Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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It's not the time to add a player to a squad, it's the approval/manufacture/ship time that is the delay.

We are getting the RLL WC game out at the earliest possible time and it is tight!
Anything about the game you can share?
Nope. I have nothing on DBC14 that Ross has not shared already.
*seriously, DBC14 wasn't shown, we just had a great chat for a couple of hours. You can talk of what Mike did show you on the PS3 if you care to.

Oh cool! Yes, the PS3 game Mikey was playing was Table Top Cricket. I didn't play it myself; I will play it plenty enough when I buy the released game. But watching Mikey step up and reverse-sweep a pace delivery for 6 - and OUT OF THE STADIUM - was awesome! That game looks hella fun, and hilarious. :D
ashes is definitely releasing cuz the price is dropping, now it's DOA.
Big Aint are terrible; Ross is great.
You'll eat your hat if you're not playing before Dec; you'd have to be drinking to think it'll release in Dec; Dec is the best business time.
Ross has to take Ashes into account; Ross doesn't worry about Ashes.

there is literally no need to be selective. you have taken every possible position, one after the other. You have gone much further than Ross ever has, and ladled it all out with a good serving of home-spun sanctimonious bull. and then thrown in some insults too...

whenever it's released, you'll be able to point to a post and say "I told you so". but anyone with a brain will know there will be posts where you swear blind that release date could never happen. I'll have a credibility conversation with you any day of the week. i'll win.

Photoshop and quote inc :p
ashes is definitely releasing cuz the price is dropping

It is obviously going to release you muppet, honestly how you come to the conclusion its not is mystifying!

now it's DOA.

You know what "DOA" means, right? Dead on ARRIVAL. My position is (and has been for a while) much the same as Matts. They're going to get it out in whatever shape they can when they can clear it. Simple.

Big Aint are terrible; Ross is great.

Haha. You're hilarious. 12 months ago BigAnt WERE a lost cause. Ross has proved otherwise, therefore he IS great right now! I backed you 100% when you first showed up when he got the wrong end of your stick, by your estimation can someone not evolve an opinion over time? What a drama queen you've become... Evolution indeed.

You'll eat your hat if you're not playing before Dec; you'd have to be drinking to think it'll release in Dec; Dec is the best business time.

How is ANY of that not consistent? You're laughable sometimes mate. I've always been of the opinion, based on the cricket season that Oct/Nov was the window. Rather than skipping a few pages back, go spend your depressing obsession going back about 6 months where I said Oct was my (hopeful) guess. November being the more logical based on the cricket season in Australia. I still believe we'll be playing it in December. Not that any SPECULATION is proof of anyones credibility you muppet, because we're all wasting our time guessing this sh#t which has been my message ALL ALONG or do you wanna skip over all those posts I made too? Haha.

Ross has to take Ashes into account; Ross doesn't worry about Ashes.

JESUS you're OCD. Ross has said that the PRICE of Ashes affects the ENTIRE MARKETPLACE. That's what I was referring to and what he is when he's talking about the release date! The ACTUAL DATE you're so obsessed with right now is irrelevant to BigAnt. It's the price-point they're selling it at which is the cause for concern, not the date! Seriously, how do you not get this?

I'll have a credibility conversation with you any day of the week. i'll win.

Haha. Righto, I'm done like Dutch. You're now acting like a genuinely crazy person. My "credibility" is just fine. It was good enough for you when I stood up for you to Ross a couple of months ago to get you 'over' when he and others were ragging on you, but your incredibly short and selective memory has forgotten that. My record and position on release date speculation has never changed from "it's utterly pointless" and when I have indulged, it's never been from a "facts" based position, because nobody knows and to suggest that you've somehow cracked a DaVinci code like you've been doing for pages and pages just fuels the crazy fire more than it needs to. Ross has been totally consistent with the EXCEPTION of that oft-quoted xx/xx/xx thing he put out months ago, which got changed wheb Ashes sh#t the bed, why? We don't know. Lets go with "to make a better game". LITERALLY the only person suggesting that Ashes won't release and DBC isn't coming out in 2013 is YOU. There is not some crowd of people behind your opinion. It's just you.

Think about that.
yawn. just yawn.

put your drawers back on, sugar tits, and calm down.

I don't need anyone to get me "over", I have put out my opinion for people to take or leave. or just selectively take out of context and abuse me, as they will. depends which way they're twisting today. sometimes they agree, sometimes they disagree. but usually you can engage in a reasonable debate rather than insulting. you can't; I win. twist away.

ross and I got off on the wrong foot, he has never held it against me for which I give him a lot of credit. the idea you got me "over" would make him what, an 8 year old girl. I hope DBC is in the hands of someone better than that.

my interpretation of certain posts differs to yours. I can accept that. I don't feel a particular need to insult you over it. the contortionist thing is a fact. opinions can evolve over time, yeah, that's the sign of a reasonable person. when they 180 continually, are utterly made up based on nothing, it's more the sign of an idiot, twisting to fit what he thinks suits the prevailing opinion today. I have no respect for that.

I admit, I personally don't think Ashes will release. I think we'd have heard something by now if it was going to. I could be wrong. I won't be buying it either way, it doesn't bother me.
IF it releases, I think there is enough in some of Ross' posts to hint there is a possibility that DBC might not release this year. though I was looking at one of the posts again earlier and think I may have misinterpreted that particular one. but you know what, I said what I was thinking and why. I was ready to be corrected; to be told - "you've got that bit wrong, this is why" but you know - "you're crazy, a conspiracy theorist, this is my position today and I am sticking to it until tomorrow at least, and it was always this until yesterday" is not really doing that is it?
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Biggs has sugary breasts? Wow, that guy just keeps on giving.

Always giving, Oz. Always giving. Blocker is cute when he's found out to being a bit odd. Love how he's gone from "this is my opinion and I've got" facts" to "I win" and "Sugar Tits"

Oompa Loompa Dupity Dee
We need a toaster on eisle three...
Always giving, Oz. Always giving. Blocker is cute when he's found out to being a bit odd. Love how he's gone from "this is my opinion and I've got" facts" to "I win" and "Sugar Tits"

Oompa Loompa Dupity Dee
We need a toaster on eisle three...

Tbh wouldn't want to carry on talking to someone who can't even have a conversation without throwing out abusive and disrespectful remarks.
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