Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

You could have linked to bright side of life to cheer 79C up but no.... :)

Thanks I love the Monty Python bits I love them movies, great English comedy. Now for good aussies comedy people go see the castle movie as I also love that movie. PS Back on topic yes ross edges are great to see, like a edge down to third man though the slips.

PS How does one F--k off, never.:thumbs
We've been waiting for another video for some time, and it falls right around eid time, what a great eid present, thank you very much mr Ross

Off topic: One of the main reasons we have a studio in Malaysia is I love the food there, especially during Ramadan, everyone eating at the same time gives a real sense of vibrancy and community.
Off topic: One of the main reasons we have a studio in Malaysia is I love the food there, especially during Ramadan, everyone eating at the same time gives a real sense of vibrancy and community.
Yep!, living in the UK, i dont quite get the same atmosphere, but its still pretty great! Its 1:30 here so i'm going to catch some sleep and hopefully will be greeted by a video tomorrow :) , thank you for all your hard work mr Ross
Off topic: One of the main reasons we have a studio in Malaysia is I love the food there, especially during Ramadan, everyone eating at the same time gives a real sense of vibrancy and community.

:lol you have a studio there just for the food, i very much doubt thats true but you do always tell the truth not like certain other people around these forums :p
:lol you have a studio there just for the food, i very much doubt thats true but you do always tell the truth not like certain other people around these forums :p

I am sure any Australian would wish to get away from their own cuisine to taste the delights of proper food.....look at us Pommies! Thats real food....

Reminds me of a joke I recently heard......Aussie beer is like making love in a canoe....too close to fekkin water.........
:lol you have a studio there just for the food, i very much doubt thats true but you do always tell the truth not like certain other people around these forums :p

It's sad but true :)

I'm a vegetarian and Malaysia, besides Hong Kong, has the finest "mock" meat restaurants in the world.
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If you are looking for tips I can help.

No I can just annoy ross more, remember I am a cricket nut so hard to p-ss off unless someone releases a crap cricket game again.:mad


I am sure any Australian would wish to get away from their own cuisine to taste the delights of proper food.....look at us Pommies! Thats real food....

Reminds me of a joke I recently heard......Aussie beer is like making love in a canoe....too close to fekkin water.........

What and English beer is good :lol:lol:lol Let's give them a good aussie beer by the name of fosters.:lol
Ross, is your studio in Malaysia working on another title at the moment or do you all work together on the same games? Would imagine it would be quite tiring travelling from country to country all the time.

What no steak and chips ross ?

Im sure Ross has his own version of Steak and Chips!!!! Im also sure he prefers a nice COLD beer rather than that WARM stuff the pommies have to offer!!!
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They're working on non-sport titles :)

The travel is just a part of life, I've flown over 4,000,000 miles.

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