Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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This is fantastic reading! Page after page of arguments and I haven't even posted anything! Wonderful stuff.

"sugar tits". lol, good one!
I wouldn't either. Comedy is a disgraceful thing to encourage.
What is with all these giant walls of text? The game will come out when the game comes out. Talking about it is pointless.
*Ross removes University Cap from Cricket Academy*

Maybe you'd want to check what Ross called me out on, the RLL thing. But you know, in a civilised way, without insulting anyone. No muppet, no crazy, no conspiracy thing.

Last i will say: i dont think ashes will release, the silence is too long. I think the legal/contractual ramifications will be immense. A period in purdah whilst thats resolved is in inevitable.possibly they are to embarrased to show wgat they have, but they showed a bodyless keeper and a backwards bat, so i think thats less possible.

If i am wrong, and they release, and they release before DBC, i think a market killing, cheap game with a topical license is not conducive to a 2013 release being the most advantageous period for DBC which is what ross said he is targeting. Which makes me thing a 2013 release is no longer 100%. Its still the overwhelming possibility, but not 100%.

I have never hidden the fact that one of the things i was most looking forward to is playing the game while waiting for the cricket to start. For several reasons, i dont think that'll be happening, certainly not for the first test. That has diminished my enthusiasm.

That might make me impatient, i acknowledged that more or less straight away. It deosnt make me crazy, a muppet, or a ocnspiracy theorist. I might be wrong about all of it but it wouldnt be the first time, i'll get over it. But nothing in that should be controversial or warrant the repeated posts and insults flung in the last two days.

No wonder everyone else is bored of it.

As for the contortionist, here's a suggestion for a photoshop for your next west end show ticket. Biggs:a foot in both camps and my head up my arse. Has a nice ring to it, i feel.

Pun fully intended.

Good day, sir.
I said to this Matt the other day; I love when people "go after" me because I take the time to use a graphics talent to bring a bit of enjoyment to folks here... It's like, some massive tall poppy thing that those losing an argument go for as a last resort. Next you'll be imitating me with maybe a good day type th...

Oh wait...


I said to this Matt the other day; I love when people "go after" me because I take the time to use a graphics talent to bring a bit of enjoyment to folks here... It's like, some massive tall poppy thing that those losing an argument go for as a last resort. Next you'll be imitating me with maybe a good day type th...

Oh wait...



Imitation is a form of flattery.

Next thing, he'll be getting sugar breast implants. To be just like you.
I agree with BD on almost everything he has said. And I think the over-defensiveness from some others is unwarrented...did you actually read his posts or were you guys just jumping on the defense because you dont like what he said...I think he has valid points and he hasnt tried to pass them off as facts but only as his opinion so I dont get the big. Id like him to be wrong but if you look at the big picture he might be onto something.
"I lactate for cake" is a new signature coming soon...
I said to this Matt the other day; I love when people "go after" me because I take the time to use a graphics talent to bring a bit of enjoyment to folks here... It's like, some massive tall poppy thing that those losing an argument go for as a last resort. Next you'll be imitating me with maybe a good day type th...

Oh wait...



HAHAHAAHAH please stop it's too much
hey ross i was just wondering if you are planning to do a playsession in india? i think it will be biggest market for the game, so you might be able to do one and get 200k sales just from that?
Snowy, ready the citation cycle...
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