Requests Accepted Dipak's Kits:-Only accepting requests for kits from now on

Thats why i respect mod makers like kabooka/shrenik/abbh a lot more then these guys. They work hard, take all the criticism and dont plead for comments or thanks
Thats why i respect mod makers like kabooka/shrenik/abbh a lot more then these guys. They work hard, take all the criticism and dont plead for comments or thanks

I think that's a touch harsh perhaps, the new guys work hard and most take the criticism and improve, they have to learn, the guys you mentioned were all new at some point, the new guys have a lot to learn but going through that journey is what has produced our legendary respected mod makers Kabooka, Shrenik, AbBH, and all the mods on PC.
Just on this forum plenty of people have developed hugely since their first mods. So I think we should encourage them rather than be overly harsh.
i know we should encourage them but pleading for comments and thanks is something else.. Its just :facepalm

Anyway i wont say anymore on this matter.. I'm outta here
I'm new so I ask for comments so I can improve my work...And if I get 5 positive comments means that the kit is worth releasing...I just do it to ensure that I release good kis and not one with defects
Well said my friend.
Personally, I think that a preview first and then asking for comments is good, then you can release when people point out errors, for example an incorrect sponsor on a kit. But putting a number of 'positive comments' I'm not so sure.
IMO, asking for comments is good, listening to constructive criticism, and if the majority is happy, then release. :)
Also, I'm no mod, but I'd say it's different, because the thanks thing is a sort of formal concept, asking for positive comments isn't really abusing the system, because there is no system :p
It's not just you though dipak, so don't feel bad, you're an excellent mod maker, keep up the great work :D

Thanks for your support
btw back on topic, should probably change the "blackcaps" logo with just a silver fern like in that earlier pic i posted. :)
Sorry for the delayed release of Test Kit Pack and NZ Kit.....As soon as I get access to my laptop, I will release it.....

BTW, A small survey..

What should I do after Test Kit Pack??
c)ODI Kits
d)Misc (please mention)
Whatever you feel comfortable with, and whatever turns out well.
I think there are plenty of bats and ODI kits, although I suppose you could always take requests, faces I believe are tricky, which is why there aren't many but I'd recommend giving it a go. Also, things like stadiums, outfields, stuff like that you can try too :)
NZ Improved Test Kit Preview--


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