Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

No it isn't, because as they've clearly stated they are starting again so it will not be like Ashes 2009 - for better or worse.

Whatever you liked or didn't about Ashes Cricket 2009 is not a point of comparison with 2013 - they are different games on different engines, the comparison is invalid.
Its made by the same people who made AC09 expansion packs or ports whatever you call it.. its going to have more or the same of the gameplay of codemasters.

And as for the game engine it could be for the better or worse and no comparison isn't completely invalid.
I read this bug report on another thread somewhere, reading between the lines the gameplay in there was AWESOME! I think you should go hangout there.... oh, yeah, sorry, you don't like text
That is in no justifying the lack of gameplay reveal you have,the display of blatant hypocrisy here is almost pathetic.
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ahhhh much better now...
If he released a gameplay video you'd want the game in your hands, if you got the game in your hands you'd want a sequel.... No pleasing anyone here sometimes, my word... :facepalm
Don't you get it, they're going one up on a gameplay video and actually doing live gameplay testings. Sure, only Melbournites can go, but you will have them flooding the forum afterwards.
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So that's why you don't answer any of my questions. I'm on that privileged list of blocked people! Or is it cos my questions are all s**t? You can tell me, I can handle it.
Its made by the same people who made AC09 expansion packs or ports whatever you call it.. its going to have more or the same of the gameplay of codemasters.
Well 'same people' is debatable - a lot of the people who worked on AC09 back in 2007 aren't working on it now. Some are even working for Big Ant.

And as for the game engine it could be for the better or worse and no comparison isn't completely invalid.
You said this,
Heck i'd still buy AC13 because i have a basic idea of the gameplay.

You seem to have based that off how AC09 plays - the games are totally different and deliberately will play different based on their descriptions.

We've seen more of DB14 than AC13 - however you spin it.
like more text and more text ?? i do NOT fancy text.

If its a game then there better be a freaking gameplay video.Well its pretty sad that you never played ashes 2009 its going to be the same game basically just not as hyped as BA14 and not as many fanboners around to purchase it.I could say the same for BA14 sneek peak.I didn't know that not being a gleeful reetard is considered as a "14 yr old spoiled brat" here

Yeah but its totally fine to just keep dissing AC13 even though you don't have to.

Don't get the wrong idea i'm not an AC13 fanboy i just don't think hate of AC13 and the fanboying of BA14 is justified in anyway.A)its not the case here,i rely on the game i know more about in this case i know a lot about AC09 and i can expect AC13 to be better.You're saying as if we have tons of gameplay videos, playable demos and release date confirmed which is NOT the case here so you're just being one blissful ignorant fanboy here.Well again AC09 hello !! doesn't ring a bell ? never played it ?I think you answered your question.

YES ! i would how the hell does that count as a gameplay ? when there is no "gameaplay" involved ?? you people bitch about AC13's animation but what about the sneek peak ? isn't it just an animation too ?

Wow......did you work on the Enigma Code??? Trickstar might offer you a job with logic like this......
and they say that AC13 doesn't care about the feedback.... how ironic its almost as if a jilted fanboy is behind the screen not the PR team.

I bet you are the type of guy who farts in elevators for about turning up at the wrong it is a party....the greatest cricketer ever to have graced this Planet is about to grace the greatest cricket game ever made......Let people enjoy the party man.......
pretty much sums up the whole bubble of BA14 fanboy cult&the inflated ego of the PR team.
You seem to have based that off how AC09 plays - the games are totally different and deliberately will play different based on their descriptions.
How different can it be from AC09 ? i'm betting on it.
We've seen more of DB14 than AC13 - however you spin it.
Seen as in what sense ? more text&stills ? yes ? actual gameplay ? no.
Trickstar really like to hang their hat on games that were actually very poor. Ashes was only semi-fun if heavily modified or played online. IC 2010 was balls.

They hang their hat on a license but everyone knows an Ashes license will sell. It will sell again, no doubt.

MAYBE they have a good game up their sleeve, let's not totally rule out that possibility, but they have consistently complimented themselves on those previous two games when they were actually very poor.

Now, as far as Ashes 2013 goes, here are the only things I can recall them saying that are different from the previous games.

1) Batting is harder. How? Randomisation.... So basically they'll let a random number generator do the work for them. Great.
2) Fielding used to suck so we fixed it. How? We made it automatic...but added brand new animations!
3) Online will work this time. Okay, fair point. If they produce a game that has rubbish AI but okay game mechanics then people would play it online BUT...only if Bradman Cricket isn't better.

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