Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

but it's factually wrong to say AC13 have shown more.
Well yes none of the games have any real trailer out.
If you're betting on AC13 being similar to AC09 as the reason for dismissing DB14, you're going to be disappointed.
Not really AC09 had a different AI,new models and animations etc etc still retained the basic core of a codemasters cricket game.
I'm trying to have a sensible conversation here. How is being like Ashes 09 a good thing?
I think you again answered you own question.. yes its an average game but i still have more experience playing that and i can expect something from AC13.
Ashes 2009 > Ashes 2013 (It's not even close)
yeah call me back when you have finished playing AC13 for 10th time.
We have been following this whole process for a year now and have been following cricket games for hundreds of years
"member since 07" hmmm that doesn't sound like hundreds of years for me.
I think Martyn found a way round this ignore a few days there will be some other muppet like this :lol
I bet you are the type of guy who farts in elevators for about turning up at the wrong it is a party....the greatest cricketer ever to have graced this Planet is about to grace the greatest cricket game ever made......Let people enjoy the party man.......
I have an excellent idea.....................sod off, twat!
Now I get it.
You are that retarded boy that got kicked out off School because you were screaming "WHY DON'T I GET A BONER?? ".

More fanbots4your Mr BigantEgo.

I'm just can't imagine the amount of hilarity if this game fails.:lol
Now I get it.
You are that retarded boy that got kicked out of the Supermarket because you were screaming "WHY DON'T I GET A BONER?? "
Are you that guy?? ASS-ES FAN BONER??

I think everyone took his 'fanboner' remark out of context....I take it as a compliment. Can anyone really deny that they are a fan of this game and sometimes thinking about Don Bradman Cricket 14 makes you just a bit hard...

I cant
Well yes none of the games have any real trailer out.Not really AC09 had a different AI,new models and animations etc etc still retained the basic core of a codemasters cricket game. I think you again answered you own question.. yes its an average game but i still have more experience playing that and i can expect something from AC13.yeah call me back when you have finished playing AC13 for 10th time."member since 07" hmmm that doesn't sound like hundreds of years for me.More fanbots4your Mr BigantEgo.

I'm just can't imagine the amount of hilarity if this game fails.:lol

If you add up all the years each member has been following cricket games you get the number I mentioned. Beyond your logic apparently.

Getting really bored of you now. Really bored.
More fanbots4your Mr BigantEgo.

Im anything but a "fan boy". Ive said in the past that some of the kiss arse' on here make me sick. Ross is not a god like some project him to be, simply a guy working on a game. Everyone is entitled to an opinion wether others agree or not. And if my opinion is that you say rubbish just to try and sound clever then i may express it. gone!
etc still retained the basic core of a codemasters cricket game.
Perhaps as a result of being published by Codemasters, which AC13 won't be.

The off chance that despite starting again with different people, a different publisher and a different approach to game design - things will result in the same game as something released 4 years ago isn't a reason to dismiss either game.

We have a lot of written info on the games, we have a lot of screenshots of this one and an editor showing us the statistical and game mode depth. If you were saying they both have potential and we need to wait and see -you might have a point, but asserting AC13 is well known because of AC09 is factually wrong.

Anyway, you're entitled to your wrong opinion.
Keep it civil please. People are entitled to disagree and it's possible to try and point out where they're going wrong without getting personal and insulting them.

Hahaha too funny:lol
Nice to see that the official facebook page is gathering likes by the minute.

Ross when will be fully operational?
My apologizes. He just got on my nerve.....

Ignore works well.

Vishnu Karthik
This message is hidden because Vishnu Karthik is on your ignore list.

EXCEPT: I can see that Vishnu Karthik is one of the Barmy F4nB0Yz coz he liked your post. I don't think I should see someone who is on the ignore lists likes... fricken fanboys like Vishnu make me sick.
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Beyond your logic apparently.
keep your fanboy logic with yourself.
Oh how times have changed....
I'm really sorry i'm not a kissass. just because this is the only one of cricket games being made after all these years doesn't mean i have to be a fanbot.
And if my opinion is that you say rubbish just to try and sound clever then i may express it. gone!
That's not an opinion that's a stirred up fanboy rage which is hilarious.
Perhaps as a result of being published by Codemasters, which AC13 won't be.
but asserting AC13 is well known because of AC09 is factually wrong.
I didn't say it would be well known it would be something i can expect it to be.

If it turns out like Cricket revolution then yeah its crap but if its somthing of an hybrid of AC09 it might be good "might" be.
Anyway, you're entitled to your wrong opinion.
Opinions are not "right" or "wrong" they never are unless its argument about facts.

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