Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Hi Ross, is there any plan made by the Big Ant Studios to play with the custom or created teams on the premiere* day to reveal us the created teams game play. Have a peaceful sunday ;)

The consoles will have access to the internet so people can access the Academy and play with whomever they please.
I get the feeling that those who are generally 'for' the idea of micro-transactions are those that won't end up behind the curve when the game becomes 'pay to win'. The rest seem to either disagree with it from a morality standpoint or fear they'll be left behind when their hard work is trumped by your bank card.

I don't care about it either way, as long as it's done tastefully. I play games less than pretty much everyone else I know, but I shouldn't be able to even the score with them just by spending real-life money. Whatever micro-transaction scheme is in there, it shouldn't segregate players by financial situation.
Whatever micro-transaction scheme is in there, it shouldn't segregate players by financial situation.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't have said it any better,,,well put bro


Will DBC14 release in South Africa the same day as it does in Australia? Don't say a week later cos I will suffer from DBC Impatiency...(new rare disease caused by waiting for DBC14 and cured only by playing this game)
I get the feeling that those who are generally 'for' the idea of micro-transactions are those that won't end up behind the curve when the game becomes 'pay to win'. The rest seem to either disagree with it from a morality standpoint or fear they'll be left behind when their hard work is trumped by your bank card.

I don't care about it either way, as long as it's done tastefully. I play games less than pretty much everyone else I know, but I shouldn't be able to even the score with them just by spending real-life money. Whatever micro-transaction scheme is in there, it shouldn't segregate players by financial situation.

That's the thing, it's not really as bad as you think I don't personally play FUT but my brother does and I watch him play sometimes and he tells me about how it is. He hasn't spent a penny on any packs or players and has just earned what the game has rewarded him and he finds it a blast, you know the whole taking a low level team and slowly building it vs people online. Also he has faced a lot of people who have bought players and such but they don't necessarily destroy or win every time. I think FIFA have made it so if your team chemistry isn't good you won't necessarily dominate just because you have slightly better players.

From whatl I've seen in FIFA I don't think micro transactions make a world of difference really and there will always be people who play without them. As I said previously maybe we will see something like this in the future when cricket is really big and the bradman game is established
That's the thing, it's not really as bad as you think I don't personally play FUT but my brother does and I watch him play sometimes and he tells me about how it is. He hasn't spent a penny on any packs or players and has just earned what the game has rewarded him and he finds it a blast, you know the whole taking a low level team and slowly building it vs people online. Also he has faced a lot of people who have bought players and such but they don't necessarily destroy or win every time. I think FIFA have made it so if your team chemistry isn't good you won't necessarily dominate just because you have slightly better players.

From whatl I've seen in FIFA I don't think micro transactions make a world of difference really and there will always be people who play without them. As I said previously maybe we will see something like this in the future when cricket is really big and the bradman game is established

Football and cricket are apples and oranges. In football "team chemistry" is one of the most important thing because all 11 players are on the field and are trying to co-ordinate to put the ball in your opponent's net. A Messi or a Ronaldo can't do much unless you get the ball to him. Football requires a lot of anticipation where you have to anticipate when your team-mate is about to make a run, or to play those 1-2 passes to beat the defense. "Team chemistry" can be used effectively to rein the team in.

Cricket OTOH is one of the most individualistic team sports. The only time you need to have any sort of anticipation and understanding with your team mate is when two batsmen are in the middle for taking quick singles or for converting 1s into 2s and 2s into 3s. Other than that it's all individual skills. Thus, team chemistry would not be the best means to balance the teams in cricket. It should be a moot point as micro-payments should not have any impact on the gameplay. If you want to pay for upgrading to a Kookaburra Kahuna bat , it should affect visuals and graphics only but you shouldn't be able to tonk the ball out of the park easily.
If you want to pay for upgrading to a Kookaburra Kahuna bat , it should affect visuals and graphics only but you shouldn't be able to tonk the ball out of the park easily.

TBH, I don't see a problem with this in single player. It's basically a cheat mode, and I think you SHOULD have to part with extra cash for that.
TBH, I don't see a problem with this in single player. It's basically a cheat mode, and I think you SHOULD have to part with extra cash for that.

I have no issues in a single player or offline mode. It's the multi-player or online mode I am more concerned about. I don't want someone to beat me online just because he/she spent $20 in upgrading the bat which hits the ball farther or a ball which swings lots more.
Football and cricket are apples and oranges. In football "team chemistry" is one of the most important thing because all 11 players are on the field and are trying to co-ordinate to put the ball in your opponent's net. A Messi or a Ronaldo can't do much unless you get the ball to him. Football requires a lot of anticipation where you have to anticipate when your team-mate is about to make a run, or to play those 1-2 passes to beat the defense. "Team chemistry" can be used effectively to rein the team in.

Cricket OTOH is one of the most individualistic team sports. The only time you need to have any sort of anticipation and understanding with your team mate is when two batsmen are in the middle for taking quick singles or for converting 1s into 2s and 2s into 3s. Other than that it's all individual skills. Thus, team chemistry would not be the best means to balance the teams in cricket. It should be a moot point as micro-payments should not have any impact on the gameplay. If you want to pay for upgrading to a Kookaburra Kahuna bat , it should affect visuals and graphics only but you shouldn't be able to tonk the ball out of the park easily.

Yeah I wasn't saying DBC should have team chemistry, I was just saying how FIFA balance the game out so it's not totally unfair on the people who don't pay2win. So as I've said a few times now I was just using FIFA as an example not saying DBC should copy completely or anything like that just the overall model of that mode/feature seems good
I don't want someone to beat me online just because he/she spent $20 in upgrading the bat which hits the ball farther or a ball which swings lots more.

Welcome to the world of modern day gaming. It's a blood thirsty bitch goddess that will suck you dry if it could.
That's what happens in most online games though. In online golf you pay for equipment to hit the ball further, more accurately etc.
That's what happens in most online games though. In online golf you pay for equipment to hit the ball further, more accurately etc.

The last tiger woods is the first in ages that you didn't have to. I believe it was tiger woods 13 that you had to spend ms points just to have more than 6 or so courses. Good old ea!
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