Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I know it was a different dev but If I remember correctly once the steelbook was revealed for AFL Live 2 it wasn't long between it and release so fingers crossed. My bet off the top of my head it could possibly be a boxing day release, a big day on the Australian cricketing calendar and a big shopping day ( here in Aus anyway).

Hate to ruin the mood, but Ross hinted that he had an example of the case that he was going to take to the play session..

Of course, that could have been a proof version.. this one has a barcode on it! :D
Well, I've just placed my pre-order at EB Games. I'm a massive gamer but this is the first game I've ever actually pre-ordered. :)

I asked them how it is going and they said they've had a little bit of interest.

While I do understand the business case reasons and I certainly will accept if it is pushed back until next year. I really do hope it comes out this year.
Looking very good Ross, will be interesting to see if Tru Blu want a decent pre-order period of if they just go full throttle. If that is a final case then surely they would be going into prod now? Time will tell.
It is a final production case, put into a plastic bag so I can keep unit #01 in mint condition for myself.
The legend continues is an unbelievable tagline

seriously looking at this, there is no way that the Ashes Brand has a better licence then the Don Bradman name, im going to go out on a limb and say parents that are buying presents for there kids might be more inclined with Bradman than the ashes, due to their knowledge of the tradition!!


In saying that, I am also waiting for a release date before pre ordering tho...


It is a final production case, put into a plastic bag so I can keep unit #01 in mint condition for myself.

you deserve it brother
It is a final production case, put into a plastic bag so I can keep unit #01 in mint condition for myself.
Very good decision, and very nice to see the final production case :) On that basis we surely are not too far away. I am not 100% on the previous catalogue from BA but I suspect this will also be your best seller potentially?

Edit: Is this a special edition case, assuming as much. Any idea how many units you intend to ship?
Wow! That's all I can say, well not really, Ross give us the game and take our money

This is the only cricket game to buy, this year and going forward!!!

Ross, can we be sure now that you have agreed on a price with retailers?
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It is a final production case, put into a plastic bag so I can keep unit #01 in mint condition for myself.

I'll take number 5 ...or a signed copy by Tindoolka.
Sorry Ross but I want number one...sorry mate but you gota keep the customer can have it every second weekend and visit whenever you want. Chur
Seriously.... how good does this look!



Legends Never Dies ..... Looks Epic Sir
It is a final production case, put into a plastic bag so I can keep unit #01 in mint condition for myself.

It looks Fantastic Ross:thumbs,Just Promise not to unbox it and play until you release the game to us , or you will incurr our collective envy

Wish i was working at Bigant;)any positions open :wave
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It is heavy too, makes a real metal sound when you tap it - top quality finish too - I'm impressed with it, best box of any game I have ever been involved with.

Wow just been to an EB store and pre-ordered 5 copies (went with my mate's).. The Guy at the store informed that this was the 35th Copy pre-ordered today.. Perhaps sends a clear message that Ashes is in Ashes at the moment..
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