Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I know ill get slated for this but I really can't see it being 2013. To go from announcement to release in around 4 weeks just doesn't sound plausible unless they plan to go in with next to no advertising. You would expect it to be in Decembers sport and cricket magazines which are already out. Factor in Christmas/new year and the next gen console releases and it just looks to congested. I would estimate the last Friday of Jan.
I know ill get slated for this but I really can't see it being 2013. To go from announcement to release in around 4 weeks just doesn't sound plausible unless they plan to go in with next to no advertising. You would expect it to be in Decembers sport and cricket magazines which are already out. Factor in Christmas/new year and the next gen console releases and it just looks to congested. I would estimate the last Friday of Jan.

Its been pointed out numerous times that this is precisely BigAnt's marketing strategy for their games.
I know ill get slated for this but I really can't see it being 2013. To go from announcement to release in around 4 weeks just doesn't sound plausible unless they plan to go in with next to no advertising. You would expect it to be in Decembers sport and cricket magazines which are already out. Factor in Christmas/new year and the next gen console releases and it just looks to congested. I would estimate the last Friday of Jan.

See 1 thing i will agree upon is, i can't see this game coming out this year either. I hope to be surprised and will welcome and earlier release.
With the month coming to an end, I expect the release date to be announced by friday. The game most probably will release at the start of this year's Big Bash league which is less than a month away. :clap:cheers
With the month coming to an end, I expect the release date to be announced by friday. The game most probably will release at the start of this year's Big Bash league which is less than a month away. :clap:cheers

Is there any rhyme or reason to it being released around the start of the Big Bash league? It's a fairly irrelevant slogfest only really cared about by some Aussies.

Is there any rhyme or reason to it being released around any particular date? I saw someone on here last week say that it was something like 80 years since Don Bradman's debut. But hardly anyone knows that, so why does it matter?
Yeah, the... Big Bash League; the most important cricket competition in Australia this winter...
20th December. But I highly doubt it has any bearing on the game.

Hmmmmm the day before is a Thursday when games generally release in Australia, would make sense to release the day before an aussie tournament.
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