Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

A pretty interesting comment by Ross (BigAntStudios) I found at Big Ant Studios forum which I am copying verbatim...

Ross said:
C A Iversen said:
Absolutely amazing stuff Ross and team. I can't believe how good this all is working together. I'm really knackered from a hard mornings work, but have already had a tinker around with some of the new stuff. It really is amazing. If any other team comes close in their level of customisation for their games I'll be shocked.

It honestly had to cross my mind if maybe it may somehow impact the quality of the game-play, all this work on such top level customisation. Still, I've got plenty of faith in Big Ant after RLL2, so we'll wait and see about the game-play. I'm definitely buying this game though.

This is stuff we hoped to do for RLL2 but ended up with sharing via players met and the like - it's been on the go for a long while! Essentially we will use the same tools as our customers to create players and teams which means you can improve or update them.

We see it as an investment in all of our sports titles and expect that this is how it will be done from hereon, it has not detracted from the gameplay team.

I really believe that our game are improving in quality from one release to the next and that Cricket is no exception - for example, to be specific on points of difference, our fielding has all of the elements mentioned by the other game plus more.

Here's the link...
Cricket Academy Upgrade#2 is live (Version 0.93)
Hey Big Ant studios,I like to suggest you that don't make hurry for releasing this game.Take your time that you want for making a world class game.I'm ready to wait for release.If the game will world class and if its price will too much due to its quality then I'm also ready to give anything for it.I just wan't a trailer of 1 minute.
Hey Big Ant studios,I like to suggest you that don't make hurry for releasing this game.Take your time that you want for making a world class game.I'm ready to wait for release.If the game will world class and if its price will too much due to its quality then I'm also ready to give anything for it.I just wan't a trailer of 1 minute.

It's been in development, off and on, for 5 years. They have not rushed it one bit :)
The game's already the Duke Nukem of cricket ;)
Admins, wondering how many people signed up since Cricket Academy was released? Any stats available?
Admins, wondering how many people signed up since Cricket Academy was released? Any stats available?

there have been quite a few new users posting on this forum, so I guess there would a lot of new users.
Admins, wondering how many people signed up since Cricket Academy was released? Any stats available?
Registration statistics are about the same, with a little bit of a jump in the first few days.

Best comparison would be page views vs the period immediately prior to the launch, the blue line being post-release, and the second dot being the first day of it being out -

The forum is also currently our most popular section of the site on a views basis, finally beating out the Cricket 07 Downloads Forum.


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Registration statistics are about the same, with a little bit of a jump in the first few days.

Best comparison would be page views vs the period immediately prior to the launch, the blue line being post-release, and the second dot being the first day of it being out -

The forum is also currently our most popular section of the site on a views basis, finally beating out the Cricket 07 Downloads Forum.

Finally something has arrived to beat the 07 Downloads Forum!Phew!
Registration statistics are about the same, with a little bit of a jump in the first few days.

Best comparison would be page views vs the period immediately prior to the launch, the blue line being post-release, and the second dot being the first day of it being out -

The forum is also currently our most popular section of the site on a views basis, finally beating out the Cricket 07 Downloads Forum.

Thats cool. And yes, to beat C07 forum would have been a real herculean task. The only thing that that forum is missing is an ICEnhancer like the GTA IV one.

But I assume the 'Your Player Cards' thread to be fastest growing of all?

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