Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Ross, any idea how the points system for the T20 World Cup in game is working, because i really am getting confused by it.

After the first stage when two associate members qualify for the Super 10, all teams then started out on 2 points, i won my first game so got 2 points making 4, but then after simming the other games in that round im then suddenly on 6, also teams losing a game after more simming suddenly gain points as well, then we have byes, really, it isnt making much sense.

Any ideas?

Check the point system in CA normally it should tell you...
I hate the commentary in this game. Could there not at least have been more variation in lines said at the end of the game than "[Team Name] will be very pleased with this victory, and the way their players stood up"?... :mad
I hate the commentary in this game. Could there not at least have been more variation in lines said at the end of the game than "[Team Name] will be very pleased with this victory, and the way their players stood up"?... :mad
Especially when you get that line with no team name at the front when a match ends in a draw.

I have very few complaints about the commentary itself - the commentators did a good job and them not being well known for cricket commentary has a minimal impact on how well they did. But the game just frequently has them spit out the wrong lines for the situation, which has to come down to how it was implemented and therefore should be fixable.
Especially when you get that line with no team name at the front when a match ends in a draw.

I have very few complaints about the commentary itself - the commentators did a good job and them not being well known for cricket commentary has a minimal impact on how well they did. But the game just frequently has them spit out the wrong lines for the situation, which has to come down to how it was implemented and therefore should be fixable.
Agreed, yeah in general it's not too bad in terms of the actual lines and the tone they're spoken in - I wouldn't mind the same guys doing the commentary in future iterations.

I just hate the frequency of the repetition of certain lines as well as the annoying mistakes like "Welcome to this 50 over match" when it's a 40 over game, "Welcome to this One Day International" when it's a domestic game, "Welcome to this test match" when it's a 4 day county game... That line I mentioned before though just SERIOUSLY grates for me now, I just cringe whenever it starts playing and try to get out and back to the main menu ASAP. I wish I could mod the sound files just to remove that bit.
I'd like to hear @BigAntStudios / @mikeymerren 's views on this.. May be a fix for the frequency of these lines in a patch 4(if at all it's there) possible?

There can't be a fix for this via a patch.

The commentators did a good job. The script is not at all good - it totally sucks - which is my fault as I should have paid closer attention to the guy that was on it. Won't happen again.
...I'll say one thing, I've found a great bunch of Easter-Eggs in the commentary stuff and it lets you put together some fantastic team names to make the commentary more tolerable.
There can't be a fix for this via a patch.

The commentators did a good job. The script is not at all good - it totally sucks - which is my fault as I should have paid closer attention to the guy that was on it. Won't happen again.
And I thought you wrote that script...;)
The commentators did a good job. The script is not at all good - it totally sucks - which is my fault as I should have paid closer attention to the guy that was on it. Won't happen again.

I think the script is alright. It's the scripting that needs work - certain situations come up a lot and fire the same dialogue, which makes it seem bad. The bits where names/numbers are used also make it sound unrealistic (but show me a game where this is not the case!)

The commentary should be all about reporting stuff to the player that they can't see - Constant feedback about who is in the lead, the batsman/bowler confidence/fatigue and their abilities, the weather, etc etc.
The commentary should be all about reporting stuff to the player that they can't see

All of this.

Less "almighty tweak" more "[Team] must increase the run-rate to stay in the game" etc...
I think the commentary - both delivery and scripting - are poor. The delivery is far too stunted (discounting for chopped-together bits where there is naturally a bit of a tonal mismatch) and as has been mentioned the scripting itself is awful. Every County match is a great result (draw), there's no situational awareness (so in a career Pro40 match the AI got to 50 on the last ball of the match - cue "He'll be thinking about going on to get his hundred") and it's too limited. And every time the guys says " it sailed passed the bats" makes me want to throw something at my screen. Was he meant to say batsmen and got cut-off? Was he just an idiot? Arrgghh!

There's much to enjoy about this (and the fact I've put 60 hours into it, given my limited gaming time, is testament to that), but - and I've said this before - the match presentation aspects are lacking. To go back to IC10, the commentary there had little anecdotes thrown in and it told you a bit more about what was going on and it made for a more engaging experience.
To go back to IC10, the commentary there had little anecdotes thrown in and it told you a bit more about what was going on and it made for a more engaging experience.

I found these fun the first time I heard them but when I hear Warne talk about him and Sachin meeting Sir Don on his 90th Birthday for the 10th time in same match it grates on you somewhat

Chief had it right - make commentators talk about things you cannot obviously see. weather conditions, how well your team are doing, need to increase run rate etc
Well anything heard often enough is going to grate, but the fact is it allowed for a bit of character that DB sorely lacks; it's all too po-faced and dull.

Of course, IC10 benefited from having a number of different commentators so you had combinations but the main thing is that at times it actually felt like 2 people in the same place talking about a cricket match. In DB14 there's no immersion to break because it never feels like the two commentators have ever met, let alone worked together.

As I said in my post, I also agree with Chief about what the game should tell you and that should be worked into the wider presentational aspects of the game (in county matches, for example, it tells you comparative scores after 10/20 etc overs. What sense does that even make in a 4-day game?)

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