Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Big Ant said table top cricket would release early 2013, but obviously hasn't for whatever reason...

Big Any said that Don Bradman 14 will be released in 2013, and we are approaching the last month of 2013...

So far, empty promises...
^ FYI, it could still be 2013
Big Ant said table top cricket would release early 2013, but obviously hasn't for whatever reason...

Big Any said that Don Bradman 14 will be released in 2013, and we are approaching the last month of 2013...

So far, empty promises...

some how you are right ......:thumbs:yes
They wanted those games out in 2013 it just didnt happen, life goes on. Roll on 2014.:D
I don't see why you wouldn't use the publicity created unless you weren't ready to release. I don't buy the toxic brand thing. Doesn't take much to show clear differentiation between products.

Ross has reported that games industry people have already confused the two and DBC screenshots have been posted identified as Ashes 13.

There's an overwhelming public perception now that there is a deadly shite cricket game out there, carried by sites that wouldn't have bothered reporting if the game had been good.

I don't know if it's reasonable to expect that they could make much of a dent in that perception without a major marketing push, or good fortune.

I mean, maybe DBC can somehow manage to ride triumphantly into the public consciousness on the crest of this giant tidal wave of shite that Ashes 13 has created, but I'm not sure if this is the likeliest scenario.
Certainly possible. I don't see why you wouldn't use the publicity created unless you weren't ready to release. I don't buy the toxic brand thing. Doesn't take much to show clear differentiation between products.

Its what ive been saying for ages but no one believed me. The idea that seemingly everything wrong at the playtest was due to a patch not being applied just doesnt add up. It was just a good way of bug testing the general public. Big Ant have been reactive rather than proactive the whole time and have allowed an awful product to stink them out too.
The more I think about it, the more it makes sense to release this Early 2014, when the dust has settled from AC2013.. Its global headlines that the worst thing ever made recently has just been a cricket game.. I just hope Ross tells us this is the plan as soon as he knows it..

I hope Mike Fegan sees all of the vitriol and ridicule put forth his way and has a quiet word with himself
The more I think about it, the more it makes sense to release this Early 2014, when the dust has settled from AC2013.. Its global headlines that the worst thing ever made recently has just been a cricket game.. I just hope Ross tells us this is the plan as soon as he knows it..

I hope Mike Fegan sees all of the vitriol and ridicule put forth his way and has a quiet word with himself

Don't buy the idea at all! Surely all the negative hype of the AC13 will tarnish the reputation of any cricket game being in the market let alone DBC. In the hype of Next Gen consoles and AC13 debacle it has led to lot of confusion and impacted the marketing strategies of Bigant.

It is a waiting for all of us, lets just see what happens.
Certainly possible. I don't see why you wouldn't use the publicity created unless you weren't ready to release. I don't buy the toxic brand thing. Doesn't take much to show clear differentiation between products.

That's what my head is telling me, feels slightly convenient that ashes game has become a smoke screen.

If BA cricket was ready to go it would be out, once the ashes is over in a few weeks no one is gonna give a monkeys about a cricket game in the uk, the time to release has already been and gone IMO
Don't buy the idea at all! Surely all the negative hype of the AC13 will tarnish the reputation of any cricket game being in the market let alone DBC. In the hype of Next Gen consoles and AC13 debacle it has led to lot of confusion and impacted the marketing strategies of Bigant.

It is a waiting for all of us, lets just see what happens.

Well yeah, DBC should therefore wait until the dust settles and people have stopped talking about AC13


That's what my head is telling me, feels slightly convenient that ashes game has become a smoke screen.

If BA cricket was ready to go it would be out, once the ashes is over in a few weeks no one is gonna give a monkeys about a cricket game in the uk, the time to release has already been and gone IMO

Yeah this is a worrying theory.. After all, we were promised great things by the very people who came up with the AC13 debacle..
That's what my head is telling me, feels slightly convenient that ashes game has become a smoke screen.

If BA cricket was ready to go it would be out, once the ashes is over in a few weeks no one is gonna give a monkeys about a cricket game in the uk, the time to release has already been and gone IMO

Spot on, they talk about the sustainability of the brand but they will need to sell lots of this before they can get ahead of themselves. The Ashes is THE event for both uk and aus markets and it looks like theyll miss it, plus next gen. Odd decision.

Theres picking your moment and theres missing the missing it.
Well yeah, DBC should therefore wait until the dust settles and people have stopped talking about AC13


Yeah this is a worrying theory.. After all, we were promised great things by the very people who came up with the AC13 debacle..
Ashes promised but they didn't show anything.

BA have promised and shown the game before you make your purchase.

You surely cant compare them
Theres picking your moment and theres missing the missing it.

That's a fairly simplified view of the situation. I Think there's a lot of things at play but I would absolutely say cricket and games have never been more prominent. If Matts video of madness unfolding in Ashes can get to 150,000 views on YouTube imagine what a really good "Features List" video would do, showcasing the massive roll call of things in DBC14.

Do you think that potentially Ross has used the ashes stuff as a good excuse to delay his game as he knew something is not quite right with his game?

Not saying he has or hasn't, just it could have helped him right out of a hole if he was struggling to release this year as originally planned.

I don't think it's quite like that, but the negative reaction from the general public as well as the reaction here would absolutely given him pause. "What if we've missed something?" would be playing on his mind, he doesn't strike me as the kinda guy to not be sure he has his i's dotted, you know?

Maybe the extra time "given" by the Ashes fallout is a convenient excuse to shove the date a little to double-down on bug catching and game polishing?

I haven't always been totally convinced of 'the game is ready to go whenever' but I am totally convinced it's been a superior product all along. I think the caution comes more now from wanting to be absolutely certain there's nothing major they've missed.

Don't you think that there is only so much advertising or so many things you can do to make a cricket game a success?

This game has shit loads of features, great for us yes but in reality I don't think that is really gonna be the key factor in this sales of this game, cricket games just won't be a success to me no matter how much gold dust you sprinkle on them

All Ashes 13 had to do if they owned the rights to ic10was update the roster and add online play that worked then Ashes would totally have blown ba out the water.

Competitive and fair online play is the key for me, and I'll put a good few hours in, otherwise I'm sure all the features will soon bore me.
That's a fairly simplified view of the situation. I Think there's a lot of things at play but I would absolutely say cricket and games have never been more prominent. If Matts video of madness unfolding in Ashes can get to 150,000 views on YouTube imagine what a really good "Features List" video would do, showcasing the massive roll call of things in DBC14.

I don't think it's quite like that, but the negative reaction from the general public as well as the reaction here would absolutely given him pause. "What if we've missed something?" would be playing on his mind, he doesn't strike me as the kinda guy to not be sure he has his i's dotted, you know?

Maybe the extra time "given" by the Ashes fallout is a convenient excuse to shove the date a little to double-down on bug catching and game polishing?

I haven't always been totally convinced of 'the game is ready to go whenever' but I am totally convinced it's been a superior product all along. I think the caution comes more now from wanting to be absolutely certain there's nothing major they've missed.

That makes sense
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