Don Bradman Cricket 14 - first impressions thread

I was thinking that it would be good just to have the controller vibrate only when you time it right, even when playing defensive. This would allow you to get used to the bowlers pace, etc. while blocking out the first few balls and then playing a bit more aggressively once you have your eye in.

I know it's counter-intuitive to real life - ie. your bat jars the worse your timing and hitting is, but for the sake of the game I think it would be better and I think getting some sort of haptic feedback when you play a good shot would be ore satisfying than not feeling anything at all.
I am not able to pick up the length of the ball on pro.
By the time I differentiate between red and green it's already too late.
Any other idea to pick the length of the ball easily ?
One thing I also wanted to mention; how good is the ambiance when simply fielding in career mode!

One of my favorite parts of career mode for sure, I love hanging out and dropping into the game every now and then just to feel like part of a team. Boring as batshit for anyone else in the room at the time though! Great fun for a cricket gaming nerd and I now HATE the broadcast camera for fielding in other matches for this reason. Much prefer feeling like I'm part of the team, than watching the team on television. Best visual decision made in Cricket games, IMO.

The faster you shoot up the stick means the faster the ball(i think) thats how im doing it.

Cool, okay. Let me check that when I wind up the PS3 a little later... My eyes were literally sore last night after trying to pick up the ball during an online match when I was batting.

I was thinking a beep when it would be ideal timing, atleast itd give you a better idea of when you need to play your shots.

Problem with that is it's only half the difficulty in the game, timing it only accounts for you getting on the right foot in the first place! I can time it really well, but I'm often playing on the front foot when I should have got back. My biggest weakness is the offside because I struggle to play anything there (Pro-Tip: Try to forget that when you play me online) especially in career mode.

Question, when does the length of the ball get determined?

Pretty much immediately as the ball is released, you get the green, yellow or red circle. Which against spin or medium pace is fine, but against fast bowling in career mode is nigh-impossible. NO idea what it's like in the higher difficulty levels as I have no desire to find out right now!

Another option might be for the ball in the bowlers end to briefly glow red, green or yellow half a section before delivery just so you can get on the right foot early, I know that's a little bit of a cheat but there needs to be a balance found and I think it's currently, certainly on PRO in career mode, a little too hard for the average person...
Another option might be for the ball in the bowlers end to briefly glow red, green or yellow half a section before delivery just so you can get on the right foot early, I know that's a little bit of a cheat but there needs to be a balance found and I think it's currently, certainly on PRO in career mode, a little too hard for the average person...

Yes, when facing Fast or Fast-Medium I literally have to guess. It needs tweaking just a little bit so that the human operator has some chance.

Perhaps your idea could be introduced for just these types of bowlers, but medium and the spinners remain as they are?
If you're going to do it, do it for all bowlers because you'll get used to the assistance over time. Either that or simply add in a little more room for error in batting, but not as much as in "Amateur" because I find that difficulty level almost about right for my skill-level currently, but a fraction TOO easy once you're "in" as a batsman. So perhaps some middle-ground there...

The problem is magnified 10-fold in limited overs cricket because you literally cannot score at the required rate as a batsman for a T20 or ODI match if it's a close game. I was getting asked to go at 6 an over in a Big Bash match for JUST two overs to win the game and could barely get off strike, in-between the lightening-reflex fielders and fast bowler release-to-hit window.

It comes down to, unfortunately, not being much fun failing more than you're improving... That being said, I'm glass half-full and enjoying the challenge but it would be fair to say I'm tolerating the challenge, rather than embracing it in the hope even the bare-minimum skill levels I'm getting each game will be enough to improve things as the career mode rolls on.

But stat-wise and career-wise it's not pretty reading for my poor guy...
Yes i agree mate, i went though Aussie and English team and they are fine. I had a few little tweaks. Will look at the rest when i finish work.

Which of your teams are appearing in the best ones? Maybe I can leave feedback in the appropriate thread on teams if you can tell me.


Interesting idea.

Question, when does the length of the ball get determined? Depending on that maybe the circle can show up a split second early. Also to make it more complex.. It might show up even sooner or later depending on how good/bad your batsman is.

Push up on the right stick when the bowler's arm is straight up during rotation. It will then get delivered based on the length you had selected. Do this earlier or later and the ball will be of a different length then intended and slow too.
That's what I've learnt after hours of practice.
Even I felt that i was not getting any better with the bowling hud as i was concentrating on the top left corner. Moreover it was ruining the experience. I started playing without HUD today and it was lottle tough initially but I'm little better now and the whole feel of the game changed drastically. I just wish that in the patch you all people to use audio support on higher difficulty levels too so that people can practice using them instead of hud.

The first (and only so far:p) match that I bowled in was an online match with a pal that I played yesterday. There wasn't any bowling assists so I had to depend on visual cues. I just remembered what @HBK619 had mentioned about when the use the right analog stick and went along with that. The first delivery I bowled was almost a no ball (was seeing where the front foot landed) so I started timing the pullback of RAS just a little earlier. Throughout the whole match I bowled zero no-balls (though it helped that I bowled 3 of the 5 overs with spin :p). I think the game already has enough going for it that it is totally playable without any assists (except the ball trail. It's impossible to see where the ball went in the field without it).
Just had my first game and initial reaction is this is awesome. Quite difficult so will take some time to learn it and get good. Did the tutorial to figure out bowling controls and a little net practice then went for a quick five over match to practice an actual match. Batted first and found it difficult to hit gaps and only managed 17/4 which included a 6 over the bowlers head with probably the only aggressive shot I managed to time right. The AI easily got it in 8 balls! Still I managed one wicket, went for a full straight ball and bowled him, celebrated as if I was watching a real game!

Bowling is fun which it never used to be in the days of just choosing the pitch marker. Often used to simulate my bowling innings as it felt like a chore.
Just had a nice surprise looking through commentary names. My surname is not very common and it's never included on other games for creating players, scrolled through to check and there it is on the list!
Push up on the right stick when the bowler's arm is straight up during rotation. It will then get delivered based on the length you had selected. Do this earlier or later and the ball will be of a different length then intended and slow too.
That's what I've learnt after hours of practice.

Huge help, massive. Thanks @imhassan.
With amount of excitement this game has created I have punched in the air when I take crucial wickets and celebrated running inside the house when I took T20 hattrick yesterday was really pumped and managed to get final figure of 11/6 in 4 overs....:D
With amount of excitement this game has created I have punched in the air when I take crucial wickets and celebrated running inside the house when I took T20 hattrick yesterday was really pumped and managed to get final figure of 11/6 in 4 overs....:D

Great for the guys in the office, and me, to hear these stories-really makes them feel appreciated and helps spur them on to make it even better.

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