Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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But the dangers of releasing in the next few months are: the word about cancellation of trAshes would've been well settled, and DBC coming say, Feb or Mar, people might think its Ashes patched and with a different name, and still not buy it,,,by then the public will have learnt that both games are from Australia, which I didn't know all along, with that said it would seem a same game on different titles, where as if its released now, people will clearly be able to tell the difference, people have flocked into Australia for Ashes Cricket come holiday, make use of that, can't see any other time as advantageous as this, tourists + xmas = Massive sales for DBC14

By the time Australia tour South Africa Feb '14, that will revive the interest in it all over again to those who didn't know about it, this game will never flop, just release it and will sell thruogh out the year 2014, even what you want which is sales in the first week
There's the old adage that any advertising is good advertising and the iron is hot so now could be the time to strike... Be the saviour of cricket gaming to close out the year. We shall see.

I think this is a great time to release. You'll have to do a lot of "no we're not Ashes cricket" interviews but people will write about you.
Don't see how it's better to wait until everyone has forgotten about cricket gaming and then release.
Ride the wave Ashes Cricket has created and show how to do it properly.
I think this is a great time to release. You'll have to do a lot of "no we're not Ashes cricket" interviews but people will write about you.
Don't see how it's better to wait until everyone has forgotten about cricket gaming and then release.
Ride the wave Ashes Cricket has created and show how to do it properly.

I am 99.9% (okay...maybe 51% :p) sure thats what the Market Experts would tell Ross. Ross said he doesnt have the budget to educate the masses, well guess what, the masses will be educated for almost free here, as the very sites that wrote off Ashes Cricket 13 would be intrigued as to whether this is the same game that has been released again....they would do their research (or maybe just copy each other's research :p) and would know its not the same game and infact its a game that is getting rave previews/comments and gamers are excited about it. And we all know bloggers, gaming sites, article writers etc. would never want their research to go waste, and hence would definitely write about it :D!

Once that is done, there are already tons of videos on youtube for this game, and thus people who are doubtful would see how good the game is.
In my honest opinion DBC14 should have released before the Commonwealth Ashes series and also the nonsensical Ashes game.. We all knew the game was not gonna be good(turned out to be a disaster), and DBC14 was gonna be the better one.. So Releasing before it would have been the perfect move.. well it is just my opinion, im not a marketing expert or anything.. But im still sure that Ross and his team will make the right decision on when to release after this Ashes debacle..
I think this is a great time to release. You'll have to do a lot of "no we're not Ashes cricket" interviews but people will write about you.
Don't see how it's better to wait until everyone has forgotten about cricket gaming and then release.
Ride the wave Ashes Cricket has created and show how to do it properly.

That's pretty much what my advice would be if I was dropping my two cents. The negatives would be minimised by, as you say, a simple stock answer in an interview and letting the CLEARLY superior footage and gameplay features speak for themselves. Never been more eyes on cricket gaming, it's a tough hand to hold but might be a good time to lay it down...
Come on Ross, Be Brave...
We are with you, Release the game..
I have told my friends that,
DBC14 is coming in 2013:)

Come on everybody write in your signature that DBC14 is coming in 2013 and support Ross to release the game in 2013 :yes
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Come on Ross, Be Brave...
We are with you, Release the game..
I have told my friends that,
DBC14 is coming in 2013:)


I've heard if you write all of your post in the biggest font and bold, Ross will privately tell you the release date...
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