Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

I might be wrong here but on the operation sports forum your get banned if you even mention anything about pirating a game. Seeing that the developers also visit these forums shouldnt this forum do the same?
i must admit Sherian I thought the same as Bevab :)

i would imagine from everything ross has said it will be in both modes, but it also won't be too "obvious". probably the pirate will get a taste of how good the game would be if they ponied up the money for a legit copy.
I believe that there should be 0% encouragement for pirated games and players :) got it dude

Mmm, dont you already have an account?:spy

Just to repeat a post from another thread;

Anyway Planet Cricket prides itself in its approach to pirating. We hate it. Full stop. Anyone who wants to be a member here needs to understand we do not like pirates. They can better go somewhere else. This is not the place for them. They will get a lot of stick, a lot of stick.

There are no excuses for pirating.....none. Full stop.
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Anyway Planet Cricket prides itself in its approach to pirating. We hate it. Full stop. Anyone who wants to be a member here needs to understand we do not like pirates. They can better go somewhere else. This is not the place for them. They will get a lot of stick, a lot of stick.

There are no excuses for pirating.....none. Full stop.

Mostly we're jealous that we don't look good in a Puffy Shirt.
Mostly we're jealous that we don't look good in a Puffy Shirt.

And that the parrot kept falling off the shoulder*........if I hear that parrot say one more time "MattW, who ate all the pies then!" I''ll scream......

*actually Armani does a lovely off-the-shoulder parrot these days......
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yes why do you want to know unless you are interested in it.

So if I ask: Hey, does anyone know how atoms collide to create an atomic explosion mean I am making a bomb? So if I am interested in something it happens?

If that were the case I would have had real sex by now......
there will be calls to our office and email that will complain about things we *know* are bugs due to a pirate version.

Can you somehow make the pirated version display a premium number for complaints? $10 a minute ought to do it...


I might be wrong here but on the operation sports forum your get banned if you even mention anything about pirating a game. Seeing that the developers also visit these forums shouldnt this forum do the same?

Sometimes we attempt education and future prevention over just deleting everything. Possibly fighting a losing battle though.
The "war on drugs" is an easier fight....

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