Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Norwich? I'm surprised you spelt everything correctly having feet for hands.

Ah, insulting someone based on where they are born. Always sums a person up quite well. Perhaps you could have made your point as to WHY you felt the thread was needed. Nah, why do that when a simple insult will do?!


Ouch! That hurt!....

lol, it most certainly did not.
G4AD - have you ever read The Football Factory? They weren't very complimentary about Norwich there either.

I will get a handle on the game on medium, then step up to hard/hardest relatively quickly. i prefer to learn on difficult - get all the stepping up out the way first.
G4AD - have you ever read The Football Factory? They weren't very complimentary about Norwich there either.

Most people aren't complimentary about things they are jealous of. We have countryside, moonshine, and cousins for wives. What more could you need?
Norwich is great, I spent a week there one day!!! Norfolk is a lovely place though, plenty of broads!
Ah, insulting someone based on where they are born. Always sums a person up quite well. Perhaps you could have made your point as to WHY you felt the thread was needed. Nah, why do that when a simple insult will do?!


lol, it most certainly did not.

You had a pop at me/my thread, so all being for equality in the world I had a dig back. Subject matter is irrelevant. A dig for a dig.

You do have Alan Partridge though so I can't slag Norwich/Norfolk off too much.

If you'd have asked a sensible question I'd have responded with a sensible answer. But, I don't need to explain myself and why I make a thread.
This thread would be better when we know the release date but I will go with it and say medium and see where I go from there.
PS Don't worry about G4AD he just needs a cricket game like the rest of us, I can't believe it's now November and still no cricket game.:noway
I will start off with a test match on a hardest level and try to play more overs to challenge AI. So that I will enjoy the game as much as I can rather than winning all the time.
So, we reach the first of November. The penultimate month it would appear, where the game of cat and mouse between Trickstar Games and Big Ant Gaming has progressed like a cycling Spring match, each watching every twitch and movement of the other, waiting for them to give away their tell. Will we see action today from Ashes 13 who started in front on the bottom of the course, or will the stalemate continue for another lap while we approach the EB Games World Premiere in store play session where it's expected to be the final point before the sprint ensues..
I think that AC13 did a Paula Radcliffe months ago!!
I will start off with a test match on a hardest level and try to play more overs to challenge AI. So that I will enjoy the game as much as I can rather than winning all the time.

If it was AC13 then i would have understood, but with a new control system why on earth you will jump in and play on the hardest mode? Just curious......

i will be playing on easy level to get myself use to the controls and then move to medium.
I always assume, being human, I'm better than the machine and will excel on the hardest mode..

Then I get slapped back to reality and tone the difficulty down..

5 restarts of a career mode and I'll finally settle on something.. :P
I would start in easy mode getting used to controls & get a 300 with Tindoolka! Then, will try hard mode and the career one ;)
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