. If your work is nice then people would appreciate it even after you release it. You don't have to ask for comments then.
Take Kabooka for example, his work was quality work. He never asked for comments or thanks like you do. Yet his thread is biggest thread of download section.

*We know what the thanks button is for and where it is located. So you don't have to tell us how to use it. If we think you deserve it then you'll receive it.

P.S: Moderators, isn't this 5 favorable comment condition is similar to his previous 7 thanks condition for releasing a kit??;)

Well said my friend.
Personally, I think that a preview first and then asking for comments is good, then you can release when people point out errors, for example an incorrect sponsor on a kit. But putting a number of 'positive comments' I'm not so sure.
IMO, asking for comments is good, listening to constructive criticism, and if the majority is happy, then release. :)
Also, I'm no mod, but I'd say it's different, because the thanks thing is a sort of formal concept, asking for positive comments isn't really abusing the system, because there is no system :p
It's not just you though dipak, so don't feel bad, you're an excellent mod maker, keep up the great work :D

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