Don Bradman Cricket 14 - first impressions thread

I know this isn't common, but in the all time best Pakistan team, someone has made Abdul Qadir an off spinner. And don't get me started on the skills given to him. I kept bowling as a leg spinner for the first over, wondering why I'm not getting any turn and every delivery is crap.

Secondly, I had Wasim, Waqar, Shoaib Akhtar and Imran Khan in the team and the bowling rating was less than 3 stars. Huh?!?!

Things like these are really going to make the noob gamer irritated TBH. There should be some sort of control over the international teams at least, even if they are made by the community.
there was only one delivery between 20 and 24 then i went out...

Preaching to the choir, story of my last 72 hours, man. She's a wild woman to tame the ol' career mode...
Preaching to the choir, story of my last 72 hours, man. She's a wild woman to tame the ol' career mode...

I got so annoyed i threw the controller when i got my 4th pair! When i hit a six for the first time(and only time so far) i punched the air. Its funny how much you can get into it cos once your out, thats it.
Same goes for bowling, id be bowling a bad ball to get the crap batsman on can actually get very involved in this game. Im not suprised lady biggs was not impressed.
Anybody seen a player injury?

Does "heart broken when my player gets out on 15 again" count?

Its funny how much you can get into it cos once your out, thats it.

That's the genius of "Career Mode" really, it's such a simple thing... but outside of the niggles and the few tweaks that need to be made (cough batting slightly easier cough) it's real risk vs. real reward. The risk being if you're out you're left heartbroken staring into that tweaking loading screen for the 5th time and the cold, failed, dead eyes of your career player waiting for his next match...

Im not suprised lady biggs was not impressed.

...I took her to Captain America Winter Soldier today to make up for it.



oh wait...

That's why she's pissed...
Got the game couple of days back and spent a few hours in the nets and tutorial before jumping into an actual match. I used to write reviews for cricket games about 10 years ago for a couple of gaming sites, so was really keen to seen how DBC14 stacked up!

Gotta say the way the control mechanics for batting and bowling have been designed are brilliant. It really makes you feel like you are having a real influence over what's happening, engages your brain in a way that no cricket game before ever has (especially bowling), which makes the end result all the more rewarding.

The nicks and edges to keepers and slips feels so good when bowling, and heartbreaking when batting. And its pretty cool to be able to setup a batsman with wide outswinging half volleys after a series of straight good length balls:thumbs

Its not at all easy though, and batting especially will take time to get used to. But the depth in the mechanics would suggest that the learning phase would be time well spent.:thumbs

As with others I've got a few positives, negatives and questions from the play so far. Won't repeat what's already been pointed out, but just have a couple of questions for things I haven't been able to figure out yet:

- How do you play defensive nudges around the circle for quick singles? Every time I defend the ball just stops dead near the pitch with no chance of a run.

- How do you turn the ball? I'm playing with spinners on a dusty, crumbly, worn pitch, 2000 RPM, and the ball just wouldn't turn! I'm not following the manuals spinning instructions, rather what was on the tutorial (i.e. offspinner top right on L stick, legspinner top left on L stick etc.). Ive tried with both inverted and normal controls as well...
Ross this game has surely made us go crazy...

How I watched Cricket.

Before DBC 14:

Thats a nice shot....Crucial wicket...Oh!!direct hit and he was gone...Brilliant innings...Amazing match...

After release of DBC 14:

Yeah that shot can be played in the game....Oh!!the fielder field much better in the game...Seeing a dive catch and saying that's just too easy to do in the game...

Everything I see in cricket these days I am starting to compare it with the virtual one because its that real....Really hats off to all the guys who have made it possible to create such a brilliant game and thanks to all the team and player creators who have made it too easy for us to enjoy this game....:cheers:thumbs:clap
@Biggs have you got so annoyed and turned your ps3 off and yelled "Im not playing this crap anymore" then 10 minutes later getting 3 runs and feeling like its a 100

Lady Glenny isnt much impressed either, i said she can play her own career when Im done...shes still waiting, will be for years
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have you got so annoyed and turned your ps3 off and yelled "Im not playing this crap anymore" then 10 minutes later getting 3 runs and feeling like its a 100

Multiple times, I think I "quit this shit" about 8 times on Saturday night... Career mode just keeps dragging me back in.
Multiple times, I think I "quit this shit" about 8 times on Saturday night... Career mode just keeps dragging me back in.

Its a love hate thing isnt it? Get so effing annoyed and just quit. Then you mull it over in your head for 5 minutes and you just want to try do better, its so simple yet so effective this career mode
Is anyone finding tailenders as difficult to bowl at as top order batsmen? They seem far too effective
I get a lot of turn in test matches, on dusty pitches. Love bowling the doosra or googly in such conditions!

You are the only person I have seen say that. Everyone else gets no turn at all.

Maybe you could post a video and a guide on how you manage it. Help the rest of us out
Finally a win at veteran difficulty. Even though my batting crumbled but they fired initially so that after 4 overs it was business of taking singles and doubles. So genius of game and my game sense even though batting as australia :lol.
Earlier my highest score was around 60. Also started one test with netherland which I am losing.
1st innings netherland 180 all out. I scored 203 all out, then simulated 2nd innings of netherland and they scored 397. Now I am 65/7.:(

Really fielders are aliens. I tried to clear the infield straight over the head of the bowler many times but mid on or mid off always caught it.


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Fishing Octopus!


It's hard enough to beat the f#%king outfielders now I gotta avoid my OWN TEAMMATES?!
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It's hard enough to beat the f#%king outfielders now I gotta avoid my OWN TEAMMATES?!

You think thats bad? Last night I hit it in to the non-strikers BACK and then the bowler caught it. Out.

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